Links to Some Commentaries on Works by Heidegger

Summary of The Origin of the Work of Art

Understanding Heidegger's The Origin of the Work of Art

Heidegger's Philosophy of Art

Heidegger's Aesthetics

The Origin of the Work of Art

Building Dwelling Thinking

Building Dwelling Thinking (Concretizing H's Notion of "Dwelling")

"The Question Concerning Technology"

Overview etc. re.: "The Question Concerning Technology"

"The Thing" (find via table of contents)

Van Gogh's Shoes Painting (reflected upon in "The Thing")

What Is a Thing by Heidegger

Article on Heidegger's Thought in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Concept of "Earth" (includes discussion of The Thing)

Martin Heidegger (1889-1976)

Extensive Overview

Benjamin and Heidegger