Courtly Love Lyrics from the European High Middle Ages
(Troubadour, Trobaritz, Trouvère, Minnesäng, Stil Nuovo)

Troubadour and Trobaritz

Arnaut Daniel
Anc ieu non l'aic, mas elha m'a (I don't hold it, but it holds me)
Lo ferm voler qu'el cor m'intra (The firm will that enters my heart)
Quan chai la fuelha (When the leaf sings)
Lancan vei fueill'e flor e frug (When I see leaves and flowers and fruit)

Guilhen de Peiteu
Companho, farai un vers qu'er covinen (Comrades, I shall write a fitting poem)
Farai un vers de dreit nien (I'll wwrite a verse about nothing at all)
Ab la douzor del temps novel (For the sweetness of springtime)
Compagno, non puesc mudar qu'eo no m'effrei (Comrades, I don't know where to turn)

Jaufre Rudel
Quan lo rossinhols el folhos (When the nightingale in the woods)
Lanquan lo temps renovelha (When the season renews itself)
Quan lo rius de la fontana (When the rill of the fountain)
Qui non sap esser chantaire (Those who can't sing)

La Comtessa de Dia
A chantar m'er (I am obliged to sing) - scroll to page 4
Estat ai en greu cossirier (I am full of desire) - scroll to page 3
Ab ioi et ab ioven m'apais (I  feed on joy and youthfulness) - scroll to page 7


Blondel de Nesle, "Se savoient mon tourment" ("If those who wonder")
Gace de Brulé "Lew oiseillons" ("The little birds")
Thibaut de Champagne, "Tuit mes desire" ("All my desires")
Colin Muset, "En mai" ("In May")


Hartmann von Aue, "Ich var mit iuwern" ("I go with your good grace")
Walther von der Vogelweide, "Under der linden" ("Under the lime tree")
Wolfram von Eschenbach, "Sine klâwen" ("Its claws")
Neidhart von Reuental, "Fröut iuch" ("Young and old")

Dolce Stil Nuovo

Giacomo da Lentino, "Chi non avesse" ("A man who has never seen")
Guittone D'Arezzo, "Dolcezza alcuna" ("No sweetness")
Guido Cavalcanti, "Veggio negli occhi" ("I see in the eyes")
Dante Alighieri, "Amore e 'l cor gentil" ("Love and the gentle heart")