Group Memberships and Assignments, and Individual Assignments


Group Memberships  (see  lists of members  in Moodle)



    Assignments (group and individual)


May 24: Introduce yourself to the class (in the appropriate discussion space).

May 25: Post your statement on what you think the period of the Middle Ages was about in "Assumptions" discussion space (no attachments).

May 28: Post as individual (not with your group) Capellanus volume interpretive analysis and commentary (no attachments). Do not post, however, until reading the material at this and connected links:; the relevant pages in The Art of Courtly Love include the entire Introduction and pp. 27-36, 68-83, 107-41, 151-212. 

June 2: Individual responses to at least three of the medieval lyrics provided, including an analysis of at least one of them (no attachments). <> 

June 3: Group work on Ywain should begin now or sooner. 

June 7: Group questions on Ywain due today, before midnight (no attachments).

June 10: Group answers to Ywain questions due (no attachments).

June 10: Group work
on the Lais of Marie de France should begin now or sooner. 

June 14: Group questions on the Lais of Marie de France due today, before midnight (no attachments). 

June 15: Upload in appropriate place a Word attachment containing your Annotated Bibliography before midnight. 

June 17:
Group answers on the Lais of Marie de France due today, before midnight (no attachments).

June 21: Group questions on the Romance of the Rose due today, before midnight (no attachments).

June 22: Upload in appropriate place a Word attachment containing your Term Paper Announcement today.

June 24:
Group answers on the Romance of the Rose due today, before midnight (no attachments). 

June 28:
Group questions on the Sir Gawain and the Green Knight due today, before midnight (no attachments).

July 1: Group answers on the Sir Gawain and the Green Knight due today, before midnight (no attachments).

July 5:
Group questions on the Troilus and Criseyde due today, before midnight (no attachments).

July 8: Group answers on the Troilus and Criseyde due today, before midnight (no attachments). 

July 10: Upload in appropriate place a Word attachment containing your eight best posts to the class.

July 10: Upload in appropriate place a Word attachment containing your Term Paper before midnight. 

July 10: Upload in appropriate place a Word attachment containing your Final Exam before midnight. 

    Group Work 

Below please find the group assignments for the course. If you scroll down in Moodle and click on Group Study Discussion
Space you will see you are in a group. Please click on the group name (for example, "Group 1") and post a message introducing
yourself to the rest of the group. Group members must organize themselves in order to carry out the group assignments (see the
schedule of due dates below and also see the course website but especially the subsidiary page there called "Introduction"
--this page is also available from the course homepage in Moodle).
Group Assignments

Group 1: Pages 1-26
Group 2: Pages 26-56
Group 3: Pages 56-80
Group 4: Pages 8--113
Lais of Marie de France<>

Group 1: Lais 1-3
Group 2: Lais 4-6
Group 3: Lais 7-9
Group 4: Lais 10-12
Romance of the Rose

Group 1: Pages 3-42 (i.e. through the Spring of Narcissus)
Group 2: Pages 43-58 (Hope and Despair up to line 3815)), and 134-38 
               (Advice of Friend, lines 8687-9009)
Group 3: Pages 259-99 (Nature’s Confession)
Group 4: Pages 300-35 (Sermon of Genius and Conquest of the Rose)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Group 1: Part 1
Group 2: Part 2
Group 3: Part 3
Group 4: Part 4
Troilus and Criseyde
Group 1: Books 1 and 4
Group 2: Book 2
Group 3: Book 3
Group 4: Book 5