Teaching Awards and Grants


·       University award for Excellence in Teaching at NJIT in the category “Excellence in Upper Division Instruction by a University Lecturer, Senior University Lecturer and/or Program Directors”, AY 2021-2022 .


·       CSLA Excellence in Teaching award at NJIT in the category “Excellence in Instruction by a University Lecturer ”, 2022 .

·       University Award for Excellence in Teaching at NJIT in the category “Excellence in Instruction by an Adjunct Professor”, AY 2012-2013 .


·          Introducing Engineering Information Literacy course for undergraduate Engineering students,  Engineering Information Foundation, PIs: Mohamad Musavi, Padma Natarajan, and Lois Nase.



·       Introducing technology based interactive learning and assessment in an undergraduate engineering course, IT Faculty Technology Stipend,  PIs: Padma Natarajan and Mohamad Musavi.