Manifold Learning Based Sparse Representation for Image classification

    1. Introduction

    Image classification is a challenging topic in the computer vision and machine learning research areas due to the complexity of different visual elements in images and the difficulty to correctly understand the semantics of images.
    The figure below shows a general image classification framework which contains three major steps.
    (i) Feature extraction
    (ii) Feature enhancement
    (iii) Classification

    Figure: A general image classification framework.

    2. Sparse Coding

    3. Manifold Learning Based Discriminative Sparse Representation

    Derive learning method by integrating:
    (i) Complete MFA (Marginal Fisher Analysis)
    Analyze both column space and null space of within-class scatter matrix
    (ii) Discriminative Sparse Representation Model
    Fuse sparse representation criterion and discriminative criterion -> To further improve discriminative ability

    4. Experiments

    Datasets Used

    Figure: Some example images from both datasets are shown below.

    (i) Computational Art Painting Categorization (Artist and Scene Classification)

    Table: Comparison between the proposed method and other popular learning methods
    on the Paintings-91 dataset.

    (ii) Scene Recognition

    Table: Comparison between the proposed method and other popular learning
    methods on the 15 Scenes and MIT-67 datasets (scene recognition).

    (iii) Object Recognition

    Table: Comparison between the proposed method and other popular learning methods on the CalTech 101 and CalTech 256 datasets (object recognition).

    (iv) Face Recognition

    Table: Comparison between the proposed method and other popular learning
    methods on the AR Face and Extended Yale B datasets (face recognition).

    t-SNE Visualization

    Image: The t-SNE visualization of the initial input features and the features extracted after applying the proposed CMFA-SR method for different data sets.

    Evaluation of the Size of the Training Data

    Image: The performance of the proposed method when the size of the training
    data varies on (a) Caltech 101 data set (b) 15 Scenes data set.


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