Published Books By

Alok Chakrabarti

Martin Neil Baily and Alok K. Chakrabarti : Innovation and the Productivity Crisis
Washington DC: Brookings Institution 1988.

 This book was reviewed favorably in the following major publications:
Science, June 3 1988.
New York Times Business Section, June 15 1988.
Issues in Science & Technology, (published by the National Academy of Sciences) October 1988.
Wall Street Journal, January 11 1989.
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, February 1989

This book was chosen as one of the selected readings by the MIT Commission on Industrial Productivity in its publication, Made in America, MIT Press 1989.

 2. L. G. Tornatzky, M. Fleischer, A. K. Chakrabarti, W. A. Hetzner, J. D. Eveland The Process of Technological Innovation Ballinger: Lexington Mass, 1990.

3. Klaus Brockhoff, Alok K. Chakrabarti, and Juergen Hauschildt (editors)- The Dynamics of Innovation: Strategic and Managerial Implications,  Springer Verlag: Berlin 1999


 Scillitoe, J.L. and Chakrabarti, A.K.  2005. Sources of Social Capital Within Technology Incubators.  In  T.R. Anderson, T.U. Daim, and D.F. Kocaoglu (eds) Technology Management:  A Unifying Discipline for Melting the Boundaries.  PICMET:  Portland, OR. pp. 423-432.  (this paper was recognized as a leading paper in the technological entrepreneurship field for 2005 at the 2005 PICMET Conference)

Chakrabarti, Alok. K., Rice, Mark P., Changing Roles of Universities in Developing Entrepreneurial Regions - The Case of Finland and the US. In: Albers,
Soenke, Edt., Cross-functional Innovation Management. Perspectives from different disciplines. Wiesbaden (Gabler Verlag) 2004, pp. 453-468.

 Alok K. Chakrabarti, “Universities as sources of technologies and problems of interface” in Winfred Hamel and Hans Georg Gemünden (Editors) “Außergewöhnliche Entscheidungen” Munich: Verlag Franz Vahlen 2001 pp 497-512

Paul Bierly and Alok Chakrabarti, "Managing through industry fusion"  in Klaus Brockhoff, Alok K. Chakrabarti, and Juergen Hauschildt (editors)- The Dynamics of Innovation: Strategic and Managerial Implications,  Springer Verlag: Berlin 1999 pp 7-26

Eric Kessler and Alok Chakrabarti, "Concurrent development and product innovations" in Klaus Brockhoff, Alok K. Chakrabarti, and Juergen Hauschildt (editors)- The Dynamics of Innovation: Strategic and Managerial Implications,  Springer Verlag: Berlin 1999 pp282-299

Alok Chakrabarti, "Productivity" in Richard C. Dorf (ed) Handbook of Technology Management, Boca Raton: CRC Publishing Co. 1998

 Klaus Brockhoff, Alok Chakrabarti, Juergen Hauschildt , and Alan Pearson: "Interface management" in Gus Gaynor (ed) Handbook of technology Management, New York: McGraw Hill Book, 1995

Alok K. Chakrabarti and Nopphdol Eakabuse: "Technology, Competitive Strategy" in John J. McKetta (Executive Editor) Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design" New York: Marcel Dekker Inc. 1996 Vol. 56 pp. 452-466

Alok K. Chakrabarti: "Information technology in R & D in global business" in P. Candace Deans and Kirk R. Karwan (eds) Global Information Systems and Technology: Focus on the Theory and its Functional Areas, Harrisburg, PA: Idea Group Publishers 1993 pp. 361-374

Alok K. Chakrabarti: "Economics of technical change" in Ruth A. Eblen and William R. Eblen (eds) The Encyclopedia of the Environment Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1994 pp 183-184

Alok K. Chakrabarti:"The stakes in combining companies" in Milton L. Rock , Robert H. Rock and Martin Sikora (eds) Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook New York: McGraw Hill 1993 pp. 405-407

Alok K. Chakrabarti and Michael R. Halperin:"Technical performance and firm size : Analysis of patents and publications of U.S. firms" in Innovation and Technological Change, Edited by David Audretsch and Zoltan Acs. Cambridge: Simon Schuster International, 1991

John J. Clark, Alok K. Chakrabarti, and Thomas Chiang: "Stock prices and merger movements : An interactive analysis" inMergers and Acquisitions Edited by Gregory P. Marchildon. One in the series International Library of Critical Writings in Business History, Edited by Geoffrey Jones, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited 1991 pp. 554-568

Alok K. Chakrabarti and Richard W. Schneider: "A Prognosticative approach to conflict management in interdisciplinary research in universities in International Research Management , Edited by Philip Birnbaum, Frederick Rossini and Donald Baldwin. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1990 pp73-80

John J. Clark, Alok K. Chakrabarti, Thomas Chiang and Gerry Olsen: "Merger Movements in the U.S." in Perspectives in Corporate Takeover, Edited by Thomas Kopp. Albany: University Press of America, 1989

Alok K. Chakrabarti: "Managing High Technology R&D" in - High Technology Management : Interdisciplinary Perspective. Edited by Brian W. Mar, William T. Newell and Bjorn. O.Saxberg. New York: North Holland Elsevier, 1985 pp. 7-12

Alok K. Chakrabarti and Jerry Wind "International Technology : Implications for Global Competitiveness and Cooperation" in International Marketing Cooperation. Edited by Ricardo Varaldo. Pisa: ETS Editrice 1985

Alok K. Chakrabarti:"Managing Acquisitions : Behavioral Components" in Business Strategies for Mergers & Acquisitions, by John J. Clark; Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall 1984 pp. 129-138

W. E. Souder and Alok K. Chakrabarti: ManagingCoordination between R&D and Marketing: A Review" in TIMS Special Studies on R&D Management. Edited by Burton V. Dean & Joel D. Goldhar. New York: North Holland, 1980

Alok K. Chakrabarti: "Marketing of Information Services: Some Strategic Considerations in Channel Selection" in Marketing of Scientific & Technical Information. Edited by William.R. King and Gerald Zaltman. Boulder: Westview Press, 1979 pp. 153-160

A. H. Rubenstein, A.K. Chakrabarti, R. D. O'Keefe, W. E. Souder, and H. C. Young "Factors Affecting Technological Innovation" in Progress in Studies on Technological Innovation. Edited by Henry R. Clauser. Westport: Technomic Publishing, 1975

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