Electronic Creative Writing

MMU Beta lecture 27 February 2006
Chris Funkhouser (http://web.njit.edu/~funkhous)


Text generation / manipulation / processing

Your Personal Poet http://web.njit.edu/~funkhous/2005/403/POET.zip

Leevi Lehto, "Google Poetry Generator" http://www.leevilehto.net/google/google.asp

(see also Googlism)

TRAVESTY http://www.eskimo.com/~rstarr/poormfa/travesty.html

Charles O. Hartman, "MacProse" (for Mac only) http://cherry.conncoll.edu/cohar/Programs.htm


Graphical works (static and kinetic)

mIEKAL aND, "Mesostics for Dick Higgins" http://www.cla.umn.edu/joglars/mesostics/index.html

Jim Andrews, VISPO http://www.vispo.com/A/index.html

Arteroids 2.5 (game) http://www.vispo.com/arteroids/arteroids.htm

Giselle Beiguelman http://www.desvirtual.com/portfolio.htm

Recycled http://www.desvirtual.com/recycled/

Augusto de Campos from Não Poemas (CD-ROM)

Loss Pequeño Glazier, "COG"

Richard Kostelanetz from Kinetic Writings (CD-ROM)

Maria Mencia, "Birds Singing Other Birds Songs" http://www.m.mencia.freeuk.com/birdsfla/skymove.swf

Brian Kim Stefans, "The Dreamlife of Letters" http://www.ubu.com/contemp/stefans/dream



Michael Joyce, Twelve Blue http://www.eastgate.com/TwelveBlue/Twelve_Blue.html

Aya Karpinska, "The Arrival of the beeBox" http://www.technekai.com/box/index.html

Diana Reed Slattery, AlphaWeb http://iat.ubalt.edu/guests/alphaweb/

Stephanie Strickland, "The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot" http://wordcircuits.com/gallery/sandsoot/


L e c t u r e

More keywords: Julio Cortázar, hypertext, cybertext, Espen Aarseth, feedback, Concrete poetry, Electronic Poetry Center, Eastgate Systems, videopoetry, John Cayley.

For more works of Digital Poetry, see course syllabus at http://web.njit.edu/~funkhous/2005/403