Intermediate Differential Equations: Dynamical Systems

                Math473 & Math573 - Fall 2016

    Projects : partial list of topics


    Neuronal oscillations (calcium & potassium currents)

      Morris-Lecar model (type I, SNIC bifurcation)

      Morris-Lecar model (type II, Hopf bifurcation)

    Neuronal signalling (sodium and potassium currents)

      Reduced Hodgkin-Huxley model I (Hopf bifurcation)

      Reduced Hodgkin-Huxley model II (Hopf bifurcation)

      Reduced Hodgkin-Huxley model III (SNIC bifurcation)

    Chemical oscillations (Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction)


      Modified Oregonator


    Glycolytic oscillations (ATP & ADP)

      Selkov model

      Reduced Goldbeter-Lefever model

      Modified Goldbeter-Lefever model

    Circadian oscillations

      Tyson-Novak model

      Modified Tyson-Novak model (Kim et al.)

    Genetic oscillations

      Repressor model I

      Repressor model II

    Business cycles

      Kaldor model




    Department of Mathematical Sciences(DMS).

    New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT).

    Last modified: Wed Sep 28 00:51:18 EDT 2011