Whether you are 9 or 90, there's a good chance there has
been an unforgettable teacher in your life. Maybe it was the third-grade
teacher who demystified the multiplication tables, or the professor who taught you
comparative literature. Maybe it was your dad, who made sure you knew how to
drive a stick shift. Maybe it was the physical therapist who literally helped
you get back on your feet.
In "New Jersey at Is Best," a special issue on
Nov. 18, we will publish a collection of short essays about unforgettable
teachers. Contributions, 300 words or less, can be sent by email to teach@nytimes.com or by mail to
TEACH c/o New Jersey Weekly, The New York Times, 229 West
43rd Street, New York, NY 10036.
Please include a daytime phone number. Also, please indicate
if you and your teacher are available to be photographed, or if you have a photograph
you can lend for publication. The deadline is Oct. 28.
Lynn Murison
Outreach Administrator, IEEE Educational Activities
ph: 1.732.562.6526