The IEEE Newsletter  
A Publication of the IEEE North
Jersey Section


October 2002 Newsletter


Newsletter Information

North Jersey Section Activities

NJ Consultants' Network: Using Visual Programming Languages for Data Acquisition and Hardware Interfaces

Proposed Slate of Officers for the 2003 IEEE North Jersey Section

Congratulations to Our New Senior Members

Conference Rooms Needed!

NJ EDS, C&S Chapters: Requirements for High Performance RF/UHF ICs and Possible Solutions

NJ Section PACE: Manpower Issues

PES/IAS: National Electric Code and Uniform Construction Code Updates

2004 IEEE Fellow Nominations

NJ Computer Chapter: Future Chapter Activities

NJ Computer Chapter: Introduction to Context Aware Computing

NJ Communications Society: Semantic Information Processing of Spoken Language - How May I Help You? (sm)

North Jersey Student Activities Committee and GOLD Seek Volunteers and Speakers

Advance to Senior Member Grade

Member-Get-A-Member Program

Protective System Relaying Seminar

Registration:  Protective Relaying Seminar,  11/22/2002

Princeton/Central Jersey IEEE MTT/ED/AP Chapter Meeting

WITI at ITEC's Massachusetts Technology Showcase: Next Stop, Boston

Symposium on Information Security and Assurance


Back Issues

IEEE North Jersey Section








Newsletter Information


October 2002
Volume 49, Number 4

Publication No: USPS 580-500

"The IEEE Newsletter" (North Jersey Section), is published monthly except June and July by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Headquarters: 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10016-5997. $1.00 per member per year (included in annual dues) for each member of the North Jersey Section. Periodicals-class postage paid at New York, NY and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster send address changes to: "The IEEE Newsletter", 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331. USPS 580-500 (ISSN 1076-3732).



Editor: Keith Saracinello
Business Manager: Theresa Saracinello

Deadline for receipt of material is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication. All communications concerning editorial and business matters, including advertising, should be sent to the Business Manager via e-mail at or to The IEEE Newsletter, c/o Keith Saracinello, 25 Messenger Ln, Ringoes, NJ 08551, (908) 791-4067.



IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, (732) 981-0060. It is not necessary to inform the North Jersey Section when you change your mailing address. "The IEEE Newsletter" and other section mailings use a list provided by IEEE's national headquarters.


Chairman: Dr. Nirwan Ansari, (973) 596-3670
Vice-Chairman-1: Rodney Cole, (973) 299-9022 Ext. 2257
Vice-Chairman-2: Har Dayal,
Treasurer: Durga Misra, (973) 596-5739
Secretary: Wayne Owens, (201) 767-3400, ext. 226


Bhanu Chivakula (
Naz Simonelli (
Dr. Richard Snyder (

The North Jersey Section Executive Committee usually meets the first Wednesday (except holidays and December) of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are open to all members. For information on meeting agenda contact Secretary Wayne Owens at (201) 767-3400, ext. 226, or


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IEEE North Jersey Section Activities
October 2002


Oct.2-"NJ Section Executive Committee Meeting" - 7:00 PM, ITT, 100 Kingsland Rd, Clifton, NJ.  Wayne Owens at (201) 767-3400 ext. 226 or


Oct. 2-Dec. 18-"JAVA Programming" - North Jersey Section, Wednesday Evenings, 10 sessions, 6:30-9:00 PM, Ramada Inn Clifton, 265 Route 3 East, Clifton, NJ.  Bhanu Chivakula at


Oct. 3-"2002 MTT/AP Symposium and Mini-Show" - MTT-S/AP-S Chapter, 9:15AM - 5:45PM, Radisson Hotel Fairfield, 690 Route 46 East, Fairfield, NJ.  Kirit Dixit (201) 400-2313, Willie Schmidt (973) 492-0371, Har Dayal (973) 633-4618, or George Kannell (973) 386-4170.


Oct. 8-"Research in Nanofabrication at the Cornell Nanofabrication Facility" - MTT-S/AP-S Chapter, 7:00PM - 8:30PM, Sarnoff Corp. Auditorium, Entrance is left of main entrance, off Washington Road, West Windsor, NJ. Walter Curtice,, (215) 369-0193.


Oct. 9-"Manpower Issues" - NJ PACE, 6:30 - 8:30 PM, Clifton Memorial Library, 292 Piaget Ave, Clifton, NJ.  Richard F. Tax, (201) 664-6954,


Oct. 9-10-"WITI (Women in Technology International), 9:00AM-5:00PM, J. B. Hynes Veteran Memorial Convention Center, Boston, MA.  For program and registration information, go to: or call (800) 334-9484.


Oct. 10-"Requirements for High Performance RF/UHF ICs and Possible Solutions" - EDS/C&S Chapters, 7:00PM (buffet at 6:15PM), NJIT, 202 ECE Center, Newark, NJ.  Dr. Richard Snyder (973) 492-1207, Dr. Durga Misra (973) 596-5739 (, or Dr. Edip Niver  (973) 596-3542.


Oct. 17-"National Electric Code and Uniform Construction Code Updates" - NJ IAS/PES Chapters, 7:00PM, PSE&G Training Center, Edison, NJ.  Ken Oexle (973) 386-1156.


Oct. 17-"Future Chapter Activities" - NJ Computer Chapter, 7:00 PM, Conference Meeting Room, Morris County Library, 30 E. Hanover Ave, Whippany, NJ.  Howard Leach (908) 255-1634 or


Oct. 18-"Power Transfer Switch Seminar" - NJ IAS/PES Chapters, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Automatic Switch Company, 50 Hanover Road, Florham Park, NJ. Vittal Rebbapragada (609) 720-3209 (


Oct. 22-24-"Symposium on Information Security and Assurance - Guarding Your Business: An Architecture for Security", Howe Center, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ.  See or contact Professor Ted Stohr, Howe School of Technology Management,, (201) 216-8915.


Oct. 24-"Using Visual Programming Languages for Data Acquisition and Hardware Programming" - NJ Consultants' Network, 7:30 PM, KDI Triangle, 60 S. Jefferson Rd, Whippany, NJ.  Robert Walker (973) 728-0344 or


Upcoming Meetings


Nov. 6-"NJ Section Executive Committee Meeting" - 7:00 PM, ITT, 100 Kingsland Rd, Clifton, NJ.  Wayne Owens at (201) 767-3400 ext. 226 or


Nov. 6-"Semantic Information Processing of Spoken Language - How May I Help You? (sm)" - NJ Communications Chapter, 11:30 AM, NJIT, 202 ECE Center, Newark, NJ.  Dr. Nirwan Ansari (973) 596-3670 (, Amit Patel (  Please check for the latest updates.


Nov. 6-"Introduction to Context Aware Computing" - NJ Computer Chapter, 7:00 PM, Public Meeting Room, Morris County Library, 30 E. Hanover Ave, Whippany, NJ.  Howard Leach (908) 255-1634 or


Nov. 22-"Protective System Relaying Seminar" - NJ IAS/PES Chapters, 9:00AM - 3:00PM, Jersey Central Power and Light Headquarters Building, 300 Madison Ave, Morristown, NJ.  R. Vittal Rebbapragada (609) 720-3209 or via e-mail at


Mar. 15-2004 IEEE Fellow Nominations Due.


Members and Non-Members Welcome


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NJ Consultants' Network:

Using Visual Programming Languages for Data Acquisition and Hardware Interfaces


On Thursday evening, October 24th, IEEE Consultants' Network of Northern NJ will hold its monthly general meeting, featuring a presentation by William Koch of Kochworx, Ltd. and Walter Heger entitled "Using Visual Programming Languages for Data Acquisition and Hardware Programming."


About the Talk


Component designers are often required to provide a demo interface or test harness for the hardware components they design.  Using Visual Programming tools, such as Microsoft Visual Basic, a designer can quickly create an interface to visually model or control these components.  William Koch will share his experience with Microsoft programming tools and his insights during the presentation.  Walter Heger will discuss programming in C++, C#, COM/OLE and Java.


Some of the topics Mr. Koch and Mr. Heger will address include:


* Building hardware interfaces with Visual Basic

* Creating virtual control panels

* Component control over RS-232 and other interfaces

* Future directions for visual development tools


About the Speakers


William Koch of Kochworx, Ltd. ( is a Software Engineer with over 15 years of industry experience, catering to Telecommunications, Pharmaceutical, Financial, Banking, Transportation, Consulting, Accounting and Insurance industries.  William has been developing solutions for business using Microsoft visual development tools since 1993.  William may be contacted at


Walter Heger ( consult.htm) has over 18 years of Software Development experience working at General Electric Advanced Electrical Systems, Raytheon, and MIT Lincoln Labs.  Currently, Walter is implementing algorithms in statistics and Stochastic Differential Equations.


All Welcome!


You do not have to be a member of the IEEE or of the Consultants' Network to attend.  Networking after the meeting is encouraged.  There is no charge for admission.  Bring your friends.


Time:  7:30 PM, Thursday, October 24, 2002.


Place:  KDI Triangle, 60 S. Jefferson Rd, Whippany, NJ.


Information:  For directions and up-to-date meeting status, call Robert Walker (973) 728-0344 or visit our website at  To download a map to KDI, go to:


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Proposed Slate of Officers for the 2003 IEEE North Jersey Section


Chair:  Dr. Durga Misra

1st Vice-Chair:  Rodney Cole

2nd Vice-Chair:  Har Dayal

Treasurer:  Ted Byrne

Secretary:  Vittal Rebbapragada


Bhanu Chivakula

Naz Simonelli

Dr. Richard Snyder


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Congratulations to Our New Senior Members



February 2002


Sweldens, Wim

Zeger, Linda M.

Zhu, Yu


March 2002


Chen, Yisong

Kinget, Peter R.

Mastrapasqua, Marco


May 2002


Ghosh, Sumit

Ho, Tin Kam

Reibman, Amy

Widjaja, Indra


June 2002


Michalopoulou, Zoe-Helen


August 2002


Brender, David T.

Testagrossa, Paul A.


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Conference Rooms Needed!


The North Jersey Section (Education Committee) is looking for conference room facilities to hold their training seminars.  The seminars are being held on one weeknight from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM.  In lieu of providing the conference facility for free, the organization can get free registration up to three members in the course/seminar.  Please contact Bhanu Chivakula, Co-chair, Education Committee at mailto:b.chivakula@computer .org for suggestions or discussions, if interested.


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NJ EDS, C&S Chapters:

Requirements for High Performance RF/UHF ICs and Possible Solutions


On October 10, 2002, the North Jersey Section IEEE Electron Devices and Circuits and Systems Chapters will host a presentation on "Requirements for High Performance RF/UHF ICs and Possible Solutions."  The Speaker will be Dr. Ulrich Rohde of Synergy Microwave.


About the Talk


One of the most difficult situations is the operating mode of a base station.  As it gets bombarded with signals, it emits a lot of power at the same time.  This paper addresses the key problem areas, which are mixers, amplifiers, and oscillators and shows some possible IC-based solutions.


About the Speaker


Dr. Ulrich Rohde is President of Communications Consulting Corporation; a member of the Board of Directors of Ansoft Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; he is Chairman of Synergy Microwave Corp., Paterson, New Jersey; and a partner of Rohde & Schwarz, Munich, Germany, a multinational company specializing in advanced test and radio communications systems. Previously, he was the President of Compact Software, Inc., Paterson, New Jersey; and Business Area Director for Radio Systems of RCA, Government Systems Division, Camden, New Jersey, responsible for implementing communications approaches for military secure and adaptive communications.


Dr. Rohde has published more than 60 scientific papers in professional journals.  He is a member of the following:  Fellow Member of the IEEE, Invited Panel Member for the FCC's Spectrum Policy Task Force on Issues Related to the Commission's Spectrum Policies, ETA KAPPA NU Honor Society, Executive Association of the Graduate School of Business-Columbia University, New York, the Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association, fellow of the Radio Club of America, and former Chairman of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Advisory Board at New Jersey Institute of Technology.


All Welcome!


You do not have to be a member of the IEEE to attend.  Refreshments will be served.


Time:  7:00 PM, Thursday, October 10, 2002.  Free buffet will be starting at 6:15 PM.


Place:  New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Room 202, ECE Center,  Newark, NJ.  Directions are available at


Information:  Dr. Richard Snyder (973) 492-1207 (RS Microwave), Dr. Durga Misra (973) 596-5739 ( or Dr. Edip Niver  (973) 596-3542 (NJIT).


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NJ Section PACE:

Manpower Issues


Your Professional Activities Committee will meet on Wednesday, October 9, 2002, to discuss manpower issues and Member's professional needs.



About the Meeting


High on the list of subjects is unemployment and the displacement of American citizens by foreign workers imported under the H-1B legislation. This year the legislation increased the number of H-1B workers to about 200,000 while citizens have been disregarded.  Check this site 1062/vote_00262.html


And, please do not confuse this as an "immigration" issue.  This is about money, wage busting and depriving IEEE members of employment and skill enhancement opportunities.


New events and issues present themselves every day.  You may bring information and solutions to some of our problems or bring us closer to success.


The PACE meeting is open to discuss our members' professional needs.  PACE provides IEEE members with the opportunity to meet, address, discuss and perhaps improve the professional aspects of the engineering profession. Members should take advantage of the opportunity to have a place and time to meet with their associates to discuss the issues.


While checking with PACE Leaders, I found high on the list of IEEE-USA goals this year "Employment Assistance and Career Development due to the worsening economy."  More on these projects can be found at


Any suggestions may be emailed to Richard F. Tax at




You do not have to be a member of the IEEE to attend.  Members of other professional societies and engineering disciplines are always welcome.


Time:  6:30 to 8:30 PM, Wednesday, October 9, 2002.


Place:  Clifton Memorial Library, 292 Piaget Ave, Clifton, NJ 07011, (973) 772-5500.


Information:  Richard F. Tax, (201) 664-6954,



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National Electric Code and Uniform Construction Code Updates


On October 17th, 2002, the Power Engineering and Industrial Applications Chapters will sponsor a technical meeting on recent changes to the National Electric Code and revisions to Uniform Construction Code.  The speaker will be Won Kim, PE, an Associate with Eckland Consultants.


Time:  7:00 PM, Thursday, October 17, 2002.


Place:  PSE&G Training Center, Edison, NJ.  Directions: Route 287 to Route 1 North, about 500 feet.  Right on Pierson Road.  PSE&G first driveway on left.


Information:  Ken Oexle (973) 386-1156.


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2004 IEEE Fellow Nominations

Deadline:  15 March 2003

Recognizing the achievements of its members is an important part of the mission of the IEEE.  The IEEE grade of Fellow is conferred upon a person of "outstanding and extraordinary qualifications and experience in IEEE designated fields, and who has made important individual contributions to one or more of these fields."  The total number of Fellows selected each year does not exceed 0.1% of the total IEEE membership.


Any person, including nonmembers, is eligible to serve as a nominator with the following exceptions:  members of the IEEE Board of Directors, members of the IEEE Fellow Committee, IEEE Technical Society/Council Fellow Evaluating Committee Chairs, members of IEEE Technical Society/Council Evaluating Committees reviewing the nomination, or IEEE staff.  The deadline for nominations is 15 March 2003.


The candidate must be an IEEE Senior Member at the time the nomination is submitted, and he/she must have completed 5 years of service in any grade of IEEE membership.


All the necessary material to assist you in the nomination process is available on the IEEE Web site:  If you prefer a hard copy, please send an e-mail to  Include your name, street address, city, state/province, postal code, country, and telephone/fax numbers.

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NJ Computer Chapter:

Future Chapter Activities


On Thursday, October 17th, 2002, the IEEE North  Computer Chapter will hold an organization meeting on future chapter activities.


Meeting Agenda


Howard Leach, the current chair will give a brief overview of recent activities and future plans.  He will also explain the budgeted section support.  He will then outline some of advantages of membership in the Computer Society which include:


* Distance Learning Courses,

* On-line Technical Reference,

* Certified Software Development Professional Program.


He will then focus on getting the Chapter organized in the following areas:


* Chapter volunteer positions,

* future meeting topics,

* Distinguished Visitor Speaker Program,

* resources available for creating our own web site.


This is your opportunity to get involved in the Computer Society activities at the Section level.  New volunteers are welcome.  Come and become a part of the North Jersey Section Computer Chapter steering committee.  Help steer the Chapter toward holding technical meetings with topics in your particular field or interest.


All Welcome!


You do not have to be a member of the IEEE to attend.  Bring your friends.


Time:  7:00 PM, Tuesday, October 17, 2002.  Pre-meeting dinner 6:30 PM in the conference room.


Place:  Conference Meeting Room, Morris County Library, 30 E. Hanover Ave,

Whippany, NJ, (973) 285-6930.


Information:  Howard Leach (973) 540-1283 or


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NJ Computer Chapter:

Introduction to Context Aware Computing


On Wednesday, November 6, 2002, the IEEE North Jersey Section Computer Chapter will host a presentation on "Introduction to Context Aware Computing" by Eli Rohn.


About the Talk


Context Aware Computing is about to enter the mainstream of computer based gadgets and with no doubt will become part of mainstream computing.  Certain future applications will be expected to perform tasks related to context.


The presentation covers the following:

* Introduction to Context Aware Computing

* Early examples (with side bars for clarification)

* Taxonomy and classification of Context Aware Computing

* General, legal, and ethical issues with Context Aware Computing

* Examples of ongoing Context Awareness related research

* Exploring theoretical limits

* Conclusion


About the Speaker


Mr. Rohn is the Managing Member of Rohn Consulting LLC, an outstanding IT consulting firm.  He has published two technical books and over 30 professional articles.  Mr. Rohn, who started as a programmer, has over 18 years of experience with Information Technology, ranging from mainframes to wireless computing.  In addition, Mr. Rohn is an adjunct professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, College of Computer Science.


All Welcome!


You do not have to be a member of the IEEE to attend.  Bring your friends.


Time:  7:00 PM, Wednesday, November 6, 2002.  Pre-meeting dinner at 5:30 PM, at the Hanover Marriott, Hanover, NJ,  (973) 538- 8811.

Place:  Public Meeting Room, Morris County Library, 30 E. Hanover Ave, Whippany, NJ,  (973) 285-6930.

Information:  Howard Leach (908) 255-1634 or

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NJ Communications Society:

Semantic Information Processing of Spoken Language - How May I Help You? (sm)


On November 6, 2002, the IEEE North Jersey Section Communications Society Chapter along with NJIT will host a presentation on "Semantic Information Processing of Spoken Language."  The speaker will be Dr. Allen Gorin.


About the Talk


The next generation of voice-based user interface technology will enable easy-to-use automation of new and existing communication services, achieving a more natural human-machine interaction.  By natural, we mean that the machine understands what people actually say, in contrast to what a system designer expects them to say.  This approach is in contrast with menu-driven or strongly-prompted systems, where many users are unable or unwilling to navigate such highly structured interactions.  AT&T's 'How May I Help You?' (HMIHY)(sm) technology shifts the burden from human to machine wherein the system adapts to peoples' language, as contrasted with forcing users to learn the machine's jargon.  We have developed algorithms which learn to extract meaning from fluent speech via automatic acquisition and exploitation of salient words, phrases and grammar fragments from a corpus. In this talk I will describe the speech, language and dialog technology underlying HMIHY, plus experimental evaluation on live customer traffic from AT&T's national deployment for customer care.


About the Speaker


Allen Gorin is a Technology Leader in AT&T Laboratories, with long-term research interests focusing on machine learning methods for spoken language understanding.  In recent years, he has led a research team in applying speech, language and dialog technology to AT&T's "How May I Help You?" (HMIHY) (sm) service, which has been deployed nationally for long distance customer care.  He was awarded the 2002 AT&T Science and Technology Medal for his research contributions to spoken language understanding for HMIHY.


He received BS and MA degrees in Mathematics from SUNY at Stony Brook, and a PhD in Mathematics from the CUNY Graduate Center in 1980.  From 1980-83 he worked at Lockheed investigating algorithms for target recognition from time-varying imagery.  In 1983 he joined AT&T Bell Labs where he was the Principal Investigator for AT&T's ASPEN project within the DARPA Strategic Computing Program, investigating parallel architectures and algorithms for pattern recognition.  In 1987, he was appointed a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff.  In 1988, he joined the Speech Research Department at Bell Labs.  He has served as a guest editor for the IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio, and was a visiting researcher at the ATR Interpreting Telecommunications Research Laboratory in Japan.  He is a member of the Acoustical Society of America, Association for Computational Linguistics and an IEEE Senior Member.


All Welcome!


You do not have to be a member of the IEEE to attend.  Bring your friends.


Time:  11:30 AM (refreshments start at 11:15 AM), Wednesday, November 6, 2002.


Place:  New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Room 202, ECE Center, Newark, NJ.  Directions are available at

Information:  Dr. Nirwan Ansari (973) 596-3670 (, Amit Patel (,  or check for the latest updates.


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North Jersey Student Activities Committee and GOLD Seek Volunteers and Speakers


The NNJ IEEE SAC and GOLD are seeking new volunteers to help conduct business at the section level for the benefit of students in the North Jersey section and surrounding areas.  Additionally local student chapters are seeking speakers to give talks on professional and technical topics.


If you would like to speak on professional topics ranging from career development, time or project management, engineering experiences, and many more, or have specific technical topics and developments you would like to contribute, or even have some pet topics of your own, please contact the organizer below.


Additionally, the NNJ SAC is seeking volunteers to get involved at the section level to help organize local events for students and the GOLD membership in the NY-NJ Metro area.  If you would like to help out even for short periods of time or maybe take on leading a committee in the section, please contact the organizer Amit Patel ( ) to find out more and come to a section business meeting.


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Advance to Senior Member Grade


To become a Senior Member, you need 10 years experience.  A Bachelors Degree counts for 3 of those years and Masters and Doctorates each count for 1 year.  You don't have to be an IEEE member for 10 years.  The dues for Senior Members, Members and Associates are the same.  Senior Member applications are evaluated by the Application & Advancement Committee that meets most months at different locations.


The IEEE will send each new Senior Member a wood and bronze plaque.


To get information and an application to advance to Senior Member Grade, contact:  Don Weinstein, Kulite Semiconductor, One Willow Tree Road, Leonia, NJ 07605-2239, (201) 461-0900 Ext 234, mornings, FAX (201) 461-0990,  Be sure to include your mailing address.


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Member-Get-A-Member Program


The IEEE is conducting a Member-Get-A-Member Program.  It will run from September 1, 2002 to August 15, 2003.  If you recruit members, you can win a Voucher Prize and possibly free membership for 2004.


MGM New Members Recruited     Voucher Prize     A chance to win 1 year of

                                                                                     free IEEE membership for


-------------------------                       -------------     ----------------------------

         1-2                                                 $5                  Awarded to 1 recruiter

         3-5                                                $10                 Awarded to 2 recruiters

         6-9                                                $20                 Awarded to 3 recruiter

     10 or more                                                               Awarded to ALL recruiters


     this category


You can get the 2003 membership application forms from:  Don Weinstein, Kulite Semiconductor Products, One Willow Tree Road, Leonia, NJ 07605-2239, (201) 461-0900, mornings, FAX (201) 461-0990,


Please include your mailing address and the quantity of application forms.


You must enter your name and your member number in the green Member-Get-A-Member Recruiters box on the application.


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Protective System Relaying Seminar


A One-Day IEEE Seminar

Presented by the North Jersey Section IAS and PES Chapters

November 22, 2002

9:00 AM to 3:00 PM


The PES and IAS Chapters will sponsor a one-day seminar covering the fundamentals and application of protective relaying principles and applications for industrial and utility systems.  The seminar leaders are members of the IEEE Power System Relaying Committee and will address relaying topics specific to utility, substation and industrial distribution systems.  Topics to be covered in the session include:


* Fundamental Relay Concepts and Definitions

* Relay Types and Basic Operating Principles

* Relay and Fuse Coordination

* Bus and Transformer Protection

* Distribution Feeder Protection

* Transmission Line Protection

* Motor and Generator Protection



JCP&L Building (former GPU Energy), 300 Madison Avenue, Morristown NJ.

Directions:  Route 287 to Route 124 Exit in Morristown.  Follow signs toward Madison, JCP&L is about 1.5 miles on the left side.



The registration fee for this seminar prior to November 8th is $175 (non-IEEE members), $125 (IEEE Members), and $50 (students with valid ID). The fee will be waived for IEEE Life Member Grades with verification at the seminar.  Registrations after November 8th must include an additional late fee of $25.  The seminar fee includes lunch, refreshments and handouts. Non-members joining IEEE within 30 days of the seminar will be rebated 50% of the IEEE registration charge.



R. V. Rebbapragada, Washington Group, International, 510 Carnegie Center, Princeton, NJ 08540, phone 609-720-3209, e-mail


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Registration:  Protective Relaying Seminar,  11/22/2002


Register via US mail to:

K. Oexle, 11 Deerfield Rd, Whippany, NJ 07981


Register via US mail to:

K. Oexle

11 Deerfield Rd

Whippany, NJ 07981






Phone__________________ Email     _________________________


IEEE #_______________ Student @________________ Non IEEE____ Life member____


Payment Enclosed $_______________ Add $25 late registration after November 8th, 2002.


Make Check payable to North Jersey Section IEEE


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Princeton/Central Jersey IEEE MTT/ED/AP Chapter Meeting


Tuesday, October 8, 2002

Location: Sarnoff Corporation Auditorium

"Research in Nanofabrication at the Cornell Nanofabrication Facility"

Dr. Alexander Pechenik

Associate Director of CNF




Cornell Nanofabrication Facility (CNF) is a National user facility - a part of the National Nanofabrication User Network (NNUN) supported by the NSF and its users .  The goal of CNF is to facilitate and support research of others.  Accordingly, NO  COLLABORATION AND NO SHARING OF PROPRIETARY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY is requested from hundreds of researhers from academia and industry, who come  for assistance, training, process development and other help to CNF.  With nearly $30M worth of equipment and 20 members of technical support staff, skillful in most nanofabrication techniques and processes, CNF services a rapidly growing U.S.-wide research community. This year, 700 users (300 new users) performed nanofabrication-related projects at CNF.  Most of these projects required training, assistance, and, occasionally, design and process development help from the CNF technical staff.


This talk will give a brief overview of CNF facilities and give numerous examples of recent projects performed here.  Research from the fields of nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, optoelectronics, nanomechanics, and biology will be presented with the emphasis on the unique manufacturing capabilities available to our local and outside users, who regularly perform the nanofabrication part of their reserch projects at CNF.




Dr. Alexander Pechenik is the Associate Director of Cornell Nanofabrication Facility.  He graduated from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois in 1984 with a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering. He has worked as a senior engineer at the Dow Chemical Company, associate professor at UCLA, research scientist at NIST, and program manager with the Air Force of Office of Scientific Research.




Time: 7 P. M. - 8:30 P. M.


Place: Sarnoff Corp. Auditorium, Entrance is left of main entrance, off Washington Road, West Windsor, NJ.


Further Info:  Contact Walter Curtice,, (215) 369-0193


IEEE Membership is not required for attendance.


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WITI at ITEC's Massachusetts Technology Showcase: Next Stop, Boston


At a time when challenges are great and resources are limited, you can't wait for opportunities to come your way - you have to make them happen! Whether you're a CEO or beginning your career, it is the professional network you build that makes the difference - now and in the future.


As an attendee of WITI at ITEC's Massachusetts Technology Showcase, you will have an exciting day filled with interactive sessions concluding with the invitation-only Taste of Technology Reception.


After a day of meeting smart, talented, professional women you will have the opportunity to gain the information you need and the connections you want at "Taste of Technology" designed to expand your professional network in an informal, friendly setting.


"Participating in the recent panel, Successful Professional Women, in Washington, DC was an extraordinary experience. The collective energy generated by a room filled with professional women was inspiring, but it didn't stop there. I connected with panelist and audience members to expand my own professional network. Thank you!"


- Deborah Johnson, President and CEO, Infinity I/O


Join WITI in Boston


When:  October 9 - 10, 2002

Where: J. B. Hynes Veteran Memorial Convention Center, Boston, MA.

Time:  9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Reception:  Oct. 9, 4:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Invitation-Only "Taste of Technology"


For program and registration information, go to:  or call: 1-800-334-9484.  If you're interested in speaking opportunities for this program or any future programs, please contact Susan Frate:  If you'd like to volunteer, please contact  For any sponsorship opportunities, please contact Cynthia Roe,


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Symposium on Information Security and Assurance



"Guarding Your Business: An Architecture for Security"

October 22-24.

Howe Center Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030


The Stevens Institute of Technology will be holding a symposium on information security and assurance "Guarding Your Business: An Architecture for Security", October 22-24.  The symposium is co-sponsored by IEEE ComSoc, CSO, ISSA, and AT&T.


The symposium examines the threats and risks faced by organizations in the post September 11 era, provides an overview of the latest security technologies, and presents an information security vision that shows how corporate assets can be protected by using a combination of technical and organizational approaches to security management.


The speakers include: Sallie McDonald, Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Information Assurance and Critical Infrastructure Protection in the Federal Technology Service, GSA;  Susan Brenner, Associate Dean and Professor of Law, University of Dayton; Daniel Schutzer, Vice President & Director of External Standards, e-Citi, CitiGroup Financial Services Technology Consortium; Audrey  Dorofee, Senior Member of  Technical Staff in the Networked Systems Survivability Program at SEI; Charles Blauner, Global Head of Technology Risk Management, Deutsche Bank.


For more information and registration please visit the MOT website or contact Professor Ted Stohr, Howe School of Technology Management,, 201-216-8915.

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