Last Updated 8/25/08

September 2008





Newsletter Information


Activities Calendar




INS and GPS Technology Trends


New! Traffic Oblivious Routing in the Internet

Computer & EMS

Microsoft’s SharePoint Technologies


Patenting 101


New! Enhancing the Efficiency of Computer-Aided Analysis and Design through Model Complexity Reduction


New! The Development of Multi-Gigabit Radio Technology for Terabit Wireless Personal Area Networks


Medical Device Design


New! Cross Industry Issues in Nanomanufacturing - Impact on Healthcare


New! Field Trip to Historic Speedwell the "Birthplace of the Telegraph”


Engineers Meet:  State of IEEE and Proposed Improvements

Classified Ads:





Awards Reception (best viewed in Internet Explorer)




IEEE Communications Society Launches New Wireless Communication Engineering Technologies Certification Program


Industry Liaison Chair Position Open for North Jersey Section


NJ Section Seeks Training Facility


North Jersey Section Seeks Committee Chairs and Volunteers


Call for Fellow Nominations



NJ Section Course:

Life Grade Luncheon


23rd Annual Symposium And Mini-Show

NJ Section Course:

Project Management



= New Announcement Not Published in Paper Newsletter


= Change to Meeting Time, Location, or Other Details


IEEE North Jersey Section


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August 2008

Volume 55, Number 1

Publication No:  USPS 580-500

“The IEEE Newsletter” (North Jersey Section), is published monthly except June and July by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.   Headquarters:  3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY  10016-5997.  $1.00 per member per year (included in annual dues) for each member of the North Jersey Section.  Periodicals-class postage paid at New York, NY and at additional mailing offices.  Postmaster send address changes to:  “The IEEE Newsletter”, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ  08855-1331.  USPS 580-500 (ISSN 1076-3732).



Editor......................................... Keith Saracinello

Business Manager....................... Keith Saracinello

              k.saracinello “AT”  (302) 683-7162


Deadline for receipt of material is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication.  All communications concerning editorial and business matters, including advertising, should be sent to the Business Manager via e-mail at k.saracinello “AT” or to The IEEE Newsletter, c/o Keith Saracinello, 25 Messenger Ln, Ringoes, NJ 08551, (302) 683-7162.






IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, (732) 981-0060.  It is not necessary to inform the North Jersey Section when you change your mailing address.  “The IEEE Newsletter” and other section mailings use a list provided by IEEE’s national headquarters.



Chair..................................................... Kirit Dixit

                        kdixit “AT”  (201) 669-7599

Vice-Chair-1......................................... Amit Patel

                                            a.j.patel “AT”

Vice-Chair-2............................. Dr. Sanghoon Shin

            s.shin “AT”  (973) 492-1207 Ext. 22

Treasurer........................................ Pete Donegan

                                          doneganp “AT”

Secretary......................................... Russell Pepe

                          rpepe “AT”  (201) 960-6796




Katherine  Duncan (kb2zoo “AT”

Seth Jakel (sgjakel “AT”

Howard Leach (h.leach “AT”


The North Jersey Section Executive Committee usually meets the first Wednesday (except holidays and December) of each month at 7:00 PM.  Meetings are open to all members.  For information on meeting agenda contact Secretary Russell Pepe (201) 960-6796, rpepe “AT”


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IEEE North Jersey Section Activities

August 2008


Aug. 4 –Medical Device Design” by Dr. Yakov Shkolnikov, NJ EMBS, 6:30 PM, Clifton Memorial Library, 292 Piaget Ave, Clifton, NJ.  Dr. Goran Djuknic, (973) 633-3406, gdjuknic “AT”

Aug. 6 – “NJ Section Meeting”, 6:30 PM, “Executive Committee Meeting” - 7:00 PM, ITT, 77 River Rd, Clifton, NJ.  Russell Pepe at rpepe “AT”

Aug. 13 –Engineers Meet:  State of IEEE and Proposed Improvements” with Dr. John Vig, NJ PACE, GOLD, WIE, 6:30 – 9:00 PM, Clifton Memorial Library, 292 Piaget Ave, Clifton, NJ.  Paul Ward, (973) 790-1625, PWard1130 “AT”, Richard F. Tax, (201) 664-6954, rtax “AT”


Upcoming Meetings


Sep. 3 – “NJ Section Meeting”, 6:30 PM, “Executive Committee Meeting” - 7:00 PM, ITT, 77 River Rd, Clifton, NJ.  Russell Pepe at rpepe “AT”

Sep. 8 –Cross Industry Issues in Nanomanufacturing - Impact on Healthcare” by Dr. Gary Fletcher, NJ EMBS, 6:30 PM, Clifton Memorial Library, 292 Piaget Ave, Clifton, NJ.  Dr. Goran Djuknic, (973) 633-3406, gdjuknic “AT”

Sep. 10 –INS and GPS Technology Trends” by George T. Schmidt, NJ AES Chapter, 7:00 PM, BAE Systems, 164 Totowa Road, Wayne, NJ.  Dr. Naresh Chand, (973) 636-7408, naresh.chand “AT”

Sep. 23 –Microsoft’s SharePoint Technologies” by Arthur J. Hedge III, NJ Computer and EMS Chapters, 7:00 PM, Public Meeting Room, Morris County Library, 30 E. Hanover Ave., Whippany, NJ,  (973) 285-6930.  Seth Jakel (973) 731-1902, (973) 820-1865, sgjakel “AT” or Howard Leach (973) 540-1283, h.leach “AT”

Sep. 23 – Traffic Oblivious Routing in the Internet” by Dr. Murali Kodialam, NJ Communications Chapter, 6:30 PM, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Room 202, ECE Center, Newark, NJ.  Dr. Nirwan Ansari (973) 596-3670 (nirwan.ansari “AT” or check for the latest updates.

Sep. 24 –Enhancing the Efficiency of Computer-Aided Analysis and Design through Model Complexity Reduction” by Professor Andreas Cangellaris, NJ EDS/C&S &  MTT-S/AP-S Chapters, 7:00 PM, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Room 202, ECE Center (Intersection between Warren & Summit Streets), Newark, NJ.  Dr. Richard Snyder (973) 492-1207 (RS Microwave), Dr. Edip Niver (973) 596-3542 (NJIT), or Dr. Durga Misra (973) 596-5739 (dmisra “AT”

Sep. 25 –Patenting 101” by Michael J. Feigin, Esq., NJ Consultants' Network, 7:30 PM, Aeroflex/KDI-Integrated Products, 60 S. Jefferson Rd, Whippany, NJ.  Robert Walker (973) 728-0344 or

Oct. 2 –2008 MTT/AP Symposium and Mini-Show” – MTT-S/AP-S Chapter, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Hanover Manor, 16 Eagle Rock Avenue, E. Hanover, NJ.  Kirit Dixit (201) 669-7599 (kdixit “AT”, Art Greenberg (973) 386-6673 (ahg1 “AT”, Har Dayal (973) 633-4618 (har.dayal “AT”, or George Kannell (973) 386-4170 (gkk “AT”

Oct. 4 –Field Trip to Historic Speedwell the ‘Birthplace of the Telegraph’”, NJ GOLD & WIE Chapters, Assemble between 12-12:30 PM, Historic Speedwell, 333 Speedwell Ave, Morristown, NJ.  Contact northjerseygold "AT"

Oct. 14-Dec. 2 – “Project Management” by Dr. Donald Hsu, North Jersey Section, Tuesday Evenings, 8 sessions, 6:30-9:00 PM, NJ International Bulk Mail Center, 80 County Rd, Jersey City, NJ.  Donald Hsu (yanyou “AT”

Oct. 15 –The Development of Multi-Gigabit Radio Technology for Terabit Wireless Personal Area Networks” by Dr. Joy Laskar, NJ EDS/C&S Chapters, 7:00 PM, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Room 202, ECE Center (Intersection between Warren & Summit Streets), Newark, NJ.  Dr. Richard Snyder (973) 492-1207 (RS Microwave), Dr. Edip Niver (973) 596-3542 (NJIT), or Dr. Durga Misra (973) 596-5739 (dmisra “AT”

Oct. 16 –Life Grade Luncheon”, Hamilton Park Conference Center, Florham Park, NJ.  Ken Oexle (973) 386-1156.



Members and Non-Members Welcome



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NJ AES Chapter:

INS and GPS Technology Trends

On Wednesday, September 10, 2008, the North Jersey Chapter of the IEEE Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society will sponsor a talk titled “INS and GPS Technology Trends.”  The speaker will be George T. Schmidt.

About the Talk

This presentation focuses on accuracy and other technology trends for inertial sensors, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and integrated Inertial Navigation System (INS)/GPS systems, including considerations of interference, that will lead to better than 1-m accuracy navigation systems of the future.  For inertial sensors, trend-setting sensor technologies will be described.  A vision of the inertial sensor instrument field and inertial systems for the future is given.  Planned accuracy improvements for GPS are described.  The trend toward deeply integrated INS/GPS is described, and the synergistic benefits are explored.  Some examples of the effects of interference are described, and expected technology trends to improve system robustness are presented.

About the Speaker

George T. Schmidt is a distinguished lecturer for the IEEE AES Society, and a Lecturer in Aeronautics and Astronautics Department at MIT.  He is also   Editor-in-Chief of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics.  In 2007 he retired as the Director of Education at the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts.  Prior to that position he was the Leader of the Guidance and Navigation Division and Director of the Draper Guidance Technology Center.  His major technical activities have been in guidance and navigation system design for missiles, aircraft, and manned spacecraft; Kalman filtering applications; and integration techniques for high-resolution synthetic aperture radars, satellite navigation systems, and inertial sensors.  He has served the NATO Research and Technology Organization (formerly AGARD) in many positions, including as a U.S. member of the Guidance and Control Panel.  He is a Fellow of the AIAA, a Life Fellow of IEEE, and he is an elected member of the Russian Federation, Academy of Navigation and Motion Control.  He has received several awards including the AIAA International Cooperation Award in 2001 and the NATO Research and Technology Organization’s highest technical award, the von Kármán Medal, in 2005.  He is authored or coauthored more than 80 technical papers, reports, encyclopedia articles, and books.  He received his S.B. and S.M. degrees in Aeronautics and Astronautics and his Sc.D. in Instrumentation from MIT.

All Welcome!

You do not have to be a member of the IEEE to attend the talks but you need to email your name, address, and citizenship to Dr. Naresh Chand for obtaining security clearance by September 4th.  In your email, please use your subject as “IEEE AESS talk”.  A free buffet dinner, starting at 6:00 PM, will be provided.  Come and bring your friends.


Time:  7:00 PM (free buffet starts at 6:00 PM), Wednesday, September 10, 2008.

Place:  BAE Systems, 164 Totowa Road, Wayne, NJ  07474.

Information:  Dr. Naresh Chand, (973) 636-7408, naresh.chand “AT”


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NJ Communications Society:

Traffic Oblivious Routing in the Internet

On Tuesday, September 23, 2008, the IEEE Communications Society  will host a presentation titled “Traffic Oblivious Routing in the Internet”.  The speaker will be Dr. Murali Kodialam.

About the Talk

Routing is a central topic in networking since it determines the connectivity between users. Recently, with the growing use of the Internet for a wide variety of bandwidth intensive applications, including peer-to-peer and on-demand/real-time multimedia, it has also become important that routing accounts for the quality-of-service needs of applications and users. 

An important question in these networks is whether it is possible to provide quality of service guarantees despite uncertain knowledge of the carried traffic. We show that a routing scheme using only pre-determined paths to route between each ingress-egress node in the network (typically an Internet domain) can provide performance guarantees without knowledge of changing traffic patterns. By removing the need to detect changes in traffic in real-time or reconfigure the network in response to it, significant simplification in network management/operations and associated reduction in costs can be achieved. Moreover, this traffic oblivious routing has the potential to make the Internet much more robust and predictable in the face of rapidly varying and unpredictable traffic patterns. Theoretical advances in the area have shown that oblivious routing can provide these benefits without compromising capacity efficiency. We survey recent advances in oblivious routing with a view towards its application in (intra-domain) Internet routing.

About the Speaker

Murali Kodialam obtained his Ph.D. from MIT in 1992 and has been in Bell Labs since. He is currently in the network protocols and systems research department. His general research interests are in the areas of resource allocation and performance of wireline and wireless networks. His current research interests are in

1.      Algorithms and data structure for high speed deep packet inspection

2.      Robust routing in the internet.

All Welcome!

You do not have to be a member of the IEEE to attend.


Time:  6:30 PM, Monday, September 23, 2008.  Refreshments will be available at 6:00 PM

Place:  New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Room 202, ECE Center (Intersection between Warren & Summit Streets), Newark, NJ.  Directions are available at

Information:  Dr. Nirwan Ansari (973) 596-3670 (nirwan.ansari “AT” or check for the latest updates


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NJ Computer Society and EMS:

Microsoft’s SharePoint Technologies

On Tuesday, September 23, 2008, the IEEE North Jersey Section Chapters of the Computer and Engineering Management Societies, and the Information Technology Club of the Stevens Institute of Technology Alumni Association, will host a presentation on “Microsoft’s SharePoint Technologies” by Arthur J. Hedge III.

About the Talk

SharePoint is the fastest growing product in Microsoft’s history.  Come learn what all the fuss is about.  SharePoint provides a unique architecture that lets groups collaborate on projects, documents, and numerous other tasks.  It also provides enterprise search functionality, enterprise content management tools, forms-driven processes, and a complete application development framework for supporting knowledge workers.  We will provide an overview of the SharePoint architectures, demonstrate the core features, and explore some of the creative ways that organizations are using the tools.

About the Speaker

Arthur Hedge is the President of Castle Ventures LLC.  Castle Ventures is a consulting firm focused on Information Technology specializing in Security, Collaboration and Business Process Management solutions.  Mr. Hedge has over 20 years of consulting experience in the Information Technology field with both privately held and publicly traded firms.  Before starting Castle Ventures in 2002, he was the Vice President of Professional Services for Steelpoint Technologies. 

Mr. Hedge is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  He lives in New Jersey with his wife and two sons.  He is a member of a number of professional organizations, including the IEEE Computer Society and the Association for Information and Imaging Management.  He is active in standards work for AIIM.  Mr. Hedge serves as a mentor for Columbia University’s Technology Management program.  He is a board member of the Foundation for Teaching Economics.  He is a frequent speaker and writer on technology subjects.

All Welcome!

You do not have to be a member of the IEEE to attend.  Bring your friends and network during the free pre-meeting buffet starting at 6:00 PM.


Time:  7:00 PM, Tuesday, September 23, 2008.  Pre-meeting buffet starting at 6:00 PM.

Place:  Public Meeting Room, Morris County Library, 30 E. Hanover Ave., Whippany, NJ,  (973) 285-6930.

Information:  Seth Jakel (973) 731 1902, sgjakel “AT” or Howard Leach (973) 540-1283, hhleach “AT”


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NJ Consultants' Network:

Patenting 101

On Thursday, September 25, 2008, the IEEE Consultants' Network of Northern NJ ( will feature a presentation titled “Patenting 101.”  The speaker will be Michael J. Feigin, Esq.

About the Topic

The talk will explore when you should file a patent, how the process works in the U.S. and abroad, and the controversy over where the line should be drawn between an abstract law of nature and a patentable invention.

In the course of the presentation, you will learn about the process of obtaining intellectual property for your invention and meet other inventors who have gone through the process themselves.

About the Speaker

Michael J. Feigin, Esq., is a Patent and Trademark Attorney, licensed in NY and NJ, with significant experience prosecuting patents for companies such as AT&T, Rus-Engineering and Vodaphone.  He is a professional member of the United Inventors Association and can be reached at or (973) 685-5280.

About the Consultants’ Network

Founded in 1992, the IEEE Consultants Network of Northern NJ encourages and promotes the use of independent techni­cal consultants by business and industry.

All Welcome!

Everyone welcome.  No registration needed.  Free admission.


Time:  7:30 PM, Thursday, September 25, 2008.

Place:  Aeroflex/KDI-Integrated Products, 60 S. Jefferson Rd, Whippany, NJ.  (Entrance at rear of building).

Information:  For directions and up-to-date meeting status, call Robert Walker (973) 728-0344 or visit our website at  To download a map to KDI, go to:


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NJ EDS/C&S & MTT-S/AP-S Chapters:

Enhancing the Efficiency of Computer-Aided Analysis and Design through Model Complexity Reduction

On September 24, 2008, the IEEE NJ Section Electron Devices, Circuits and Systems Chapters together with MTT/S/AP-S and the New Jersey Institute of Technology will host a talk on “Enhancing the Efficiency of Computer-Aided Analysis and Design through Model Complexity Reduction."  The speaker will be Professor Andreas Cangellaris.

About the Talk

State-of-the-art electromagnetic (EM) field solvers and CAD tools are empowering high-frequency electronics designers with unprecedented capability and expediency in EM device conceptualization, design, optimization and prototyping.  This is particularly true at the component and (small) sub-system level, where modeling complexity is manageable enough for state-of-the-art EM CAD tools to be used with confidence and solution efficiency consistent with the stringent time-to-market requirements.  Yet, as functionality integration continues to escalate and product form factor continues to shrink, designers demand system-level EM CAD support of performance commensurate to that at the component level.  This talk addresses this challenge and suggests near-term solutions to overcoming the modeling and computational complexity encountered in complex sub-system and system-level computer-aided electromagnetic analysis.

About the Speaker

Andreas Cangellaris is M. E. Van Valkenburg Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.  Professor Cangellaris received his Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1981, and the MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1983 and 1985.  Professor Cangellaris has spent over twenty years in academia, first at the University of Arizona (1987-1997) and then at the University of Illinois (1997 – to date).  Professor Cangellaris’ current teaching and research interests include computational electromagnetics; CAD methodologies and tools for signal and power distribution network design in high-speed/high-frequency electronics; EMI/EMC modeling and simulation; and technqiues for MEMS CAD.  Professor Cangellaris is a Fellow of IEEE and serves as Editor of the IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Field Theory.  In 2005 he received the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award from Germany for his contributions to engineering applications of electromagnetic field theory.

All Welcome!

You do not have to be a member of the IEEE to attend.


Time:  7:00 PM, Wednesday, September 24, 2008.  Free buffet will begin at 6:15 PM.

Place:  New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Room 202, ECE Center (Intersection between Warren & Summit Streets), Newark, NJ.  Directions are available at

Information:  Dr. Richard Snyder (973) 492-1207 (RS Microwave), Dr. Edip Niver (973) 596-3542 (NJIT), or Dr. Durga Misra (973) 596-5739 (dmisra “AT”


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NJ EDS/C&S Chapters:

The Development of Multi-Gigabit Radio Technology for Terabit Wireless Personal Area Networks

On October 15, 2008, the IEEE NJ Section Electron Devices, Circuits and Systems Chapters together with the New Jersey Institute of Technology will host a talk on “The Development of Multi-Gigabit Radio Technology for Terabit Wireless Personal Area Networks."  The speaker will be Dr. Joy Laskar.

About the Talk

The development of millimeter waves radios at the same cost structure of consumer electronic radios operating in C-Band opens a new field of innovation for systems designers.  The convergence of FR4 based Modules, CMOS MMIC, Signal Processing and high efficiency PHY-MAC technologies will enable a new generation of low cost high performances millimeter-wave systems.  The feasibility of ultra high-speed wireless transmission beyond 10Gbps has been demonstrated on a low power low cost platform.  Power budgets well below the one hundred pico-joules/bit range have been achieved.  One may expect that 100Gbps serial transmission with a femto-joule/bit power budget can be developed in the near future.  These advances will enable a variety of volume millimeter-wave CMOS applications including: peer-to-peer ultra fast synchronization and adaptive WPAN, automotive radar, out-door point-to-point/point-to-multi-point links, portable radar, security, sensing and imaging and medical applications

About the Speaker

Dr. Joy Laskar received the B.S. degree (Computer Engineering with Math/Physics Minors, summa cum laude) from Clemson University in 1985.  He received the M.S. and the Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1989 and 1991 respectively.  Prior to joining Georgia Tech in 1995, Dr. Laskar was a visiting professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an assistant professor at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

At Georgia Tech he holds the Schlumberger Chair in Microelectronics in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.  He is also Founder and Director of the Georgia Electronic Design Center, and he heads a research group of 70 members (graduate students, research staff and administration) with a focus on integration of high-frequency mixed-signal electronics for next-generation wireless and wire line systems.  Between 1995 and Spring 2008 Dr. Laskar graduated 34 Ph.D. students.  He has authored or co-authored more than 500 papers, several book chapters and three books (with another book in development).  He has given numerous invited talks, and he has more than 40 patents issued or pending.

Dr. Laskar’s work has resulted in the formation of two companies.  In 1998 he co-founded an advanced WLAN IC Company: RF Solutions, which is now part of Anadigics (Nasdaq: Anad).  In 2001 he co-founded a next-generation analog CMOS IC company, Quellan, which is developing collaborative signal-processing solutions for the enterprise, video, storage and wireless markets.

Dr. Laskar’s honors include the Army Research Office’s Young Investigator Award in 1995, the National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award in 1996, NSF Packaging Research Center Faculty of the Year in 1997, and co-recipient of the IEEE Rappaport Award (Best IEEE Electron Devices Society Journal Paper) in 1999.  He was faculty advisor for the 2000 IEEE MTT IMS Best Student Paper award, was Georgia Tech Faculty Graduate Student Mentor of the year in 2001, received a 2002 IBM Faculty Award, and the 2003 Clemson University College of Engineering Outstanding Young Alumni Award.  He was the 2003 recipient of the Outstanding Young Engineer award of the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society and was named an IEEE Fellow in 2005.  For the 2004-2006 term, Dr. Laskar served as an IEEE Distinguished Microwave Lecturer and currently is an IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturer.  He received Georgia Tech’s “Outstanding Faculty Research Author” award in 2007 and ECE’s Distinguished Mentor Award in 2008.  Dr. Laskar served as General Chairman of the IEEE International Microwave Symposium 2008.

All Welcome!

You do not have to be a member of the IEEE to attend.


Time:  7:00 PM, Wednesday, October 15, 2008.  Free buffet will begin at 6:15 PM.

Place:  New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Room 202, ECE Center (Intersection between Warren & Summit Streets), Newark, NJ.  Directions are available at

Information:  Dr. Richard Snyder (973) 492-1207 (RS Microwave), Dr. Edip Niver (973) 596-3542 (NJIT), or Dr. Durga Misra (973) 596-5739 (dmisra “AT”


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Medical Device Design

On Monday, August 4, 2008 the North Jersey Section Engineering in Medicine and Biology Chapter will meet for a discussion on “Medical Device Design.”  The speaker will be Dr. Yakov Shkolnikov.

About the Talk

Medical device design is an exercise in optimization with the goal of achieving the device with best effectiveness.  This optimization process is constrained by safety, reliability and manufacturability requirements, and failure to satisfy these may limit the success of the product to the insides of an academic laboratory.  In this talk, I will describe the origin and the content of these constraints as well as discuss the state of the medical device industry in general.

About the Speaker

Dr. Yakov Shkolnikov is a Senior Scientist in Exponent's Electrical and Semiconductors practice and also holds a research faculty appointment at School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems at Drexel University.  His expertise is in applied and engineering physics and electrical engineering.  He is currently applying this expertise to electronics and instrumentation for medical device applications.  His medical devices project experience includes technical analysis of implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD), pacemakers, implantable pulse generators (IPGs), blood flow meters, and electrosurgical and robotic equipment, electrostimulation, and electropathology.  He has designed algorithms and written software for analysis of radiological imaging data, mechanical testing of implants, and instrumentation of diagnostic systems.


Time:  6:30 PM, Monday, August 4, 2008.

Place:  Clifton Memorial Library, Community Room, 292 Piaget Ave, Clifton, NJ, (973) 772-5500.

Information:  Dr. Goran Djuknic, (973) 633-3406, gdjuknic “AT”


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Cross Industry Issues in Nanomanufacturing - Impact on Healthcare

On Monday, September 8, 2008, the North Jersey Section Engineering in Medicine and Biology Chapter will meet for a discussion on “Cross Industry Issues in Nanomanufacturing - Impact on Healthcare.”  The speaker will be Dr. Gary Fletcher.

About the Talk

Material surfaces and interfaces play a crucial role in a variety of chemical, electrical, mechanical, and biological phenomena and applications, cutting across a wide swath of industries, governmental and university research.  The increased surface-area-to-volume provided by nanoparticles and nanostructure materials leads to a dominant role of surfaces / interfaces in the development and performance of nanomaterials.  This talk will describe the potential impact of nanoparticles and nanostructured surfaces in medical devices and diagnostics, and describe current efforts to establish a cross-industry nanomanufacturing consortium to address broad technical issues currently hindering widespread industrial applications.

About the Speaker

Gary Fletcher, Technology Leader in the Advanced Technology R&D Group of BD Preanalytical Systems [PAS], leads technology sensing activities critical to the future growth of the BD Diagnostics business.  During the past twenty-five years, he has conducted and led research, discovery, and development of complex analytical systems in fields including defense, process control, and medical device and diagnostics.  His present focus is to leverage his scientific knowledge in the assessment of new technologies to be applied to the development of innovative preanalytical products to serve patients and customers in clinical diagnostics.

During Gary’s 4 years at BD he has developed the technology and innovation strategy for PAS, conducted technology sensing, and as Director of Core Technologies led a team of scientists and engineers evaluating the feasibility of new technologies to improve the preanalytical handling of patient specimens.  He has been the process champion for PAS Technology Development Process, which provides best practices management of pre-product-development technology innovation projects.  Prior to joining BD, Gary spent three years at Sarnoff Corporation as Technical Manager of Healthcare Products, developing a new minimally invasive blood glucose monitor, which was spun out of Sarnoff.  Prior to Sarnoff, Gary served as VP of Engineering and VP of Advanced Technology in a startup company developing a novel noninvasive microscopic imaging platform for assessment of human microcirculation and measurement of perfusion and hematology parameters.  He also conducted research and product development as a Physicist at Measurex Corporation and at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Gary received his B.A. in Physics and Mathematics at DePauw University, and his M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Physics from Yale University.  In addition he completed postdoctoral research training in atomic physics at the University of Virginia.


Time:  6:30 PM, Monday, September 8, 2008.

Place:  Clifton Memorial Library, Community Room, 292 Piaget Ave, Clifton, NJ, (973) 772-5500.

Information:  Dr. Goran Djuknic, (973) 633-3406, gdjuknic “AT”


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NJ GOLD & WIE Chapters:

Field Trip to Historic Speedwell the "Birthplace of the Telegraph”

Remember what the other "T" in AT&T stood for?  North Jersey Section GOLD and WIE Affinity Groups in conjunction with Central Jersey Section GOLD are jointly sponsoring a field trip to Morristown's National Historic Landmark Historic Speedwell on Saturday, October 4, 2008.

Come tour the "Birthplace of the Telegraph" where Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail invented the American commercial telegraph and the modern telecommunications industry.  Cost is $4/adult, $3/child/senior payable at the door.  Online registration is required to get an accurate count for the tour.  Sign up at the GOLD website at:  Bring a friend, enjoy the afternoon learning, interacting with your fellow members and win some door prizes.

The group will assemble between 12-12:30 PM in the parking lot located on the corner of Cory Road and Speedwell Avenue.  The group will be treated to a special guided tour exclusively for the IEEE group.  The tour will conclude at 4 PM.  Afterward, the group will go to Cafe Arabica ( to network, mingle, and discuss future IEEE events.

The National Landmark website and directions are at: (973-285-6550).


Time:  Assemble between 12-12:30 PM in the parking lot, Saturday, October 4, 2007.  Tour concludes at 4 PM.

Place:  Historic Speedwell, 333 Speedwell Ave, Morristown, NJ 07960.

Cost:  $4/adult, $3/child/senior, payable up front.

Information/Questions:  Contact northjerseygold "AT"


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Engineers Meet:

State of IEEE and Proposed Improvements

On Wednesday, August 13, 2008 the North Jersey Section Professional Activities Committee, Graduates of the Last Decade and Women in Engineering will host a meeting to discuss IEEE's present and future.  Our guest speaker will be Dr. John Vig, 2008 IEEE President-Elect.

About the Meeting

The talk will consist of two parts: 

1) "the state of the IEEE," i.e., a report on how IEEE is doing with respect to membership, conferences, publications, standards, finances, and other activities; what the major threats and opportunities are, and

2) what 2009 President-elect Vig would like to accomplish during his term in 2009.  He has a long "to-do" list.  However, his term is only one year, and the president's powers are limited.  Nevertheless, he will discuss what he wishes to improve in IEEE, and ask the audience's advice about the prioritization of his goals.

Bring your associates, friends and spouses.

About the Speaker

John Vig was born in Hungary and came to the United States in 1957, where he subsequently received the BS degree from the City College of New York and his PhD degree from Rutgers – The New Jersey State University.

He spent his professional career performing and leading R&D activities in Army research laboratories, where he developed high-stability resonators, oscillators, and sensors.  He retired from his Army position in 2006, after 36 years of service (as a civilian scientist). 

He has been serving as a technical advisor to several DARPA program mangers on programs ranging from micro- and nanoresonators to chip-scale atomic clocks and low-noise oscillators.  He is currently working as a technical consultant with System Planning Corporation supporting selected DARPA program activities.  He also serves on the Technical Advisory Board of a startup, SiTime Corp.

Dr. Vig is the author of more than 100 publications, including nine book chapters, and he holds 55 patents.  He is an IEEE Fellow, and is the recipient of the IEEE Cady Award and the IEEE Sawyer Award.  He has been the Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (UFFC) Society, and he has served as the president of this Society.  Dr. Vig founded the IEEE Sensors Council and has served on the IEEE Board of Directors for three years.  In 2005, he was IEEE Vice President for Technical Activities.  He is currently serving as the 2008 IEEE President-elect, i.e., he will be IEEE President in 2009.

All Welcome!

Members and students from all professional societies and engineering disciplines are welcome.  We now have attendees from IEEE, ASME, NSPE, ASCE and AEA.  For information about these groups see:


CARE is the Congressional Advocacy Recruitment Effort.  CARE is a voluntary network of IEEE members who are interested in public policy.  To help go to


Time:  6:30 PM to 9:00 PM, Wednesday, August 13, 2008.  Refreshments will be served.

Place:  Clifton Memorial Library, 292 Piaget Ave, Clifton, NJ, (973) 772-5500.

Information:  Paul Ward, (973) 790-1625, PWard1130 “AT”, Richard F. Tax, (201) 664-6954, rtax “AT”


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Part-time programmers --- send e mail to




DSP Engineer:  SME/Guru in TI C64x DSPs - Will implement/optimize H.264 codec algorithms for HD Video Conferencing Company. 10+ years in industry, 6+ years DSP, C, Voice/Video compression a plus.  Northern, NJ - FT employee.  Contact:  Eve Ellsworth, CMI, Inc., 732-450-1100 x100 or



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IEEE Communications Society Launches New Wireless Communication Engineering Technologies Certification Program

New Program Provides Certification in Technical Wireless Expertise

The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Communications Society (IEEE ComSoc) has launched a new program to certify the practical knowledge and skills of wireless communications professionals.

        The IEEE Wireless Communication Engineering Technologies (IEEE WCET) Certification Program has been specifically designed by IEEE ComSoc to address the worldwide wireless industry’s growing need for communications professionals with practical problem-solving skills in real-world situations.  With this certification, professionals will be able to clearly demonstrate their knowledge of wireless communications technologies to employers or change engineering fields as new opportunities arise in the wireless industry.

        To qualify for the IEEE WCET designation, candidates with a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and at least three years of wireless engineering experience must pass a detailed comprehensive examination developed by more than 100 industry experts and experienced wireless practitioners.  Administered on computer for the fee of $500, the first testing period is scheduled for 22 September 2008 – 10 October 2008 at more than 500 testing sites located in 75 countries with the next testing period slated for March 2009.  Online applications will be accepted beginning in mid-June.

        The exam itself will consist of 150 multiple-choice questions encompassing the wireless areas of RF engineering, propagation and antennas; access technologies; network and service architecture; network management and security; facilities infrastructure; agreements, standards, policies and regulations; and fundamental knowledge.

        In the coming months, IEEE ComSoc will also launch a set of resources designed specifically to help participants prepare for the examination.  Two separate practice exams consisting of 75 different questions will be computer-based and available via the Internet for a price of $75 for one exam and $125 for both.  A Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge (WEBOK) sourcebook that provides detailed information on all the specialty areas covered by the examination will also be available for purchase.

        In addition, a Candidate Handbook for the IEEE WCET certification program containing policies, complete details of the subject areas covered, reference sources, sample questions, application procedures and contact information is currently available free-of-charge through IEEE ComSoc.

        For more information on the IEEE Wireless Communication Engineering Technologies Certification Program (IEEE WCET) contact:  Jean Niblett, IEEE Communications Society, 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016.  Phone: (212) 705-8913.  E-mail: or visit


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Industry Liaison Chair Position Open for North Jersey Section

The North Jersey Section is seeking new volunteers to help conduct business for the benefit of it membership.  There are a variety of positions open and available.  My name is Russell Pepe.  I was the Industry Liaison for the North Jersey Section for several years.  I recently took on two positions, as Secretary and Student Activities Committee Chair.  I am seeking my replacement as Industry Liaison.  The main function for the IEEE Industry Liaison is to foster collaboration with Industry.

For more information, please feel free to contact Russell Pepe at rpepe “AT”; or visit the North Jersey Section website at  We also encourage you to join us at the Monthly North Jersey Business Meeting, held during he first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm (free buffet dinner served at 6:00 pm).


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NJ Section Seeks Training Facility


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North Jersey Section Seeks Committee Chairs and Volunteers

The North Section is seeking new volunteers to help conduct business for the benefit of its membership.  There are a variety of volunteer positions open and available.  They range from technical to non-technical, leadership or just participatory.  For Society Chapter Chairs, you MUST be a member of the corresponding IEEE Society.

If you would like to become involved with volunteering in some of these efforts or positions or just become more informed about what is happening at the North Jersey Section, please contact Dr. Chandra Gupta at c.gupta AT  You are welcome to attend the Section business meeting held the first Wednesday of every month to find out more and other volunteer activities that require some help.

Some committees needing volunteers include the following.  Please contact the person indicated for additional information. 

·                        Engineering In Medicine and Biology Chapter Chair - contact c.gupta below.

·                        GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) Affinity Group Volunteers and Committee members needed - contact northjerseygold AT

·                        WIE (Women in Engineering) Affinity Group Volunteers and Committee members needed - contact kduncan AT

Additionally, if interested volunteers would like to get more general information about the Section, including a complete listing of all chapters and committees, visit the North Jersey Section website, or contact Dr. Chandra Gupta c.gupta AT


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Call for Fellow Nominations

Nominations are being accepted for the IEEE Fellows class of 2010.  The rank of IEEE Fellow is the institute’s highest member grade, bestowed on an IEEE Senior Member who has had an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest.  The deadline for nominations is 1 March 2009.

Senior Members can be nominated in one of four categories: application engineer/practitioner, research engineer/scientist, educator, or technical leader.

The Fellows Web pages contain information regarding the history of the IEEE Fellows program, the nomination process, access to the Fellows Nomination Kit, lists of Fellows who are eligible to be references and more about the Fellow program.  Please visit the Fellows website at


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Life Grade Luncheon


The PES Chapter and the Section will sponsor a luncheon for North Jersey IEEE Life Grades (Members, Senior Members and Fellows) on Thursday October 16 at the Hamilton Park Conference Center, 175 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932.  The luncheon will begin at 11:30 AM in the Terrace area.  Cost is $ 5.00 per person.


Advance registration is required prior to Oct 9.  We can accommodate only 30 people.  Registrations will be processed in the order of receipt and will be confirmed by return mail.  Please complete the following registration form and include a check payable to the North Jersey Section IEEE in the amount of $ 5.00 per person.


 Reservations cannot be accepted at the door.  For additional information regarding the event contact Ken Oexle (973) 386-1156.




IEEE Life Grade Luncheon Registration NJ -  Oct 16, 2008






Phone _________________________________________


IEEE #______________     Life Grade ____Yes


Return to:   

Ken Oexle

11 Deerfield Rd

Whippany, NJ 07981


Prior to October 9 and enclose $5.00 Check payable to NJ Section IEEE


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MTT-Society and AP-Society Joint Chapter









Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hanover Manor

16 Eagle Rock Avenue, E. Hanover, NJ  07936 (Phone # 973-992-7425)











Details of the schedule and speakers and the topics will be posted on the IEEE North Jersey Section Home page


For further information contact:

CHAIR/EXHIBITION: KIRIT DIXIT (201-669-7599), kdixit “AT”

PUBLICITY: ARTHUR GREENBERG (973-386-6673), ahg1 “AT”


CO-CHAIR– TECHNICAL PROGRAM: HAR DAYAL (973-633-4618) har.dayal “AT”





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IEEE North Jersey Section Course

Project Management


Tuesday Evenings, October 14, 2008 through December 2, 2008

Eight weekly classes (October 14, 21, 28, November 4, 11, 18, 25, December 2, 2008)

USPS, NJ International Bulk Mail Center, 80 County Road,

 Jersey City, NJ  07097 (Checks should not be mailed to this address)


IEEE North Jersey Section thanks USPS, NJIBMC for sponsoring this course at its site


The North Jersey Section IEEE is offering an evening course entitled "Project Management". lists 5800+ Project related jobs in the New York tri-state area daily! This course will help you to break down a master project into manageable tasks, pinpoint possible solutions, and provide information to keep the project under control.  Using Microsoft Project software, you will learn to accomplish various project plans.  In addition, it will greatly enhance your business, communications and interpersonal skills.

You will receive the IEEE certificate of completion when you finish the course.  You may wish to take two Certification exams, one in Project Management administered by Project Management Institute from the knowledge that you learned in this course.  (This is not an exclusive PMP-PMI examination prep course.  No PDUs are issued for PMP eligibility.  CEU credits would be given by IEEE)

Instructor:  George Sierchio, has 16 years of experience in owning and operating technical consulting and training based businesses.  He has personally managed over 30 projects and developed/delivered training to over 500 adult students on both business and technical subjects.




1.       Explain the need for a project manager

2.       Define SOW, PERT, GANTT, CPM, and Scope of the project

3.       Identify the team members, resources and plan for the strategy

4.       Calculate schedule, budget variances, and monitor project progress

5.       Manage changes, estimates, and communications

6.       Set a baseline, import tasks from MS Excel, export Project files to MS Word

7.       Create and modify custom reports, templates and combination views

8.       Share resources and create a master plan loaded to Project Server

9.       Approve updates and conclude a project plan

10.    Analyze global E-Commerce and present student Projects



NJ International Bulk Mail Center, Jersey City, NJ.  (Checks should not be mailed to this address)


8 Tuesdays, October 14, 21, 28, November 4, 11, 18, 25, December 2, 2008, 6:30-9:00 PM.


IEEE (& affiliate) members $450; Non-IEEE members $490.


Donald Hsu: yanyou “AT”


REGISTRATION:  Project Management


Please mail the completed registration form with the check (payable to “North Jersey Section IEEE”) to:


Donald Hsu

Co-Chair, Education Committee

IEEE North Jersey Section

PO Box 2093

Fort Lee, NJ  07024


Name:  / Mr. / Mrs. / Miss / Ms. /  _____________________________________________     _________________________________

˙ Non-member                                                                                                                                                 Çemail addressČ

˙ IEEE Member       Member #:_________________________        Member of _____________________________ technical society




Employer Address:____________________________________________________________________________________________




Home Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________




Business (day) telephone #:___________________________________     Home telephone #:________________________________


Please enclose required fee payable to:  North Jersey Section IEEE


As soon as a completed registration form and the payment are received, you are officially registered for this course. Registration status will be emailed to you for confirmation.


˙ I wish to receive IEEE Completion Certificate

˙ Tuition receipt will be issued only if this box is checked                   Signature:___________________________________________


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