Homework 3

Making a decent web page

My name is Kevin Delgado

Picture of me at a company 
called Tipico

I am currently attending New Jersey Institute of Technology. My current standing is a Junior so I still have a ways to go. Even though my intention is to graduate as fast as possible, my time here has taught me some valuable things. For instance creating this very webpage that I previously was incapable of doing.

If your wondering why the strange colors above, those happen to be the colors that makeup the Ecuadorian flag. Why is that relevant, well because my nationality is Ecuadorian so I thought it would be a nice touch to add to the page. The background color is also conveniently blue because that happens to be my favorite color. Aside from that I can't tell you much else that's interesting with my page but I sure hope you enjoyed your stay.

Web Tutorials  Link to Q2