Physics Department Seminar Schedule


Please contact Ken Ahn (email: for any questions or suggestions related to the seminars.


Course website for students registered in Phys 791 Doctoral Seminar.


Next talk:


3/10/25 Monday

Sailing The Solar Storms: Modelling and Forecast of Explosive Events from the Solar Surface to the Outer Space

Dr. Giulia Murtas, University of Hawai'i – Mānoa

(Solar Physics, Host: Perry)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


3/12/25 Wednesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Decoding Solar Eruptions and Coronal Structure with Radio Imaging Spectroscopy and Modeling

Dr. Peijin Zhang, NJIT

(Solar Physics, Host: Sirenko)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


Future talks:


3/24/25 Monday

Title: TBA

Speaker: TBA

(Solar Physics, Host: Bo Shen)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


3/31/25 Monday

Title: TBA

Speaker: TBA

(Solar Physics, Host: Gary)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


4/14/25 Monday

Title: TBA

Speaker: TBA

(Biophysics, Host: Dias)

Room: TBA

Time: TBA


Past talks:


3/6/25 Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

From Schrödinger's Cat to Dark Matter: A New Perspective on Quantum Mechanics and Gravity in Our Expanding Universe

Prof. Tao Zhou, Dept of Physics, NJIT

(Quantum Mechanics and Gravity)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


3/3/25 Monday

THz Non-Destructive Evaluation of Biofluids for Cancer Detection using Chiral Reconfigurable Sensors

Dr. Samaneh Pakniyat, UC-Davis

(Optics, Host: Federici)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


2/24/25 Monday

Advancing Real-time Monitoring with Terahertz Technology

Dr. Nha Uyen Huynh, Sandia National Laboratory

(Optics, Host: Federici)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


2/19/25 Wednesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

From Biomolecules to Porous Materials: Terahertz Spectroscopy for Molecular Innovation

Dr. Johanna Koelbel, Brown Univ.

(Optics, Host: Federici)

*Room: FMH 408 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


2/17/25 Monday

Additive Manufacturing of Infrared and THz Metamaterials: Towards Emergent Polarization-Discriminating Imaging Modalities

Prof. Tino Hofmann, Univ. of North Carolina - Charlotte

(Optics, Host: Federici)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


2/11/25 Tuesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Ionospheric Studies with LOFAR

Dr. Maaijke Mevius, Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Perry)

*Room: FMH 408 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


2024 Fall


12/16/24, Monday

New Toys for the Holidays: First-Light Results from New Upper Atmospheric Instruments Fielded by NJIT-CSTR

Prof. Andy Gerrard, NJIT

**TALK**: Tiernan 407, 11am - Noon (** SPECIAL ROOM/TIME and NO TEA TIME**)

**HOLIDAY LUNCH**: Tiernan 406, from Noon         


11/21/24 Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint Physics Dept.–Inst. for Space Weather Sci. Colloquium:

Size of the Solar System

Dr. Louis J. Lanzerotti, NJIT

(Solar Physics, Host: Haimin Wang)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm with 12:45 pm teatime (**SPECIAL TIME**)

*Zoom ID for those who cannot attend in-person: 917 2169 7568

(APPROVAL by Prof Ahn REQUIRED for APPH/MTSE PhD students to attend online)

*Password: check email or request from


11/8/24 Friday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Correlated Dynamics and Non-Arrhenius Behaviors of Solid Ionic Diffusion

Prof. Hong Fang, Rutgers Univ.- Camden

(Materials Physics, Host: Ken Ahn)

*Room: 407 Tiernan (** SPECIAL ROOM **)

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


11/4/24 Monday (ROOM CHANGED)

Understand the Spatial Regulation of Cell Signaling by Multiscale Simulations

Prof. Yinghao Wu, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

(Biophysics, Host: Dias)

**ROOM: Marjorie Perry Theatre, Wellness & Events Center (1st Floor)

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


10/14/24 Monday

Materials with Broken Mirror Symmetries

Prof. Junjie Yang, Dept of Physics, NJIT

(Materials Physics, Host: Tyson)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


9/23/24 Monday

All Microflares that Accelerate Electrons to High-Energies are Rooted in Sunspots

Dr. Andrea Francesco Battaglia

Istituto ricerche solari Aldo e Cele Daccò (IRSOL), Switzerland

(Solar Physics, Host: Nita)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime

**Zoom link for those who cannot attend in-person: Check email announcement or request from Ken Ahn (

(APPROVAL by Prof Ahn REQUIRED for APPH/MTSE PhD students to attend online)


2024 Spring


4/12/24 *Friday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Recent Progress Made in Ionospheric E-Region Turbulence Research

Dr. Jean-Pierre St.-Maurice, Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Perry)

*Room: FMH 408 (** SPECIAL ROOM **)

*Time: 10:15 am - 11:15 am with 10 am teatime (**SPECIAL TIME**)

*Webex site for those who cannot attend in-person:

(APPROVAL by Prof Ahn REQUIRED for APPH/MTSE PhD students to attend online)


4/1/24 Monday

Designing Functional Material Interfaces from Computational Approach

Prof. Kesong Yang, U.C. San Diego

(Materials Physics, Host: Junjie Yang)

*Room: Marjorie A. Perry Theatre, Joel & Diane Bloom Wellness & Events Center (1st Floor) (** SPECIAL ROOM**)

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


3/7/24 Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint Physics Dept.–Inst. for Space Weather Sci. Colloquium:

Prediction of Solar Energetic Events Directly from Solar Sources: Progress, Challenges, Expectations

Dr. Manolis Georgoulis, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory

(Solar Physics, Host: Haimin Wang)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm with 12:45 pm teatime (**SPECIAL TIME**)


2/22/24 Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Investigations of Solar Activities of Various Scales in Both Theory and Observation

Dr. Jun Lin, Yunnan Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

(Solar Physics: Host: Bin Chen)

Room: ECE 202

**CORRECTED TIME: 10:15 am - 11:15 am with 10 am teatime


2/5/24 Monday

Laser-Induced Plasma for Strong Field THz Sources

Dr. Yiwen E, Univ. of Rochester

(Optics, Host: Benjamin Thomas)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


2/1/24 Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint Physics Dept.–Inst. for Space Weather Sci. Colloquium:

History of the Solar Physics Division

Prof. Dale Gary, Dept. of Physics, NJIT

(Solar Physics)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm with 12:45 pm teatime (**SPECIAL TIME**)

*Webex Meeting ID for those who cannot attend in-person: 2621 447 3191

(APPROVAL by Prof Ahn REQUIRED for APPH/MTSE PhD students to attend online)

*Password: check email or request from


2/1/24 Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Meta-Structures for Terahertz Technologies

Dr. Subhajit Karmakar, Princeton Univ.

(Optics, Host: Benjamin Thomas)

Room: 407 Tiernan (** SPECIAL ROOM **)

Time: 10:15 am - 11:15 am with 10:00 am teatime (**SPECIAL TIME**)


1/25/24 Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Terahertz Technology: Heading Towards Ubiquitous Applications

Dr. Junliang Dong, National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS), Canada

(Optics, Host: Benjamin Thomas)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm with 1:00 pm teatime (**SPECIAL TIME**)


2023 Fall


11/20/23 Monday

Joint Physics-Chemistry & Env. Sci. Depts. Seminar:

Thermomechanical Properties of Molecular Crystals from Machine Learning Potentials

Dr. Ivor Lončarić, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia

(Materials Physics and Chemistry, Host: Belfield)

*Room: Marjorie A. Perry Theatre, Joel & Diane Bloom Wellness & Events Center (1st Floor) (** SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm with 1 pm teatime (**SPECIAL TIME**)


11/6/23 Monday

Pleated and Rippled beta-Sheet Motifs in Supramolecular Peptide Materials

Prof. Bradley Nilsson, Univ. of Rochester, NY

(Bio/Materials Physics, Host: Dias)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


10/30/23 Monday

Measuring Gravity by Dropping Atoms

Prof. Xuejian Wu, Rutgers University - Newark

(Atomic/Optical Physics, Host: Ken Ahn)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


10/6/23, Friday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint NJIT Physics and Rutgers Physics Seminar:

Theoretical Design of Light Element Superconductors and Other (Quantum) Materials

Prof. Eva Zurek, Univ. at Buffalo, State Univ. of New York, Buffalo

(Materials Phys., Host: Rutgers-Newark Physics Dept.)

*Room: Smith 245 (Coffee: Smith 206) in Rutgers Newark campus (map) (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 11:30am - 12:30 pm (Coffee: 11-11:30 am) (** SPECIAL TIME**)


2023 Spring


4/17/23 Monday

Entropy-Driven Mechanics of Biological and Crystalline Membranes

Prof. Fatemeh Ahmadpoor, Dept. of Mechanical Engr., NJIT

(Materials/Biological Physics, Host: Prodan)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


4/14/23, Friday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint NJIT Physics and Rutgers Physics-Chemistry Seminar:

Dirty and Messy Nanophotonics

Dr. David Garcia, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid & Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain

(Materials Physics/Optics, Host: Rugters-Newark Physics/Chemistry Dept.)

*Room: Smith 246 (Coffee: Smith 206) in Rutgers Newark campus (map) (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 1:30 - 2:30 pm (Coffee: 2:30-3:30 pm) (** SPECIAL TIME**)


4/10/23 Monday

Modelling to Support High Latitude Radio Propagation Studies: How Far Can Empirical Methods Take Us? 

Dr. David Themens, University of Birmingham, U.K.

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Perry)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


3/28/23 Tuesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Perspectives on Thermosphere Mass Density Modeling during Extreme Magnetic Storms:  A Look to the Future with an Eye in the Past

Dr. Denny Oliveira, University of Maryland, Baltimore County and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Hyomin Kim)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm teatime (**SPECIAL TIME**)


3/20/23 Monday

Near-Infrared Optical Sensors to Monitor Flying Insects

Prof. Benjamin Thomas, Dept of Physics, NJIT


Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


Joint Physics Dept.–Inst. for Space Weather Science Colloquium:

3/9/23 Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Coronal Jets, Their Impact on the Heliosphere, and How to Catch Them with Citizen Science

Dr. Sophie Musset, European Space Agency

(Solar Physics, Host: Haimin Wang)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm with 1 pm teatime (**SPECIAL TIME**)


2/21/23 Tuesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Metastable materials discovery through navigating energy landscapes

Prof. Li Zhu, Rutgers Univ. Newark

(Materials Physics, Host: Tyson)

Room: FMH 408 (** SPECIAL ROOM **)

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


1/30/23 Monday

Ionospheric flow channels from different perspectives

Joaquín Díaz Peña, Boston University

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Goodwin)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


2022 Fall


12/5/22 Monday

Pattern formation in biological systems via mechanical instabilities and phase separation

Prof. Andrej Kosmrlj, Princeton Univ.

(Biological/Materials Physics, Host: Prodan)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


11/14/22 Monday

Micro-swimmers Moving in Complex Confinement

Prof. Enkeleida Lushi, Dept. of Math, NJIT

(Biological/Materials Physics, Host: Prodan)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


11/11/22 Friday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Predicting robust emergent function in active networks

Prof. Evelyn Tang, Rice Univ.

(Biological/Materials Physics, Host: Prodan)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


10/4/22 Tuesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Fantastic auroral forms & where to find them

Dr. Bea Gallardo-Lacourt, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Perry)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


9/26/22 Monday

Deep solar convection, properties of turbulent motions, large scale flows & convective conundrum

Prof. Gustavo Guerrero, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil

(Solar Physics, Host: Gerrard)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


9/19/22 Monday

Amyloid beta-protein folding and oligomer formation: Molecular dynamics perspective

Prof. Brigita Urbanc, Drexel Univ.

(Biological Physics, Host: Dias)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


2022 Summer


7/6/22 Wednesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Monolayer Adsorption Versus Bulk Micellization: Insight from Molecular Simulations

Dr. Matej Kanduc, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

(Bio/Materials Phys., Host: Dias)

Time: 11 am – noon (**SPECIAL TIME**)

Room: Tiernan 112 (** SPECIAL ROOM **)


2022 Spring


4/25/22 Monday

Critical Mechanical Structures and Transformable Topological Metamaterials

Prof. Xiaoming Mao, Univ. of Michigan Ann Arbor

(Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Prodan)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


4/19/22 Tuesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling via Electron Precipitation

Dr. Xiao-Jia Zhang, Univ. of California Los Angeles

(Solar & Terrestrial Physics, Host: Gerrard)

Room: ECE 202

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm teatime (** SPECIAL TIME**)


4/7/22 Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

The Role of Sun to Earth Coupling in Ionospheric Electric Field and Plasma Density Structures

Dr. Lindsay Goodwin, NJIT

(Solar & Terrestrial Physics, Host: Gerrard)

Room: ECE 202

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm teatime (** SPECIAL TIME**)


4/5/22 Tuesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Topological Materials: Opportunities and Challenges in Near-term Quantum Computations

Dr. Xiao Xiao, North Carolina State University

(Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Gerrard)

Room: ECE 202

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm teatime (** SPECIAL TIME**)


4/4/22 Monday

Numerical Modeling of Particle Acceleration and Emissions during Solar Eruptions in the Imaging Spectroscopy Era

Dr. Fan Guo, Los Alamos National Laboratory

(Solar & Terrestrial Physics, Host: Bin Chen)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:40 am - 12:40 pm with door opening at 11:30 am (**SPECIAL TIME**)


2021 Fall


11/29/21 Monday

Physics-Based Machine Learning of Protein Structure and Function

Prof. Guillaume Lamoureux, Rutgers University Camden

(Biophysics, Host: Dias)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:40 am - 12:40 pm with door opening at 11:30am (** SPECIAL TIME **)


Joint Physics Dept.–Inst. for Space Weather Sci. Colloquium:

9/16/21 Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Turbulence and the Heating of the Solar Corona

Prof. Gary Zank, Univ. of Alabama

(Solar & Terrestrial Physics, Host: Wang)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 1 pm – 2pm with door opening at 12:45 pm (**SPECIAL TIME**)


2021 Spring


3/10/21 Wednesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

A Non-relativistic Theory of Quantum Mechanics and Gravity with Local Modulus Symmetry

Prof. Tao Zhou, NJIT

(Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, Host: Sirenko)

*Webex Meeting ID: 120 620 5353

*Password: check email or request from

*Time: 2pm - 3pm with 1:50 pm virtual teatime (**SPECIAL TIME**)


1/21/21 Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Support for Research and Education in Solar and Space Physics at NSF in 2021

Dr. Ilia I. Roussev

Program Director, National Science Foundation

(Solar & Terrestrial Physics, Host: Wang)

*Webex Meeting ID: 120 263 2079

*Password: check email or request from

*Time: 1pm - 2pm (**SPECIAL TIME**)


2020 Fall


11/9/20 Monday

Competition between orbital and spin angular momenta of light at the antiferromagnetic resonances

Prof. Andrei Sirenko, NJIT

(Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Tao Zhou)

*Webex Meeting ID: 120 942 1705

*Password: check email/poster or request from

*Time: 11:10 am - 12:10 pm with 11 am virtual teatime (**NEW TIME**)


9/18/20 Friday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint Physics Dept.–Inst. for Space Weather Sci. –Solar Physics Webinar of Global Reach SolFER Colloquium:

High Resolution Observations of Solar Flares

Prof. Haimin Wang, NJIT

(Solar & Terrestrial Physics, Host: Fleishman)

*Webex Meeting ID: 924 797 400

*Password: check email/poster or request from

*Time: 1pm - 2pm (** SPECIAL TIME**)


9/10/20 Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint Physics Dept.–Inst. for Space Weather Sci. Colloquium:

Space Weather: What It Is, Why It's Important

Dr. Louis J. Lanzerotti, NJIT

(Solar & Terrestrial Physics, Host: Wang)

*Webex Meeting ID and Password: check email/poster or request from

*Time: 1pm - 2pm with 12:50pm attendance check for Phys791 students (** SPECIAL TIME**)


2020 Spring


3/9/20 Monday

Field-Aligned Modelling of Solar Flares: Testing Theories and Interpreting Observations

Dr. Graham Kerr, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

(Theoretical Solar Physics, Host: Cao)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


3/4/20 Wednesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Modeling Solar Eruptions at High Resolution

Dr. Joel Dahlin, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

(Theoretical Solar Physics, Host: Cao)

*Room: FMH 408 (** SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm teatime (** SPECIAL TIME**)


3/2/20 Monday

Solar Energetic Particles and Their Forecast

Dr. Lulu Zhao, Florida Institute of Technology

(Theoretical Solar Physics, Host: Cao)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


2/26/20 Wednesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

On the Radial Evolution of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence in the Solar Atmosphere and Solar Wind

Prof. Jean C. Perez, Florida Institute of Technology

(Theoretical Solar Physics, Host: Cao)

*Room: FMH 408 (** SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm teatime (** SPECIAL TIME**)


2/24/20 Monday

Heliophysics in the Solar System and Beyond

Dr. Sofia P. Moschou, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

(Theoretical Solar Physics, Host: Cao)


Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


2/11/20, Tuesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

How machine learning helps to analyze solar disk images

Prof. Egor Illarionov, Moscow Univ.

(Solar Physics, Host: Nita)

Room:  ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am teatime


2019 Fall


12/12/19, Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Machine Learning with Schrödinger equation

Dr. Guangqi Li, Columbia Univ.

(Materials Physics, Host: Ken Ahn)

**TALK**: Room: Tiernan 409, 11:30am - 12:30pm (** SPECIAL ROOM/TIME and NO TEA TIME**)

**LUNCH**: Room: Tiernan 406, 12:30pm – 4pm        


11/11/19, Monday

Joint Physics Dept.–Inst. of Space Weather Sci. (Distinguished Speaker of ISWS) Seminar:

Journey to the Sun

Dr. Nicole Fox, NASA Headquarters 

(Solar Physics, Host: Wang)

*Room: 112   Eberhardt Hall (** SPECIAL ROOM**)

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


Joint Physics Dept-MtSE Seminar:

11/4/19, Monday

Soft Materials Approaches to Carbon Nanotubes: Gels and Composites

Prof. Mohammad F. Islam, Carnegie Mellon Univ.

(Materials Physics, Host: Prodan)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


10/25/19, Friday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint Rutgers Physics-NJIT Physics-MtSE Seminar:

High-throughput discovery of semiconductor photocatalysts for water splitting

Prof. Ismaila Dabo, Materials Science and Engineering, Pennsylvania State Univ.

 (Materials Physics, Host: Rugters-Newark Physics Dept.)

*Room:  Tea: Smith 206, Seminar: Smith 206 or 241 at Rutgers Newark campus (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm with 1 pm tea time (** SPECIAL TIME**)


9/16/19, Monday

Understanding Alfven-Wave Turbulence in the Near-Sun Region: Theory, Simulations and Future Parker Solar Probe Observations

Prof. Jean Perez, Florida Institute of Technology

(Solar Physics, Host: Bin Chen)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2019 Spring


4/22/19, Monday

Joint Physics Dept-MtSE Seminar:

Ablation of liquids with X-ray lasers: From enabling MHz-rate measurements to uncovering new physics

Prof. Claudiu Stan, Rutgers Univ.-Newark

(Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Tyson)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


4/8/19, Monday

INMS: A tiny time of flight mass spectrometer for CubeSats

Dr. Sarah Jones, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Hyomin Kim)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


3/14/19, Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint Physics Dept-MtSE Seminar:

Atomic Resolution through Simulations? Rethinking Biomolecular Model Development

Dr. Markus Miettinen, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces

(Biophysics, Host: Dias)

*Room: Tiernan 408 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 11:15 am - 12:15 pm with 11 am tea time (** SPECIAL TIME**)


3/11/19, Monday

Joint Physics Dept-MtSE Seminar:

X-ray Vision of Quantum Materials: From Fundamental Insights to Technological Perspectives

Dr. Ignace Jarrige, Brookhaven National Laboratory

(Experimental Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Ahn)

Room: ECE 202

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (** SPECIAL TIME**)


3/11/19, Monday

Alfven Wave Damping and Heating in Coronal Holes

Dr. Michael Hahn, Columbia Univ.

(Solar Physics, Host: Wang)              

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2/27/19, Wednesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint Physics Dept-MtSE Seminar:

Strong Quantum Fluctuations in a New Quantum Spin Liquid Candidate

Dr. Ruidan Zhong, Dept. of Chemistry, Princeton Univ.

(Experimental Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Tyson)

*Room: Tiernan 408 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (** SPECIAL TIME**)


2/25/19, Monday

Joint Physics Dept-MtSE Seminar:

When Electrons Meet Light: Attosecond Coherent Control of Matter Waves for Low-Dimensional Photonics

Dr. Giovanni Vanacore, Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, Switzerland

(Experimental Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Federici)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time



Joint Physics Dept-MtSE Seminar:

Tuning Quantum Phase Transitions in Chiral Materials

Prof. Junjie Yang

Dept. of Physics, Central Michigan Univ.

(Experimental Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Federici)

*Room: ECE 202 (**NEW ROOM**)

*Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time (** NEW TIME**)


2/18/19, Monday

Joint Physics Dept-MtSE Seminar:

Atomic and Molecular Manipulation for Nanoscience and Quantum Information Science

Dr. Yuan Zhang

Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory

(Experimental Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Tyson)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2/13/19, Wednesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint Physics Dept-MtSE Seminar:

Advanced Manufacturing of 3D Biomedical Devices

Dr. Daeha Joung

Dept. of Mechanical Eng., U. of Minnesota

(Experimental Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Federici)

*Room: Tiernan 408 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (** SPECIAL TIME**)


1/16/19, Wednesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Some Unresolved Problems of Physics of Ultra-Low-Frequency Waves in Space Plasma

Dr. Vyacheslav (Slava) A. Pilipenko, Inst. of Physics of Earth & Space Research Inst., Russia

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Hyomin Kim)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2018 Fall


12/14/18, Friday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Physics Dept-MtSE Joint Seminar:

Engineering Topological Quantum Physics at Atomic Scale

Prof. Seongshik Oh

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ

(Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Ahn)

**TALK**: Tiernan 409, 11:30am - 12:30pm (** SPECIAL ROOM/TIME and NO TEA TIME**)

**LUNCH**: Tiernan 406, 12:30pm – 4pm         


11/16/18, Friday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

The Strange Case of Vigorous Thermospheric Vertical Winds in Aurora

Dr. John Meriwether, Clemson Univ. & NJIT

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Gerrard)   

Room: ECE 202

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (** SPECIAL TIME**)


10/29/18, Monday

Magnetohydrodynamic Seismology of the Solar Coronal Plasma with Kink Waves

Prof. Valery M. Nakariakov, University of Warwick, U. K.

(Solar Physics, Host: Fleishman)       

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


10/19/18, Friday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Physics Dept - MtSE Joint Seminar:

Hunting for Topological Phases amidst Hofstadter Butterflies and Disordered Landscapes

Prof. Smitha Vishveshwara, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

(Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Prodan)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


10/1/18, Monday

You Are What You Eat: The Biophysical Consequences of Fat

Prof. Ed Lyman, Univ. of Delaware

(Biophysics, Host: Dias)

Room: ECE 202

*Time: 1:15pm - 2:15pm with 1pm tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


9/26/18, Wednesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Observations and Modeling of Flare-productive Active Regions on the Sun

Dr. Shin Toriumi, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

(Solar Physics - MHD Modeling, Host: Wang)

*Room: FMH 408 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 3:45pm-4:45pm with 3:30pm teatime (**SPECIAL TIME**)


9/24/18, Monday

Physics Dept - MtSE Joint Seminar:

Bright Lights, Big Opportunities for Quantum Materials Research at NSLS-II

Drs. Ignace Jarrige and Claudio Mazzoli, Brookhaven National Laboratory

(Condensed Matter Physics/Materials Physics, Host: Sirenko)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2018 Spring


4/2/18, Monday

Physics Dept - MtSE Joint Seminar:

The Birth of New Particles from Structure and Disorder at a Topological Insulator Surface

Prof. L. Andrew Wray, Dept. of Physics, NYU

(Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Ken Ahn)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


3/26/18, Monday

Large-Scale Multi-Point Observations of the Sun-Earth Connection

Dr. Hyomin Kim, NJIT

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Gary)

*Room: Tiernan 409 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


3/19/18, Monday

ElectroMagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Geospace

Dr. Jichun Zhang, Univ. of New Hampshire

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Gerrard)

*Room: FMH 408 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


3/5/18, Monday

The Impact of Space Weather on the Earth’s High-Latitude Ionosphere

Dr. Gareth Perry, U. of Calgary

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Gerrard)

*Room: FMH 408 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


2/28/18, Wednesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Understanding the Geospace Environment in the Modern Era: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Outlook

Dr. Jacob Bortnik, UCLA

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Gerrard)

*Room: Tiernan 406 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


2/26/18, Monday

Solar Flares and Energetic Particles

Prof. Eduard Kontar, University of Glasgow, U. K.

(Solar Physics, Host: Fleishman)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2017 Fall


12/18/17, Monday

Physics Dept-MtSE Joint Seminar:

Synthesis of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides beyond Graphene

Prof. Eui-Hyeok Yang, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ

(Device Physics/Materials Science, Host: Federici)

**TALK**: Tiernan 409, 11:30am - 12:30pm (** SPECIAL ROOM/TIME and NO TEA TIME**)

**LUNCH**: Tiernan 406, 12:30pm – 4pm


12/4/17, Monday

Physics Dept-MtSE Joint Seminar:

Magnesium Regulates the Circadian Oscillator in Cyanobacteria

Prof. Yong Ick Kim, Dept. of Chemistry and Environmental Science, NJIT

(Biophysics//Materials Science, Host: Dias)

*Room: FMH 408 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


10/12/17, Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Physics Dept-MtSE Joint Seminar:

V 3d – O 2p Hybridization Anomaly at Crossover Temperature in V2O3

Dr. Chang-Yong KimCanadian Light Source Inc., Canada 

(Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Tyson)

Room: ECE 202

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


10/2/17, Monday

Physics of Substorm

Prof. C. Z. Cheng, Lehigh University

(Solar Physics, Host: Gary)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


9/27/17, Wednesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

NJIT-Rutgers Physics Depts Joint Seminar:

Light Emission from Particle Beam Excited Gases

Prof. Dr. Andreas Ulrich, Technical University of Munich, Germany

(Experimental Astro-Particle Physics, Host: Murnick)

*Room: FMH 408, NJIT (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


9/11/17, Monday

Physics Dept-MtSE Joint Seminar:

Polarization Induced Conduction and Screening

Prof. Yukio Watanabe, Kyushu University, Japan

(Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Gordon Thomas)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2017 Spring


*5/23/17, Tuesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint Physics Dept-MtSE Seminar:

Topological Edge States

Prof. Emil V. Prodan, Yeshiva University

(Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Host: Tyson)

Room: ECE 202

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


*5/11/17, Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint Physics Dept-MtSE Seminar:

First Principles Calculations of Strongly Correlated Materials:  A Variational Perspective

Dr. Nicola Lanatà, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State Univ.

(Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Host: Ken Ahn)

Room: ECE 202

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


*5/9/17, Tuesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint Physics Dept-MtSE Seminar:

Domains and Domain Switching in a Structurally Complex Ferroelectric Oxide

Dr. Elizabeth Nowadnick

School of Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University

(Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Host: Tyson)

*Room: Campus Center Room 215 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


*5/4/17, Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint Physics Dept-MtSE Seminar:

Challenges and Advances in Ab Initio Materials Simulation

Dr. Linda Hung, Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standard and Technology

(Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Host: Tao Zhou)

Room: ECE 202

*Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


*3/29/17, Wednesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint Physics Dept -Math Dept Seminar:

The 1,358,954,496 Matrix Elements to Get From SUSY Diff EQ’s to Pictures, Codes, Card Games, Music, Computers, and Back Again

Dr. Sylvester James Gates, Distinguished Professor of Physics, University of Maryland College Park

(Particle Physics, Host: Physics Dept, Math Dept & CAMS of CSLA)

*Room: Central King Building G8 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 11am-12:15pm with 10:45am tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


2/27/17, Monday

High Throughput Electrophysiology of Ion Channels and Novel Non Invasive Assays for Stem Cells in Drug Discovery

Dr. Corina T. Bot

Nanion Technologies Inc., Livingston, NJ

(Biophysics, Host: Prodan)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2/6/17, Monday

An X-ray View of Solar Flares

Dr. Marina Battaglia 

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland

(Solar physics, Host: Bin Chen)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


1/30/17, Monday

Magnetic Reconnection in Space and Laboratory Plasmas

Prof. C. Z. “Frank” Cheng

Institute of Space and Plasma Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

(Solar physics, Host: Gary)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2016 Fall


*12/15/16, Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Topological Materials: The Story behind the 2016 Physics Nobel Prize

Prof. Emil V. Prodan, Physics Dept., Yeshiva Univ.

(Condensed Matter & Biophysics, Host: Gordon Thomas)

**TALK**: Tiernan 409, 11:30am - 12:30pm (** SPECIAL ROOM/TIME and NO TEA TIME**)

**LUNCH**: Tiernan 406, 12:30pm – 4pm


*12/8/16, Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Precursory equatorial ionization anomaly intensity variation studied with satellite plasma measurements associated with lithospheric activities: A possible way to predict large earthquakes?

Prof. Kwangsun Ryu, Satellite Research Center, KAIST, South Korea

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Hyomin Kim)

*Room: Tiernan 373 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 10:15am-11:15am with 10am tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


12/5/16, Monday

HamSCI and the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse

Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell, Dept. of Physics, NJIT

(Terrestrial Physics)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


10/3/16, Monday

Joint Physics Dept-MtSE Seminar:

First Principles Study and Design of Functional Materials for Energy Applications

Prof. Su-Huai Wei, Beijing Computational Science Research Center, China

(Condensed Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Chin)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


9/30/16, Friday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Joint MtSE-Physics Dept Seminar:

Ultrafast Optical Characterization of Novel Mid-Infrared Nanoscale Structures

Prof. Anthony M. Johnson, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

(Optics & Materials Physics, Host: Ravindra)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


9/12/16, Monday

Electric Currents in Solar Atmosphere

Prof. Gregory D. Fleishman, Dept. of Physics, NJIT

(Solar physics)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2016 Spring


5/2/16, Monday

Explosions on the Sun: New Insights from Recent Radio Observations

Prof. Bin Chen, Dept. of Physics, NJIT

(Solar physics)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


4/25/16, Monday

All the Sky, All the Time: The Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array

Prof. Gregg Hallinan, Astronomy Dept., Caltech

(Radio Astronomy, Host: Gary)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


*4/19/16, Tuesday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Nanoparticle Synthesis by Laser Ablation in Liquids

Prof. Sean M. O’Malley, Dept. of Physics, Rutgers University-Camden

(Materials Physics, Host: Sirenko)

*Room: FMH 408  (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm with 1 pm tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


3/28/16, Monday

Peptide Self-Assembly: From Dysfunction to Function

Prof. Bradley Nilsson, Univ. of Rochester, NY

(Biophysics, Host: Dias)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


*2/18/16, Thursday (**SPECIAL DAY**)

Remote Sensing of Vegetation and Land Surfaces for Ecological Research

Dr. Youngwook Kim

Dept. of Ecosystem & Conservation Sciences

The University of Montana

(Optics & Remote Sensing, Host: Federici)

*Room: FMH 408 (**SPECIAL ROOM**)

*Time: 2:45pm - 3:45pm with 2:30 pm tea time (**SPECIAL TIME**)


*2/10/16, Wednesday (**NOTE SPECIAL DAY**)

Remote Sensing and Optical Spectroscopy as Sensors for Environmental Monitoring

Dr. Benjamin Thomas, NOAA-CREST, CCNY

(Optics & Remote Sensing, Host: Federici)

Room: ECE 202

*Time: 2:35 pm - 3:35 pm with 2:30 pm tea time (**NOTE SPECIAL TIME**)


2/8/16, Monday

Confronting Complexity in Out-of-equilibrium and Biological Systems with Table-top Instrumentation

Dr. Hunter King, Harvard University

(Optics & Remote Sensing, Host: Federici)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2015 Fall


12/14/15, Monday

Long-range Interactions from Atoms to Neutrons

Dr. James F. Babb, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, MA

(Atomic/Nuclear Physics, Host: Schaden)

**TALK**: Tiernan 406, 11:30am - 12:30pm (** SPECIAL ROOM/TIME and NO TEA TIME**)

**LUNCH**: Tiernan 409, 12:30pm – 4pm


12/7/15, Monday

Mechanism and Function of Chromatin Positional Dynamics in Interphase

Prof. Alexandra Zidovska, Dept. of Physics, NYU

(Biophysics, Host: Prodan)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


11/30/15, Monday

Fast Magnetic Reconnection in Astrophysical & Laboratory Plasmas

Prof. Amitava Bhattacharjee, Princeton University

(Solar Physics, Host: Kosovichev)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


11/16/15, Monday

Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals: Basic Building Blocks for Advanced Energy Conversion Devices

Prof. Dong Kyun Ko, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, NJIT

(Materials/Device Physics, Host: Ahn)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


10/19/15, Monday

The Underlying Mechanism of Vision Therapy revealed using Functional Imaging

Prof. Tara Alvarez, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, NJIT

(Biophysics, Host: Thomas/Dias)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


9/28/15, Monday

Big Bear Solar Observatory -- Cool Toys for Observing Our Warm Star

Prof. Wenda Cao, Dept. of Physics, NJIT

(Solar Physics)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2015 Spring


4/27/15, Monday

Ion Channel Engineering: New Molecules use Physics to Keep your Heart Beating

Prof. Henry M. Colecraft, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University

(Biophysics, Host: Thomas)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


3/30/15, Monday

How an NJIT Physics PhD Made the Transition to a High Tech Company

Dr. Sheng Liu, Polarization Solutions, Somerset, NJ

(Device Physics & Physics Career, Host: Thomas)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


3/9/15, Monday

Why is the Solar Corona So Hot?

Dr. James A. Klimchuk, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

(Solar Physics, Host: Gary)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2/13/15, Friday (** NOTE SPECIAL DAY **)

Detecting Interplanetary Dust Particles with Radars to Study the Dynamics at the Edge of Space

Dr. Diego Janches, NASA/GSFC, Space Weather Lab

(Terrestrial Physics, Host: Gerrard)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2/2/15, Monday

Photonic Signal Processing using Integrated Optical Circuits

Dr. Inuk Kang, LGS Innovations, Florham Park, NJ

(Optics, Host: Ahn)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


1/26/15, Monday

NMRlipids: Massively Collaborative Online Project to Improve Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Biomolecules

Dr. Markus Miettinen, Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany

(Biophysics, Host: Dias)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


2014 Fall


12/8/14, Monday

Infrared and THz from Relativistic Electrons: NSLS-II and Beyond

Dr. G. Larry Carr, Brookhaven National Laboratory

(Condensed Matter Physics, Host: Sirenko)

**TALK**: ECE 202, 11:15am - 12:30pm (** NOTE SPECIAL TIME and NO TEA TIME**)

**LUNCH**: Tiernan 407, 12:30pm - 4pm


12/1/14, Monday

Adaptive Spatial RFI Mitigation for Radio Astronomy

Dr. Gregory Hellbourg, CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science, Sydney, Australia

(Astronomy & Instrumentation Physics, Host: Nita)

Room: ECE202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


11/17/14, Monday

Research in the Space Weather Research Laboratory (SWRL) of NJIT

Prof. Haimin Wang, NJIT

(Solar Physics)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


11/14/14, Friday (** NOTE SPECIAL DAY **)

Enabling Blue LEDs using Metalorganic Chemical vapor Deposition (MOCVD)

Dr. Chris Ebert, Veeco, Somerset, NJ

(Device Physics, Host: Sirenko)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


10/20/14, Monday

Terahertz Wireless Communication: The Next Generation Wireless System

Prof. John F. Federici, NJIT


Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


10/13/14, Monday (** NOTE SPECIAL MONDAY **)

Modeling Protein-Membrane Interactions and Pore Formation

Prof. Themis Lazaridis, The City College of New York

(Biophysics, Host: Dias)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


10/6/14, Monday

Domain Topology and Color Theorems

Prof. Sang-Wook Cheong, Rutgers University New Brunswick

(Condensed Matter Physics, Host: Sirenko)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


9/8/14, Monday

Ring Current He-Ions: Two years of observations from NJIT's Radiation Belt Storm Probe Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE) on the NASA Van Allan Probes

Prof. Andrew J. Gerrard, NJIT

(Terrestrial Physics)

Room: ECE 202

Time: 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with 11:30 am tea time


Talks before 2011:


4/26/10, Monday

Improved Performance Sugar-Based Mateirals

Prof. Michael Jaffe, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, NJIT

(Materials Physics, Host: Ravindra)


4/19/10, Monday

Seeing the Color of Breast Cancer:Raman Spectroscopy for Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Dr. Abigail Haka,Weill Cornell Medical College

(Optics/Biophysics, Host: Thomas)


4/12/10, Monday

Scientific Instrumentation for the 1.6-m New Solar Telescope in Big Bear

Prof. Wenda Cao, NJIT

(Solar & Terrestrial Physics)


3/29/10, Monday

Proposal Evaluation Criteria for NSF Grants: An open discussion (**NOTE SPECIAL TOPIC AND DISCUSSION)

Prof. Louis J. Lanzerotti, NJIT

(Science Policy)


3/8/10, Monday

Cell Communications at the Nanoscale

Prof. Reginald C. Farrow, NJIT



3/1/10, Monday

Structural Vortex in Multiferroic Hexagonal Manganites

Prof. Weida Wu, Rutgers University New Brunswick

(Condensed Matter Physics, Host: Ahn)


2/8/10, Monday

Smart Coating Systems

Profs. John Federici  and Gordon Thomas, NJIT (** TWO SPEAKERS**)

(Device Physics)


1/25/10, Monday

Laser-Based Sensing for Health and the Environment

Dr. Anna P. M. Michel, Princeton University

(Biophysics, Host: Thomas)


12/7/09, Monday

The New Solar Telescope in Big Bear

Prof. Philip R. Goode, NJIT

(Solar & Terrestrial Physics)


* 11/6/09, Friday (*NOTE SPECIAL DATE*)

Nonlinear Optical Tissue Imaging

Prof. Feruz Ganikhanov, West Virginia University

(Optics / Biophysics, Host: Thomas)


5/5/08, Monday

Biophysics using Raman Spectroscopy

Dr. Aysegul Ergin, Boston University

(Biophysics, Host: Thomas)


*4/28/08, Monday

Electropolymeric Display and Window Technology

Dr. Elliott Schlam, New Visual Media Group, LLC, New Jersey

(Materials / Device Physics, Host: Levy)


3/31/08, Monday

Solar Coronal Magnetic Fields: Source of Space Weather

Dr. Thomas Wiegelmann, Max Planck Institute, Germany

(Solar & Terrestrial Physics, Host: Wang)


*2/19/08, Tuesday (* NOTE SPECIAL DATE and TIME)

Concentrator Photovoltiacs for Electricity Production

Dr. Daniel Friedman, US DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory

(Materials / Device Physics, Host: Tyson)


11/19/07, Monday

Electrophysiology in Drug Discovery

Dr. Kevin Carlin, Purdue Pharma

(Biophysics, Host: Prodan)


*11/12/07, Monday

The Frequency Agile Solar Radiotelescope: On the Cusp of the Future

Prof. Dale Gary, NJIT

(Solar & Terrestrial Physics)


11/5/07, Monday

Amorphous Insulator: Unnecessary Evil in Superconducting Quantum Bits

Prof. Seongshik (Sean) Oh, Rutgers University New Brunswick

(Condensed Matter Physics, Host: Ahn)


10/22/07, Monday

Mixing Business and Pleasure: Applications of Terahertz Imaging and Spectroscopy to Viticulture and Enology

Prof. John Federici, NJIT



9/24/07, Monday

Direct imaging of nano-scale electronic phase separation in La1-xCaxMnO3

Dr. Jing Tao, Brookhaven National Laboratory

(Condensed Matter Physics, Host: Tyson)


*9/17/07, Monday

Active Optical Sensing: a Gallimaufry of Applications

Prof. Tim Kane, The Pennsylvania State University

(Solar & Terrestrial Physics, Host: Gerrard)