CS 341: Foundations of Computer Science II





Projects must be submitted through Canvas.


·       Project 1

o   Section 010: due 2/15/2024, 11:30am

o   Input file of test cases: If your program works correctly according to the specifications, then you should be able to pipe in this file to run all of the test cases. The “20” at the top of the file indicates the number of test cases to process; see the program specifications in Section 4 of the assignment. You do not have to use the input file to run the test cases, but the input file is provided just to make it easier to run them all using a pipe. Also, you don’t have to use pipe, but it can make it easier when debugging to run all of the test cases without having to type them all in.


·       Project 2

o   Section 010: due 3/21/2024, 11:30am

o   Input file of test cases: If your program works correctly according to the specifications, then you should be able to pipe in this file to run all of the test cases. The “15” at the top of the file indicates the number of test cases to process; see the program specifications in Section 4 of the assignment. You do not have to use the input file to run the test cases, but the input file is provided just to make it easier to run them all using a pipe. Also, you don’t have to use pipe, but it can make it easier when debugging to run all of the test cases without having to type them all in.

o   Hints for Programming Assignment 2




Last Modified: 1/11/2024 6:15:17 PM