Additional PAPERS are now recorded in

                        NJIT ANNUAL REPORTS

1. Published Book Chapters

McDermott, K. J., "Original Equipment Manufacturers", Concise International Encyclopedia of Robotics Applications and Automation, Dorf-Editor, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1990.

McDermott, K. J., "Original Equipment Manufacturers", International Encyclopedia of Robotics, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, S. Y. Nof, R. C. Dorf, publication 1988. Awarded - Best Engineering and Science Reference Book for 1988 - American Publishers Association.

McDermott, K. J., "Microcomputer and Spreadsheet Software Make Time Studies Less Tedious, More Accurate", Software for Engineers and Managers, Industrial Engineering and Management Press, Norcross, GA (chapter and computer software) published 1987.

McDermott, K. J. and Alexander,M.A.,"Industrial Robots/Form and Function:, Robotics and Industrial Engineering, Edward Fisher and Oded Maimon, Industrial Engineering Press, Norcross, GA, published 1986.


McDermott, K. J., "Microcomputer and Spreadsheet Software Make Time Studies Less Tedious, More Accurate", Computerized Work Measurement, Institute of Industrial Engineers, Industrial Engineering Press, Norcross, GA, published 1984. (see above)

1. Published Refereed Journal Papers

McDermott, K.J. & Yao, W.A., "Developing a Hybrid Programmable Logic Controller Platform for a Flexible Manufacturing System", International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing, Oct.1997 Vol 9,pg367-374 Peer Review.

McDermott, K.J. & Feldman, M.I., "Intelligent 2D/3D Computer Vision Identification", Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Machine Vision Quarterly, 1996. Vol.12, No.1, Peer review.

McDermott, K.J. & Feldman, M.I., "Intelligent 2D/3D Computer Vision Identification", Society of Manufacturing Engineers Technical Paper Services, February 1996. Peer review.

McDermott, K.J., "Intelligent Visual Sensor/Flexible Manufacturing System Integration", Computers in Industry:An International Journal, 1996. In review.

McDermott, K.J., "A Robotic Predetermined Time System", IIE Transactions, 1995. In review.

Zhou, M.C, McDermott, K.J. & Patel, P.A., "Petri Net Synthesis and Analysis of a Flexible Manufacturing System Cell", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 23, No. 2, March 1993.

Krishnapradad, V. K. & McDermott, K. J., "Development of a CAD/CAM Robotic Translator for Programming the IBM 7535 SCARA Robot Off-Line", Computers in Industry, 20, pp. 219-228, 1992.

Krishnapradad, V. K. & McDermott, K. J., "Characteristics and the Role of the Place Graphics System in Simulation of a Flexible Manufacturing System", Journal of Computer Simulation, Accepted for publication Fall l993.

McDermott, K. J. & Krishnapradad, V. K., "Development of an Industrial Engineering Based Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)", Industrial Engineering, Institute of Industrial Engineers, Norcross, GA, October 1991. Editor Review.

McDermott, K. J., "Robots on the Comeback", Consulting Editor-Robert Eade, Manufacturing Engineering, pp. 54, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn, MI, October 1989. Editor Review.

McDermott, K. J. & Kalley, G. S., "The Use of Expert Systems to Optimize Robot Manipulator Paths Through Computer Generation of the Principles of Motion Economy", Computers and Industrial Engineering-An International Journal, June 1988. Peer Review.

McDermott, K. J., "An Expert System Based Flexible Manufacturing Cell", IBM Manufacturing Technology Digest, IBM Manufacturing Technology Institute, Thornwood, NY, Spring 1987. Peer Review.

McDermott, K. J. & Dubeau, E., "Robotic Standard Times as a Function of Displacement, Articulation and Payload", Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Robotic International of SME, June 1985. Peer Review.

McDermott, K. J., "Computerized Time Studies", Industrial Engineering, Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 16, No. 7, July 1984. Editor Review.

McDermott, K. J., "The Utilization of the Microcomputer Wordprocessor in Engineering Management", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Engineering Management Review, Vol. 12, No. 1, March 1984. Editor Review.

McDermott, K. J., Microcomputer Innovations in Project Management", Technical Transactions, Article S5-06, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, February 1984. Peer Review.

McDermott, K. J., Computer Wordprocessing as an Engineering Tool", Machine Design, Vol. 55, No. 24, pp. 86-90, November 1983. Editor Review.

McDermott, K. J. & Shainis, "Managing Without Authority:The Dilema of the Engineering Manager and the Project Engineer", Electronic Design, October 1983. Editor Review

McDermott, K. J., "The Utilization of the Microcomputer Wordprocessor in Engineering Management", American Society for Engineering Management, Technical Proceedings, October 1983, (see above.)

McDermott, K. J. & Shainis, "Maximize Your Resources With Matrix Management", Electronic Design, pp. 205-208, March 1983. Editor Review.

McDermott, K. J. & Shainis, "Interpersonal Communications in an Engineering Environment", Consulting Engineering, pp. 60-66, September 1982. Editor Review.

2. Published Refereed Conference Papers

McDermott, K.J. & Tereshkovich, W., "Hardware/Software Design Interfacing Between CAD Systems and Industrial Robots", Proceedings of USA-Japan Conference on Flexible Automation, July 1996.

McDermott, K.J. & Yao, W., "A PC-Based Programmable Controller Platform for a Flexible Manufacturing System", Proceedings of USA-Japan Conference on Flexible Automation, July 1996.

Miller, J, McDermott, K.J. & Swart, W., "Applying TQM in an Engineering Classroom", Proceedings of FIE Conference, November 1996.

McDermott, K. J. & Yuppa, P., "Intelligent Visual Sensor/Flexible Manufacturing System Integration", Proceedings of 1993 Computer Aided Design & Factory of Future Conference, 9th International Conference, Newark, NJ, August 17-20, 1993.

Zhou, M. C., McDermott, K. J., Patel, P. A., Desai, T. D. and Tang, T. N.,"Construction of Petri Net Based Mathematical Models on an FMS Cell", Proceedings of 1991 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Invited session on Petri Nets in Automation, November 1991. Peer Review.

McDermott, K. J. & O'Brien, K. T., "An Interdisciplinary Approach to Manufacturing Engineering Education", Manufacturing International '90 Conference Proceedings, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, March 26, 1990. Peer Review.

McDermott, K. J. & Krishnapradad, V. K., "Development of an Industrial Engineering Based Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS), Symposium Proceedings, May 1989, NJIT. Peer Review.

McDermott & Roman, "Engineering Student Project Teams Design Mobil Robots for Electric Utility Applications", 8th Utility/Manufacturers Robot Users Proceedings, Public Service Electric and Gas Company, May 19, 1988.

McDermott, Roman & Pavalih, "Today's Mobile Robots in Tomorrow's Nuclear Power Plants", American Nuclear Society Robotic Systems Technology division Proceedings, November 1986. Peer Review.

McDermott, K. J., "Industry/University Robotic Consortium", A.S.M.F. International Computers in Engineering, Chicago, IL, Conference Proceedings, July 1986. Peer Review.

McDermott, K. J., "A Pragmatic State of the Art Analysis of Industrial Robot Functions and Characteristics", Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Robots 9 Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 20.67-20.77, Robotics International of S.M.E., June 1985. Peer Review.

McDermott & Alexander, "Robot Applications in Industry Today", Energy-Sources and Technology Conference Proceedings, February 17, 1985. Peer Review.

McDermott, K. J., "Computerized Manufacturing Analysis", Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, American Society of Engineering Education, Conference Proceedings, October 1984. Peer Review.

McDermott & Alexander, "Industrial Robots/Form and Function", I.I.E. 1984 Conference Proceedings, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems:Flexible Manufacturing. Peer Review.

McDermott, K. J., "An Industrial Robot Data Base and Retrieval System", Robots 8 Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 74-83, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Robotics International Society of Manufacturing Engineers, U.S. Patent Office Copyrighted, June 1984. Peer Review.

McDermott, Mo, Ho and Kalley, "Industrial Engineering Using Microcomputer Techniques", Computer Aided Engineering Design and Manufacturing CADDM, Conference Proceedings, April 1984. Peer Review.

  Published Non-Refereed Conference Papers

McDermott, K. J., "Microcomputers as an Engineering Tool", American Society for Engineering Education, Session 2522, Conference Proceedings, 1984.

McDermott, K. J., "CAD/CAM in Industrial Engineering", American Society for Engineering Education, Conference Proceedings, May 1984.

McDermott, K. J., "Industrial Robotic Applications - A Pragmatic Approach", Industrial Engineering Conference Proceedings, 1984.

Published Reports

McDermott, K. J., Yuppa, P. & Roman, H., "The Effects of Industrial Automation on Electric Utilities", Electrical World, McGraw Hill, NY, NY, September 1993.

McDermott, K. J., "Next Generation Flexible Manufacturing Cells On-Line at NJIT", Manufacturing Systems at NJIT, Fall 1988.

McDermott, K. J., "Flexible Manufacturing Systems", Tool and Die, The Journal of New Jersey Tooling and Manufacturing Associates, Fairfield, NJ, July/August 1987.

"New NJIT Center to Feature CIM Lab", Metalworking News, Iron Age Manufacturing Management, Gabrielle, June 25, 1987.

McDermott, K. J., "Robotics Consortium", The Virtual Times, NJIT Computer Services Newsletter, Vol. 1, #2, pp. 8, Summer 1986.

Roman and McDermott, "Student Project Teams Study Robotics", Public Service Electric and Gas Company, R&D Quarterly, pp. 4-5, Fall 1985.

Engineering Reports

McDermott, K.J.,"Processes at the General Motors Linden N.J. Assembly Plant" December 2, 1999

McDermott, K. J., "Electric Meter Automation Project Using the Maker 100/1 Robot", Public Service Electric and Gas Company, Electric Meter Division, December 5, 1989.

McDermott, K. J., "An Analysis of the Shreveport General Motors Cogeneration Proposal as it Relates to the Linden New Jersey Assembly Plant", February 2, 1989.

McDermott, K. J., "Building Skin Losses and Fuel Efficiencies at the General Motors Linden New Jersey Automobile Assembly Plant", November 5, 1988.

McDermott, K. J., "Analysis of the Coyle Appraisal Report for the General Motors Automobile Assembly Plant in Linden New Jersey", October 2, 1988.

McDermott, K. J., "Automobile Assembly Processes at the General Motors Automobile Linden New Jersey Facility", September 1, 1988.

McDermott, K. J., "Automation at the Isuzu Motor Company", An Engineering Report, Isuzu Motor Company, Tokoyo, Japan, June 1988.

McDermott, K. J., "Permanency and the Ford Motor Company Automobile Assembly Plant", Ford Motor Company, Edison, New Jersey, August 1988.

D. Published Reviews

McDermott, K.J., "Formal Model of Single Agent Planning Situations", Mayer, Journal of Systems Integration, September 22, 1993, Peer review.

McDermott, K.J., "Current Status and Future Trends of CIM in the Japanese Steel Industry" - Ito/Furukawa, Journal of Systems Integration, 1991, Peer review.

McDermott, K.J., "Robotic Associations" - Bickford for inclusion in Encyclopedia of Robotics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1987, Peer review.

McDermott, K.J., National Session Chairman/Reviewer, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Robots 9 Conference, Research and Development Session, Detroit, MI, June 1985. (Reviewed 120 abstracts and 12 papers), Peer review.

McDermott, K.J., Successful Project Management, Rosenau-Book Review, Industrial Marketing Management, Lifelong Learning Pub., Belmont, CA, April 1983, Peer review.

McDermott, K.J., The Executive Guide to Successful MRP II, Wight-Book Review, Industrial Marketing Management, Elsevier Science Pub. Co., New York, NY, October 1982.

E. Professional Presentations (Partial Listing of 183 Presentations since 1983)

Industrial Robotics Seminar - New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ community college faculty, full day seminar, Robot Research Laboratory, Robot Training Laboratory, FMS Laboratory, Newark, NJ, April 6, 1991.

"Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS),", Factory of the Future, NJIT, Newark, NJ, Dean's Day, April 7, 1991.

"Flexible Manufacturing Systems and Industrial Robotics," Flexible Manufacturing Laboratory, Factory of the Future, NJIT, Newark, NJ, Professor Gage's Industrial Engineering class (20) students, March 25, 1991.

"Hardware/Software Integration Using Programmable Logic Controllers," Flexible Manufacturing Systems Laboratory, NJIT, Newark, NJ, 12 high school physics teachers - J.E.T. student competition, March 18, 1991.

"FMS at NJIT",NJIT Honor Student Group (40) members, Flexible Manufacturing Laboratory, NJIT, Newark, NJ, March 11, 1991.

"Flexible Manufacturing Systems," NJIT Factory of the Future and Robot Research Laboratory, , Newark, NJ, Governor Florio, Chancellor Goldberg, James Mathis, Larry Seifert, etc., Governor's briefing on Jobs, Education and Competitiveness Bond Act, February 28, 1991.

"Flexible Manufacturing Systems," NJIT, FMS Laboratory and Robotic Research Laboratory, Newark, NJ, 50 AT&T Construction Managers and Engineers, February 19, 1991.

"Flexible Manufacturing Systems Integration," NJIT, Manufacturing Engineering Seminar Series, February 7, 1991.

Two demonstrations sessions for Educational Opportunity Program Math and Science Conference, Future Tech, total of 50 high school students, NJIT Laboratories, January 24, 1991.

"Utilizing Robots in the Workplace", 50 high school seniors from Bergen and Essex Counties, Educational Opportunity Program Math and Science Conference, Future Tech, January 24, 1991.

Tour of NJIT Robotics Laboratories, representatives of DeVry Technical Institute, January 22, 1991.


 Additional GRANTS are now recorded in


PI-Rockwell Automation Allen Bradley PLCs $20,000 1997

PI-Relay Specialties Programmable Logic Controller 5,000 1997

CoPI-Lucent Technologies Mobile Phone Drop-Test 68,500 1996

PI-Lab Volt Inc. Robot Simulation Inc. 20,000 1994

(2) WS3 CAD Systems

PI-Lab Volt Inc. EMKO CNC Lathe 10,000 1993

PI-Lab Volt Inc. Tech Design CNC Milling Machine 8,000 1993

PI - PSE&G CAD/CAM Robotics Consortium 10,000 1991

PI - NJ Consortium ITRAN Computerized Vision System 10,000 1991

PI - NJ Consortium Flexible Manufacturing System 8,000 1991

PI - IBM  7535 Industrial Robot 25,000 1991

PI - A.K. Stamping Automated Machining 150,000 1990 Center

including 100 Tools,GMF M1 Robot

PI-NJ Commission on A Flexible Manufacturing System 25, 000 1990

Science & Technology incorporating an Automated

Machining Center

PI-PSE&G CAD/CAM Robotics Consortium 10,000 1990

CP-Center for Mfg. Systems Analysis & Testing of Factory 20,000 1990

Integrated Software

CP-CIM Initiative Fund Development of a Mfg. Systems 185,000 1990

Analysis and Optimization Lab

CP - AT&T Development of Graduate Courses 169,000 1989

in Computer Integrated Mfg. for

Master's Degree in Mfg. Engrg.

PI-American Production Robotic Consortium 500 1989

PI-Allied Signal Corp. Robotic Consortium 5,000 1989

PI-PSE&G Robotic Consortium 10,000 1989

PI-PSE&G Robotic Consortium 10,000 1988

PI-Peoples Republic of China Automation and Robotics 15,000 1988

Beijing Polytechnic Univ. Invited Lecture Series

PI-NJ DHE FMS in Computer Integrated 57,725 1988 Mfg.-CMES

CP-NJ DHE A Virtual University for CIM 492,080 1988


PI-Allied Signal Robotic Consortium 5,000 1988

PI-PSE&G Robot Consortium 10,000 1987

PI-Allied Signal Robot Consortium 5,000 1987

CP-AT&T Foundation Mfg. Technology Grant Program 250,000 1987

(IE, ME)

PI-IBM Fellowship Award 30,000 1987

PI-NJ Excellence Initiative (2) Sir Robots 10,694 1987


PI-IBM Corp. Mfg. Technology Fellowship 28,000 1986

CP-McDonnell Douglas CAD Hardware & Software 1,250,000 1986

Robotic Place (IE,CIS,Arch)

PI-McDonnell Douglas CAD Hardware & Software 35,000 1986

Robotic Command Adjust, Build

PI-NJ DHE General Electric Flexible Mfg. 136,000 1986

System GE P-50 Robot, NASA

CNC, Miller Optomation Vision

System, SI Contrac Material Handling

Conveyor System, Series Six

Programmable Controller, IBM PC XT

PI-Bendix Corp. Robot Consortium 10,000 1986

PI-Patwin Plastics Robot Consortium 2,500 1985

PI-PSE&G Robot Consortium 7,500 1985

PI-Lockheed Electronics Robot Consortium 5,000 1985

PI-Singer Kearfott Robot Consortium 10,000 1985

CP-SME Student Scholarships & Equipment 9,300 1985

PI-Lockheed Electronics Robot Consortium 5,000 1984

CP-AT&T CNC Index Miller 50,000 1984

PI-Singer Kearfott Robot Consortium 10,000 1984

CP-Westinghouse Prab FA Robot 72,000 1984

CP-Westinghouse Fanuc MI Robot 40,000 1984

PI-Schrader Bellows Motion Mate Robot 6,000 1984

PI-A.K. Stamping Fanuc M-O Robot 42,631 1984

PI-NJIT Foundation Robotics Grant 16,385 1984

PI-PSE&G Robot Consortium 5,000 1984

CP-SME Robot Grant 1,900 1983

PI- PSE&G Robot Consortium 2,000 1983

PI-Western Electric Copperweld Robot 50,000 1983

PI-U.S. Robots Maker 1 Robot 22,000 1983

PI-NJIT Foundation, DHE Robotics Grant 7,677 1983

PI-NJIT Foundation Robotics Grant 10,980 1982

Total for 1982-1996 - $3,418,762


McDermott, K. J., United States Patent Office, Copyright of Computerized Robotic Data Base, 1983.


Professional Engineer New Jersey #24441 Active


Additional ACTIVITIES are now recorded in


A. Institute

NJIT Council on Manufacturing, Member, 1987-present

CIM Consortium Equipment Review Committee, Member, 1986-present

Dean of Engineering Search Committee, Chairman, 1985-86

CIM Committee, Vice Chairman, 1985-present

CIM Industrial Liaison Committee-NJIT Industry, Resource Member, 1985- present

M.S. Manufacturing Engineering, Chairman, 1985-88

B.S. Manufacturing Engineering, Member, 1984-87

CIM Educational Consortium for Central & Northern New Jersey, Curriculum


Committee on Technology and the Future, Member

Personal Computer Committee, Member

Mini Computer Education Committee, Member

Library Steering Committee, Member

Governor's Challenge Campaign, Member

B. Department

Chairman, Associate Chairman, Assistant Chairman, 1985-1988, 1996

Microcomputer Committee, Member

OCTOBERTECH Committee, Member

Boy Scout Merit Award Committee, Member

Laboratory Committee, Member

IE Search Committee, Chairman

C. Peer reviewing activity

See Published Reviews

D. Editorial Activity

See Published Reviews

E. Community/Government/Professional Affiliations

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Senior Member

Society of Manufacturing Engineers/Robotics International, Senior Member

Institute of Industrial Engineers, Member

American Society of Engineering Education, Member

Session Chairman, Robots 9, Robotics International of SME, Research and Development, "The Future", June 2-6-1985.

Session Chairman, OEM Design Conference, "Computers as Management Tools", Philadelphia, PA, September 1985.

Chairman, Robotics International, Metro NY/NJ Chapter 277, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1984-85.

Session Chairman, "Robots Research-The Next 5 Years and Beyond", The First World Conference on Robotic Research, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, August 1984.

Conference Chairman, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Robotics International, New Jersey Robotics 84 Conference, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, May 1984.

Conference Chairman, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Robotics International, New Jersey Robotics Conference, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, April 1983.

Executive Committee, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Robotics International, 1982-85.

Session Chairman, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Dallas, TX.


F. Professional Societies

Alpha Pi Mu, National Industrial Engineering Honor Society, 1985.

Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society, 1984, Faculty Advisor,



Additional ITEMS are now recorded in


2010 Saul K. Fenster Innovation in Engineering Education Award

Merit Awards (several) New Jersey Institute of Technology

NJIT 50th Anniversary Special Robotics Recognition Award 1998

CASA/SME University LEAD Award, 1995

NJIT Distinguished Alumni Award, 1995

Merit Award, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1990-91, 93-94, 94-95.

Merit Award, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1989-90.

Merit Bonus for 1988-89, New Jersey Institute of Technology.

1988 Best Engineering Reference Text - International Encyclopedia of Robotics, Richard Dorf, John Wiley & Sons, "Original Equipment Manufacturers", Chapter by Kevin J. McDermott.

Invited Lecture Series - Beijing Polytechnic University, Bejing, Peoples Republic of China, 1988.

Nominated - Excellence in Upper Division Undergraduate Education, 1988.

Merit Award, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1987-88.

IBM Manufacturing Technology Fellowship, 1987.

President's Award, Robots International, 1985, Society of Manufacturing Engineers.

Alphi Pi Mu, National Industrial Engineering Honor Society, 1985.

Associate Fellow, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Manufacturing Engineering, appointed 1985.

Merit Award, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1985-86.

Merit Award, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1984-85.

Resolution of Recognition, Board of Trustees, Bergen Community College, 1984.

Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society, 1984.

Associate Professor of Industrial and Management Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, promoted 1984.

Merit Award, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1983-84.

Merit Award, Ramapo College, 1980.


Dr. McDermott's significant contributions are in the area of research, laboratory development, Consortium development, teaching and Institute/Professional Society service.

1. Research Contribution

Research has been performed and is presently being continued in the areas of:

-Telerobotic Surgical Systems

-Programmable Logic Controllers

-Robotic Pre-Determined Time Systems

-Nuclear Mobile Robot Applications

-Expert System Robotic Path Generation

-Robotic Computerized Data Base - U. S. Patent Office Copyright

-Flexible Manufacturing System - Petri Networks in FMS

2. Laboratory Development

Three (3) robotic laboratories have been designed, developed, implemented and staffed. A large percentage of the funding and automated equipment for these laboratories have been acquired from industry. The laboratories are as follows:

-Robot Training Laboratory

-Robot Research Laboratory

-Flexibility Manufacturing Laboratory

3. Consortium Development


The NJIT/Industry CAD/CAM Robotics Consortium has been researched, designed, developed and implemented. Twelve (12) industrial firms have participated with faculty from Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Research is being performed in the three (3) previously mentioned laboratories.

4. Teaching

Student evaluations by over Four hundred (400) students have  shown that Dr. McDermott is an excellent teacher. This is documented  in Section IV, and has contributed to Dr. McDermott being awarded over ten (10) NJIT merit awards as well as being promoted to Associate Professor.

5. Institute/Professional Society Service

Dr. McDermott has been very active on many institute committees and several regional and national engineering societies. A few of these are as follows:

-Director, CAD/CAM Robotics Consortium

-Chairman, NJIT Dean of Engineering Search Committee

-Chairman, M.S. Manufacturing Engineering Committee

-Chairman, Society of Manufacturing Engineering, Robotic International NY/NJ Chapter
