Souvik Sinha

57 Branch Brook Place, Newark, NJ · (201) 878-9642 ·

I am a PhD student currently doing research on keyword search on RDF databases. Working on personalized and context-based keyword search on graph databases and linked data in general is the core of my research. I am also a teaching assistant where I teach programming courses to undergraduate students as a lab instructor.


Linked Data

Semantic Web

An initiative that aims at offering a new way of data integration and interoperability by connecting data sources on the Web and exposing real life data using semantic technologies. Linked data are also known as semi-structured data as they do have an underlying structure or schema but not a rigid one. For example, tree data (XML) and graph data (RDF).

Keyword Search

Personalized and Context-based search

Keyword Search is by far the most popular technique for querying linked data on the Web. Keyword search offers a straightforward, intuitive, and flexible method for retrieving information. My research focusses on personalized and context-based keyword search to solve the problems associated with keyword search such as result ambiguity and performance scalability among others.


Graph databases

RDF is the most prominent and standardized means of representing data in the Semantic Web. RDF uses Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) for identifying any real life thing (resource). The use of URIs enabled an easy way of linking different resources and information related to them.

Big data exploration

Graph mining/pattern mining

The major part of my research deals with large RDF graphs. Studying the existing algorithms and theories on graph exploration as well as working on semantic and structural characterisitcs of graphs forms the core of keyword search on RDF data.


New Jersey Institute of Technology

Doctorate of Philosophy
Computer Science

GPA: 3.55

August 2014 - Present

St. Thomas' College of Engineering and Technology

Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science

GPA: 3.4

August 2010 - June 2014


Programming Languages & Tools



CS 116

Lab Instructor

Introduction To Computer Science II C++

Fall 2015

CS 115

Lab instructor

Introduction to Computer Science I in C++

Spring 2016-Present

CS 113

Lab Instructor

Introduction To Computer Science I (Java Programming)

Fall 2016


Apart from research and teaching, I am a big sports enthusiast, soccer being the most prominent one. Other hobbies include playing various indoor games like badminton and table tennis and video games.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technolgy advancements in the field of databases and Computer Science in general.


  • Vice-President of DeepCS, the graduate students’ academic association for College of Computing Sciences at NJIT (2015-2017).
  • Teaching Assistant at NJIT Hackathon 2014 and 2015.
  • 1st Served as external reviewer in major international database conferences and workshops