Date |
Speaker and Title |
Host |
Jan. 23 |
Bin Liu, Brown University
Helical swimming in viscoelastic and porous media |
Yuan Young |
Feb. 6 |
Lou Kondic, NJIT
Modeling thin film instabilities with application to liquid metals on nanoscale |
Shahriar Afkhami |
Feb. 13 |
Ricardo Barros, IMPA
Non-Boussinesq effects on the stability of stratified shear flows |
Wooyuoung Choi |
Feb. 20 |
Jean-Luc Thiffeault, University of Wisconsin
Simple models of stirring by swimming organisms |
Yuan Young |
Feb. 27 |
Roseanna Zia, Princeton University
Particle Motion in Colloids: Microviscosity,
Microdiffusivity, and Normal Stresses
Shahriar Afkhami |
Mar. 5 |
Meenakshi Dutt, Rutgers University
Harnessing Spontaneous and Self-Assembly to Design Biomimetic
Functionalized Nanotube-Lipid Hybrid Structures |
Lou Kondic |
Mar. 19 |
Petia Vlahovska, Brown University
Nonlinear electrohydrodynamics of a viscous droplet |
Yuan Young |
Apr. 16 |
Yang Liu, Drexel
Convergence analysis of the immersed boundary
method |
Michael Siegel |
Apr. 23 |
Trushant Majmudar, New York University
Experiments and Theory of Undulatory Locomotion in Structured Media |
Yuan Young |