Usman Roshan
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Ph.D. Computer Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Advisor: Tandy Warnow

Follow me on links below for videos on my research
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Office: GITC 4415
Mailing address: Department of Computer Science, NJIT, GITC 4100, University Heights, Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: 973-596-2872 (office)
Fax: 973-596-5777 (fax)

Best way to reach me:

Research: I am looking for students with strong programming skills and mathematical maturity to work on medical AI, deep learning, and robust machine learning projects. These projects involve algorithms, large datasets, Python, numpy, deep learning libraries such as Keras and Pytorch, and parallel programming on CPUs and GPUs. These projects would lead to a Masters or PhD thesis. Publications

Teaching (Previous courses)
Students (complete list of student thesis available here)
  • Yiran Huang, PhD thesis advisor (expected 2028)
  • Agustin Vidal, PhD thesis advisor (expected 2026)