Write a Perl program that prints the score of a sequence alignment given in dna.txt (in FASTA format) but using match and mimatch scores provided in a file called matrix.txt. This file contains four rows and columns where the first row (and column) represents A, the second C, third G, and the fourth T. For example if the file matrix.txt is 10 -1 2 1 -1 9 1 2 2 1 11 -1 1 2 -1 12 then the score of aligning A with A is 10 (the number in the the first row and first column) and C with A is -1 (the number in the second row and first column). If dna.txt contains the alignment >human ACCGTA >mouse ACGTAC then its score according to matrix.txt is 10+9+1-1+1-1=19. Your program should work for any set of numbers in matrix.txt and any pair of aligned sequences in dna.txt. Submit your solution as a file called HW12.pl to Hareesh hc44@njit.edu by Oct 30th and submit a hardcopy in class.