Write a Python script that reads in two unaligned sequences in FASTA format from a file called "dna_fasta.txt" and outputs the optimal alignment scoring matrix V and the corresponding traceback T. Recall that the matrix V contains the score of the optimal alignment of the two input sequences and all substrings from the start. Submit a hardcopy on Feb 24rth in class. Recall the code for computing V and T is Input: seq1 (along columns), seq2 (along rows) Initilization: V[0,0]=0, V[i,0]=ig, V[0,j]=jg T[0,0]=0, T[i,0]='L', V[0,j]='U' Recurrence: for i = 0 to length of seq2: for j = 0 to length of seq1: x = V[i-1,j-1]+m/mm y = V[i-1,j]+g z = V[i,j-1]+g if x >= y and x >= z: V[i][j]=x T[i][j]='D' elif y >= x and y >= z: V[i][j]=y T[i][j]='U' else: V[i][j]=z T[i][j]='L'