Modify the function for computing the Needleman-Wunsch alignment score to use the BLOSUM62 matrix. The easy way to do this is to read in the BLOSUM62 matrix from a file and store it as a dictionary. Start with the code below: #Initialize dictionary blosum_matrix = {} f = open("BLOSUM_62.txt", "r") data = f.readlines() aa = ['', 'A','R','N','D','C','Q','E','G','H','I','L','K','M','F','P','S','T','W','Y','V','B','Z','X'] for j in range(1,len(data),1): l = data[j].split() for i in range(1,len(l),1): #Specify key #Specify value #Insert (key,value) pair into the dictionary Submit hardcopies of your modified NWscore function in class on Mar 25th.