Write a Perl subroutine that computes a maximal local aligned segment. The input to the subroutine is 1. $q (query sequence) 2. $t (target sequence) 3. $kmer (a substring of length 3 that is contained in $q and $t) 4. $threshold (defined such that the maximal segment score will reduce by at most threshold if further extended) For example, suppose the input $q and $t are $t: ACCTGTAGG $q: ATGTC $kmer="TGT", and $threshold=-2. Also suppose the match score=10 and mismatch=-2. Then the kmer-hit has score 30. But if extended it becomes CTGTA ATGTC which has a reduction of -4. This is less than the threshold -2 and so the maximal aligned segment is TGT TGT Submit your solution as a file called HW11.pl to the teaching assistant Shikha Kaushal (shikha.kaushal@gmail.com). Replace with your first name.