Complete the program below to compute the evolutionary distance between two sequences using the formula: ( Unique common kmers between x and y ) d(x,y) = -ln( -------------------- ) ( Min(len(x), len(y)) ) Submit hardcopies in class on Apr 14th. BEGIN names = [] seqs = [] f = open("sequences.fasta") file2 = f.readlines() f.close() for i in range(0,len(file2),2): file2[i] = file2[i].rstrip('\n') names.append(file2[i]) file2[i+1] = file2[i+1].rstrip('\n') seqs.append(file2[i+1]) number_of_leaves = len(seqs) number_of_nodes = 2*number_of_leaves - 1 #Initialize variables D = [] mismatches=0 for i in range(0, len(seqs), 1): seq1 = seqs[i] l=[] for j in range(0, len(seqs)): mismatches = 0 seq2=seqs[j] # [aligned_seq1,aligned_seq2] = alignment.NWalignment(seq1, seq2) # for k in range(0, len(aligned_seq1)): # if (aligned_seq1[k] != aligned_seq2[k]): # mismatches+=1 # Dij = (-3/4)*math.log(1-(4/3)*(mismatches/len(aligned_seq1))) blast_score = alignment.blast_like_alignment_fast(seq1, seq2) Dij = -1*math.log( common kmers betweem seq1 and seq2 / min(len(seq1), len(seq2))) l.append(Dij) D.append(l) #for i in range(0, len(D)): # print(D[i]) END