Modify the following program to takes aligned sequences from a FASTA file and create a 2 dimensional matrix D. Each entry Dij in the matrix is the Jukes Cantor evolutionary distance give Dij = -3/4 ln(1 - (4/3)*pij) where pij is the number of mistmatches divided by alignment length. BEGIN: import math #Read sequence names from FASTA file names = [] f = open("aligned.fasta") file2 = f.readlines() f.close() seqs = [] for i in range(0,len(file2),2): file2[i] = file2[i].rstrip('\n') names.append(file2[i]) seqs.append(file2[i+1]) #Initialize variables rows = len(file) D = [] for i in range(0, rows, 1): l = file[i].split() for j in range(len(l)): l[j] = float(l[j]) D.append(l) END Submit hardcopy in class on April 5th, 2016