Modify the Perl script for sequence alignment that we wrote in class to work with affine gaps (see recurrence below). You only need to modify how the matrix V is computed. The traceback remains the same. Submit your assignment by copying it into the directory /afs/cad/courses/bnfo/f18/bnfo/601/001/. For example if your ucid is abc12 then copy your Perl script into /afs/cad/courses/bnfo/f18/bnfo/601/001/abc12. Submit your solution to your course directory by midnight Sept 30th. Input: Sequences X and Y of lengths m and n respectively Output: Optimal alignment of X and Y with affine gaps Use costs m=5, mm=-4, g=-26, e=-1. Pseudocode for affine gap alignment: Define the matrices V, E, F, and M as follows: M(i,j) = Optimal sequence alignment of X1X2...Xi and Y1Y2...Yj such that Xi is aligned to Yj E(i,j) = Optimal sequence alignment of X1X2...Xi and Y1Y2...Yj such that Yj is aligned to a gap F(i,j) = Optimal sequence alignment of X1X2...Xi and Y1Y2...Yj such that Xi is aligned to a gap V(i,j) = Optimal sequence alignment of X1X2...Xi and Y1Y2...Yj Initialization: V(0,0) = M(0,0) = 0 E(0,0) = F(0,0) = -Inf M(i,0) = M(0,i) = E(i,0) = F(0,i) = -Inf V(i,0) = V(0,i) = E(0,i) = F(i,0) = g+(i-1)e Recurrence: V(i,j) = max{ E(i,j), F(i,j), M(i,j) ) M(i,j) = V(i-1,j-1) + m/mm F(i,j) = max{ M(i-1,j) + g, F(i-1,j) + e } E(i,j) = max{ M(i,j-1) + g, E(i,j-1) + e } Traceback: T(i,j)= 'd' if V(i,j)==M(i,j) 'l' if V(i,j)==E(i,j) 'u' if V(i,j)==F(i,j)