string Solver.type BMRM int BMRM.verbosity 2 int BMRM.maxNumOfIter 1000 // uncomment one of the following double BMRM.relEpsilonTol .1 //double BMRM.epsilonTol 1e-5 //double BMRM.relGammaTol 1e-1 //double BMRM.gammaTol 1e-5 double BMRM.lambda .001 int InnerSolver.verbosity 0 // uncomment one of the following 3 inner solvers for L2 norm regularization string BMRM.innerSolverType L2N2_DaiFletcherPGM //string BMRM.innerSolverType L2N2_prLOQO //string BMRM.innerSolverType L2N2_LineSearch // uncomment the following if either L2N2_DaiFletcherPGM or L2N2_prLOQO is chosen int L2N2_BMRMDualInnerSolver.maxGradSetSize 1000 int L2N2_BMRMDualInnerSolver.gradIdleAge 100 bool L2N2_BMRMDualInnerSolver.removeAllIdleGradients false string Model.modelFile model.binary.l2.txt // uncomment one of the following string Loss.lossFunctionType HINGE //string Loss.lossFunctionType SQUARED_HINGE //string Loss.lossFunctionType LOGISTIC //string Loss.lossFunctionType F_BETA //string Loss.lossFunctionType ROC_SCORE //string Loss.lossFunctionType EXPONENTIAL //string Loss.lossFunctionType HUBER_HINGE //double HUBER_HINGE.H 0.01 //string Loss.lossFunctionType NOVELTY_DETECTION //double NOVELTY_DETECTION.rho 0.9 int Loss.verbosity 0 bool Loss.nonNegative true int Data.verbosity 1 bool Data.bias false string Data.format VECTOR_LABEL_VECTOR_FEATURE // replace the following values by actual paths to feature vectors and labels files string Data.featureFile training_bmrm string Data.labelFile training_labels_bmrm