In this exercise we will do an adaptive learning rate for hinge. Between the compute dellf and updatew code portions insert the following pseudocode. eta_list = [1, .1, .01, .001, .0001, .00001, .000001, .0000001, .00000001, .000000001, .0000000001, .00000000001 ] bestobj = 1000000000000 for k in range(0, len(eta_list), 1): eta = eta_list[k] ##update w ##insert code here for w = w + eta*dellf ##get new error error = 0 for i in range(0, rows, 1): if(trainlabels.get(i) != None): ##update error ##insert code to update the loss (which we call error here) obj = error ##update bestobj and best_eta ##insert code here ##remove the eta for the next ##insert code here for w = w - eta*dellf eta = best_eta