Write a convolutional network in Keras to train the Mini-ImageNet dataset on the course website. Your constraint is to create a network that achieves at least 70% test accuracy. Submit your assignments as two files train.py and test.py. Make train.py take three inputs: the input training data, training labels, and a model file name to save the model to. python train.py It is straightforward to save a Keras model to file, see the simple example here https://keras.io/getting-started/faq/#savingloading-whole-models-architecture-weights-optimizer-state Make test.py take three inputs: the input test data, test labels, and a model file name to load the model. python test.py The output of test.py is the test error of the data which is the number of misclassifications divided by size of the test set. Copy both your programs and model file to your AFS course folder /afs/cad/courses/ccs/S19/cs/677/850/. The assignment is due on July 20th 2019.