Yuan N. Young


Cullimore Hall, Room 519, University Heights
Department of Mathematical Sciences
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, NJ 07102

973-642-7034 (office)
973-596-5591 (FAX)

E-mail: yyoung@njit.edu

Professional Experience

  • Full Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences at NJIT, Newark, NJ, Fall 2017 - present
  • Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences at NJIT, Newark, NJ, Summer 2010 - Summer 2017
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences at NJIT, Newark, NJ, Fall 2004 - Spring 2010
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, working with Doron Levy at Stanford's Mathematics Department and Nagi Mansour at NASA Ames Research Center, Fall 2002 - July 2004
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics at Northwestern University. Supervisor: Hermann Riecke, Fall 2000 - August 2002.
  • Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Fellow and Visitor at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution , Summer 1998, 1999, 2001, 2005 and 2016.
  • Graduate Student in Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at University of Chicago. Supervisor: Robert Rosner, Fall 1994-Spring 2000

    Research Interests

    Fluid-Structure/Interface Interactions in Stokes flow

  • elastic, inextensible fiber/membrane in Stokes flow with and without confinement
  • active nematic fluid enclosed in a viscous drop, active nematic fluid on a deformable surface, rigid spherical squirmer interacting with a wall,
  • modeling the interface between a viscous fluid and a poroelastic fluid
  • from electrokinetics to electrodefusion around a fluid interface
  • electrohydrodynamics of a drop, a capsule, and a vesicle
  • effect of (soluble and insoluble) surfactants and micelles

    Cellular Mechanics with Hydrodynamic Interactions

  • mechanotransduction by primary cilia
  • dynamics of centrosomes and nucleus driven by interactions between dyneins-associated force generators and microtubules
  • interaction between surfactants, proteins, and lipid-bilayer membranes

    Numerical methods and analysis

  • reinforcement learning and machine learning for solving Partial Differential Eequations
  • fast and accurate algorithms for simulating fluid-structure interactions

    Mixing in Fluids

  • mixing in Rayleigh-Taylor flow and Kolmogorov flow
  • pattern and defect chaos in convection-driven mixing flow


  • NSF-DMS 1951600, 2020-2025
  • NSF-DMS 1614863, 2016-2022
  • NSF-DMS 1222550, 2012-2016
  • NSF-CBET 0853673, 2009-2011
  • NSF-DMS 1412789, 2014-2018 (Co-PI)
  • NSF-DMS 1009105, 2010-2014 (Co-PI)
  • NSF-DMS 0620832, 2006-2010 (Co-PI)
  • NSF-DMS 0708977, 2007-2010 (Co-PI)


    I have taught a series of graduate courses (M611, M613, M614, M651) and undergraduate courses (M222, M337, M340, M211) in the past. For Spring semester of 2024, I am teaching M222 (Differential Equations).

    Services for the department

    I have been involved with the organization of FACM (Frontier of Applied an Computational Mathematics) Conference in the past. In particular I co-organized FACM 2015 conference for the Department of Mathematical Sciences. I am now serving on several departmental committees.

    I have organized the departmental colloquium and chairing other seminar series in the past (2013).

    I have organized the fluid seminar from Fall 2005 to Spring 2010.

    In addition, I have also served on the library committee and as advisors for math minors, math majors, and three graduate students (Herve Nganguia, Szu-Pei Fu and Yuexin Liu).

    Services for the community

    I have been an active referee for a dozen of top-ranked journals and have served on panels for grants for several funding agencies.


    (in postscript or pdf format, may need to gunzip in order to view or print; please email me if you are having trouble with these files)

    "On the miscible Rayleigh-Taylor instability". Click here for the abstract, and here for the main part of the thesis in pdf format (1.0MB).

    Journal and Invited Review Articles

  • Hydrodynamic interactions between a sedimenting squirmer and a planar wall , submitted for publication, January, 2025.
  • Geometric model for dynamics of motor-driven centrosomal asters , Phys. Rev. Research, 7, 013004, 2025.
  • Microstructure-Based Modeling of Primary Cilia Mechanics , Cytoskeleton, 81, 369-381, 2024.
  • Hydrodynamics of Multicomponent Vesicle Under Strong Confinement , Soft Matter, 20, 599-608, 2024.
  • Adaptive Micro-Locomotion in a Dynamically Changing Environment via Context Detection" , Comm. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Sim., 128, 107666, 2024.
  • Effects of Tunable Hydrophobicity on the Collective Hydrodynamics of Janus Particles under Flows , Physical Review Fluids, 8, 050501, 2023.
  • Influence of surface viscosities on the electrodeformation of a prolate viscous drop , Soft Matter, online, 19, 776, 2023.
  • Gait switching and targeted navigation of microswimmers via deep reinforcement learning, Communications Physics, 5, 158, 2022.
  • Comparison of four boundary conditions for the fluid-hydrogel interface, Physcial Review Fluids, 7, 093301, 2022.
  • The effects of surface hydration on capillary adhesion under nanoscale confinement, Soft Matter, online, June 16 2022.
  • Two-dimensional hydrodynamics of a Janus particle vesicle, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 941, A41, May 2022.
  • The effect of rigid cells on blood viscosity: Linking rheology and sickle cell anemia, Soft Matter, 18, 554-565, 2022.
  • An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method for simulating interfacial dynamics between a hydrogel and a fluid, Journal of Computational Physics, 451, 110851, February 2022.
  • Wall-induced translation of a rotating particle in a shear-thinning fluid, Journal of Fluid Mechanics Rapids, 927, September 2021.
  • Hydrodynamics of a semipermeable inextensible membrane under flow and confinement, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 073601, July 2021.
  • Effects of surfactant solubility on the hydrodynamics of a viscous drop in a dc electric field, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 064004, June 2021.
  • Mechanical rotation at low Reynolds number via reinforcement learning, Physics of Fluids, 33, 062007, June 2021.
  • The many behaviors of deformable active droplets, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 18(3), pages 2849-2881, March 2021.
  • Primary cilium: a paradigm for integrating mathematical modeling with experiments and numerical simulations in mechanobiology, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 18(2), pages 1215-1237, January 2021.
  • Boundary conditions at a gel-fluid interface (published version) , Physical Review Fluids, 5, 124304, 2020.
  • Simulation of multiscale hydrophobic lipid dynamics via efficient integral equation methods (arXiv version) , SIAM Journal of Multiscale Modeling, 18(1), pages 79-103, 2020.
  • Primary cilia have a length-dependent persistence length (reprint) , 10.1007/s10237-019-01220-7, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 19(2), pages 445-460, 2020.
  • Hydrodynamics and rheology of a vesicle doublet suspension, (arXiv version), 4, 103601, Physical Review Fluids, September 2019.
  • Effects of surfactant transport on electrodeformation of a viscous drop (preprint version) , 99, 063104, Physical Review E, June 2019.
  • A slightly deformable Darcy drop in linear flows (preprint version) , 4, 063601, Physical Review Fluids, June 2019.
  • Electrohydrodynamics of leaky dielectrics as the weak electrolyte limit of an electrodiffusion model, with Y. Mori, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 855, 67-130, September 2018.
  • Long-wave dynamics of an elastic sheet lubricated by a thin liquid film on a wetting substrate, with H. A. Stone, Physical Review Fluids, 2, 064001, June 2017.
  • On the gating of mechanosensitive channels by fluid shear stress, with Z. Peng, O. Pak, Z. Feng and A. Liu, Acta Mech. Sin., 32, 1012-1022, October 2016 (online).
  • Lennard-Jones type pair-potential method for coarse-grained lipid bilayer membrane simulations in LAMMPS (.pdf), with S.-P. Fu, Z. Peng, H. Yuan and R. Kfoury, Computer Physics Communications, 210, 193-203, October 2016 (online).
  • Electrohydrodynamics of a viscous drop with inertia, with H. Nganguia, A. Layton, W.-F. Hu and M.-C. Lai, Phys. Rev. E, 93, 053114, May 2016.
  • Vesicle electrohydrodynamic simulations by coupling immersed boundary and immersed interface methods, with W.-F. Hu, M.-C. Lai and Y. Seol, J. Comp. Phys., 317, 66-81, 2016.
  • The primary cilium is a self-adaptable, integrating nexus for mechanical stimuli and cellular signaling (.pdf), BiolOPEN, with An. M. Nguyen and Christopher R. Jacobs, 4(12), 1733-1738, 2015.
  • Near-wall dynamics of concentrated hard-sphere suspensions: Comparison of evanescent wave DLS experiments, virial approximation and simulations, Soft Matter, with Y. Liu, J. Blawzdziewicz, B. Cichocki, J. K. G. Dhont, M. K. Lisicki, E. Wajnryb and P. Lang, DOI: 10.1039/C5SM01624J, 2015.
  • Gating of a mechanosensitive channel due to cellular flows (.pdf), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, with On Shun Pak, S. Veerapaneni, G. Marple and H. Stone, 112, 1512152112, 2015.
  • Efficient Brownian Dynamics Simulation of A Single DNA with Hydrodynamic Interactions in Linear Flows (.pdf), Phys. Rev. E, with S.-P. Fu and S. Jiang, 91, 063008, 2015.
  • An Immersed Interface Method for Axisymmetric Electrohydrodynamic Simulations in Stokes Flow, CiCP, with H. Nganguia, A. T. Layton, W.-F. Hu and M.-C. Lai, 18, No. 2, pp 429-449, 2015.
  • Electrohydrodynamic instability of a capacitive elastic membrane (.pdf), Phys. Fluids, with M. J. Miksis, 27, 022102, 2015.
  • A hybrid immersed boundary and immersed interface method for electrohydrodynamic simulations (.pdf), J. Comp. Phys., with Wei-Fan Hu and Ming-Chih Lai, 282, 47-61, 2015 (available online on November 11, 2014).
  • Multiscale modeling of primary cilia, Multiscale Modeling in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology, (Edited by Surranu De, Wonmuk Huang and Ellen Kuhl), published by Springer, 2014.
  • Long-wave Dynamics of an Inextensible Planar Membrane in an Electric Field (.pdf), J. Fluid Mech., 751, 406-431, 2014.
  • Dynamics of the Primary Cilium in Time-Periodic Flows (.pdf), Contemporary Mathematics, 628, 91, 2014.
  • Equilibrium Electrodeformation of a Spheroidal Vesicle in an AC Electric Field (.pdf), Phys. Rev. E, 88, 052718, 2013.
  • Equilibrium Electro-deformation of a Surfactant-laden Viscous Drop (.pdf), with Herve Nganguia, P. M. Vlahovska, Jerzy Blawzdziewcz, J. Zhang and H. Lin, Phys. Fluids, 25, 092106, 2013.
  • Dynamics of the Primary Cilium in Shear Flow (.pdf), with M. Downs and C. R. Jacobs, Biophysical Journal, 103, 629-639, 2012.
  • Modeling a semi-flexible filament in cellular Stokes flow using regularized Stokeslets (.pdf), with E. L. Bouzarth and A. T. Layton, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Biomed. Engng., 27, 2021-2034, 2011.
  • Dynamics of a compound vesicle in shear flow (.pdf), with S. Veerapaneni, P. Vlahovska and J. Blawzdziewicz, Physical Review Letters, 106, 158103, 2011.
  • Dynamics of a non-spherical microcapsule with incompressible interface in shear flow, with P. Vlahovska, G. Danker and C. Misbah, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 678, 221-247, 2011.
  • Dynamics of a semiflexible polar filament in Stokes flow, Physical Review E, 82, 016309, 2010.
  • Nonlinear hydrodynamic phenomena in Stokes flow regime with J. Blawzdziewicz, R. Goodman, N. Khurana, E. Wajnryb, Physica D, 239, (14) 1214-1224, 2010.
  • Influence of surfactant solubility on the deformation and breakup of a bubble or capillary jet in a viscous fluid (.pdf), with M. R. Booty, M. Siegel and J. Li, Physics of Fluids, 21, 072105, 2009.
  • Hydrodynamic interactions between two semi-flexible in-extensible filaments in Stokes flow (.pdf), Physical Review E, 79, 046317, 2009.
  • Hysteretic and chaotic dynamics of viscous drops in creeping flows with rotation (.pdf), with Jerzy Blawzdziewicz, V. Cristini and R. H. Goodman, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 607, 209-234, 2008.
  • Influence of insoluble surfactant on the deformation and breakup of a bubble or thread in a viscous fluid (.pdf), with M. Hameed, M. Siegel, J. Li, M. R. Booty and D. T. Papageorgiou, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 594, 307-340, 2008.
  • A stretch-coil transition and transport of fibers in cellular flows (.pdf), with Mike Shelley, Physical Review Letters, 99, 058303, 2007.
  • Limits of the potential flow approach to the single-mode Rayleigh-Taylor problem (.pdf), with P. Ramaprabhu, Guy Dimonte, A. C. Calder and B. Fryxell, Physical Review E, 74, 74, 066308, 2006.
  • Surface tension in incompressible Rayleigh-Taylor mixing flow (.pdf), with F. Ham, Journal of Turbulence, 7 (Number 71), 1-23, 2006.
  • Stratified Kolmogorov Flow: Part II (.pdf), with N. Balmforth, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 528, 23-42, 2005.
  • Registration-Based Morphing of Active Contours for Segmentation of CT Scans (.pdf), with D. Levy, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2, 79-96, 2005.
  • A comparative study of the turbulent Rayleigh-Taylor instability using high-resolution 3D numerical simulations: The Alpha-Group collaboration (.pdf), with G. Dimonte and the alpha-group, Physics of Fluids, 16(5), 1668-1693, 2004.
  • Weakly non-linear analysis of wind-driven gravity waves (.pdf), with A. Alexakis and R. Rosner, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 503 171-200, 2004.
  • A hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian method for LES of atomizing spray, with F. Ham, S. Apte and M. Herrmann, Advances in Fluid Mechanics, 37 313, 2004.
  • Whirling and defect chaos in non-Boussinesq convection, with H. Riecke and W. Pesch, New Journal of Physics, 5135.1-135.16, 2003.
  • Penta-hepta defect chaos in a model for rotating hexagonal convection (.pdf), with H. Riecke, Physical Review Letters, 90, 134502, 2003.
  • Induced defect nucleation and side-band instabilities in hexagons with rotation and mean flow (.pdf), with H. Riecke, Physica D, 176, 107-124, 2003.
  • Universality of scalar statistics in stably stratified turbulence (.pdf), with S. Wunsch, Physical Review E, 66,016306, 2002.
  • Mean flow in the hexagonal convection: stability and nonlinear dynamics, with H. Riecke (.pdf), Physica D 163, 166-183, 2002.
  • Shear instability of fluid interfaces: Stability analysis (.pdf), with A. Alexakis and R. Rosner, Physical Review E, 65, 026313, 2002.
  • Stratified Kolmogorov flow (.pdf), with N. Balmforth, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 450, 131-167, 2002.
  • On the C/O Enrichment of Novae Ejecta, with R. Rosner, A. Alexakis, J. Truran and W. Hilderbrandt, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 562, L177-L179, 2001.
  • On the miscible Rayleigh-Taylor instability: two and three dimensions (.pdf), with H. Tufo, A. Dubey and R. Rosner, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 447, 377-408, 2001.
  • Flash code: Studying astrophysical thermonuclear flashes, with R. Rosner and the FLASH team, Computing in Science and Engineering, 2, 33-41, 2000.
  • Numerical simulation of double-diffusive convection in a rectangular box, with R. Rosner, Physical Review E, 61, 2676-2694, 2000.
  • Linear and weakly nonlinear analysis of doubly diffusive vertical slot convection, with R. Rosner, Physical Review E, 57, 5554-5563, 1998.
  • Linear stability analysis of doubly-diffusive vertical slot convection, with R. Rosner, Physical Review E, 57, 1183-1186, 1998.

    Conference Proceedings (* = refereed)

  • Stratified Kolmogorov flow, in Stirring and Mixing, 1999 Summer Study Program in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics , Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Available from http://gfd.whoi.edu/.
  • *Transition from Eulerian to Lagrangian description of multiphase flows using the particle level set method, ILASS Americas 15th annual conference on liquid atomization and spray systems, Monterey, CA, May 2003.
  • *Stratified Kolmogorov flow, with N. Balmforth, Proceedings of the 12th Taylor-Couette Conference, September, 2001.
  • *On the miscible Rayleigh-Taylor instability: 2D versus 3D, with H. Tufo, A. Dubey and R. Rosner, Proceedings of the 2000 ICTAM meetings at Chicago, September, 2000.

    Technical Reports (* = referreed)

  • *Turbulent mixing of multiphase flows, with J. Ferziger, F. Ham and M. Herrmann, CTR Annual Review Brief, 2003.
  • *Subgrid scale modeling in solar convection simulations using ASH, with M. Miesch and N. Mansour, CTR Annual Review Brief, 2003.
  • *A Cartesian adaptive level set method for two-phase flows, with F. Ham, CTR Annual Review Brief, 2003.
  • *Interaction between turbulent flow and free surfaces, with F. Ham and N. Mansour, CTR Annual Review Brief, 2002.