Yuan N. YoungProfessor
Cullimore Hall, Room 519, University Heights
973-642-7034 (office) E-mail: yyoung@njit.edu
Fluid-Structure/Interface Interactions in Stokes flow
Cellular Mechanics with Hydrodynamic Interactions
Numerical methods and analysis
Mixing in Fluids
I have taught a series of graduate courses (M611, M613, M614, M651) and undergraduate courses (M222, M337, M340, M211) in the past. For Spring semester of 2024, I am teaching M222 (Differential Equations).
I have been involved with the organization of FACM (Frontier of Applied an Computational Mathematics) Conference in the past. In particular I co-organized FACM 2015 conference for the Department of Mathematical Sciences. I am now serving on several departmental committees.
I have organized the departmental colloquium and chairing other seminar series in the past (2013).
I have organized the fluid seminar from Fall 2005 to Spring 2010.
In addition, I have also served on the library committee and as advisors for math minors, math majors, and three graduate students (Herve Nganguia, Szu-Pei Fu and Yuexin Liu).
I have been an active referee for a dozen of top-ranked journals and have served on panels for grants for several funding agencies.
"On the miscible Rayleigh-Taylor instability". Click here for the abstract, and here for the main part of the thesis in pdf format (1.0MB).
Journal and Invited Review Articles
Conference Proceedings (* = refereed)
Technical Reports (* = referreed)