1. Write a Python script that prints the total number of A's in sequences given in FASTA format in a file called dna.fasta. The input may contain more than two sequences of any length. For example if the file contains >human ACCGT >mouse GTGATAAA >cat GTGA then the output of the program should be 6 Your program should work for any sequences and not just the ones in the example. 2. Write a Python program that prints length of the longest sequence in the file dna.txt given in FASTA format. For example if the file contains >human ACCGT >mouse AGTTATATA >cat AGT >dog GTGTATA then the output should be 9 Your program should work for any number of sequences and not just the given example. 3. Write a Python script that takes from the user an input DNA sequence and prints the percentage of A's, C's, G's, and T's. For example if the user types AGGTGACCCT then the output should be A: 20 C: 30 G: 30 T: 20