quality-based Multivariate Score Association Test

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  • qMSAT is a powerful test that directly incorporates sequencing qualities in association tests with multiple rare variants. It allows for the adjustment of additional covariates and is robust towards the inclusion of noncausal variants and variants having effects with different magnitudes and directions. Furthermore, it can coherently account for missing genotypes and conjoin in a principled way individuals or variants sequenced at varying coverage depths.


  • R version of qMSAT can be obtained here.
  • A java version of qMSAT, which accepts variant call in the VCF format output from SNVer and GATK, will be available in near future.


  • Usage:


  • Z. John Daye, Hongzhe Li, and Zhi Wei. A Powerful Test for Multiple Rare Variants Association Studies that Incorporate Sequencing Qualities.


Email: zdaye@upenn.edu and zhiwei@njit.edu