PhD, MSc and BS/BA Students working towards a project or a thesis

  1. Ed Komenda, PhD Student, Fall 2005 - 2007.
  2. Jonathan Kapleau, PhD Student, Spring 2005-Spring 2009.
  3. Seung-Yeop Lee, PhD Student, Fall 2002-Fall 2004.
  4. Nebiyou Girma, MSc Student, Summer 2005,``JOB Management and Scheduling Software for a Cluster Computing Environment''.
  5. Abhishek Mittal, MSc Student, Fall 2003,``A Sorting Network Simulator for Fixed Size Comparison Networks'' (master's project).
  6. Elmer N. David, MSc Student, Spring 2004, ``VizATree - A visualization aid for balanced binary search trees, and B-tree data structure operations''. Click here for a project demonstration.
  7. Kesarkar Pranav Dilip, MSc Students, Fall 2007, ``Ulysses Spacecraft Project'', (with Dr Carsten Denker, NJIT Physics Department, supervising the physics component).
  8. Harendra V. Bhagat, BS Student, Spring 2002,``SortAlgo: A sorting Algorithm Visualization Tool'', (undegraduate project). Click here for a project demonstration (Note: Sometimes the web server is down). (Further Note: As of 2021 the server is not working.)
  9. Davud Kaplan, MSc Software Engineering Student, Summer 2021, ``Online Learning Platform for the Language of Arabic'', (master's project).

Independent Study

  1. Michael Cody, MSc Student, Spring 2000, independent study project.
  2. Theodore J Lavarias, BS Student, Summer 2001, sorting algorithm visualization in C/C++ using Xwindows and the graphical environment GNOME under Linux, (undergraduate independent study).

Last modified Aug 27, 2021 at 14:22