A collection of parallel integer sorting functions written in ANSI C
Source code is in the srtpari directory.
First read 20pisrt.txt.
A collection of parallel integer sorting routines including
(a) 32-bit (unsigned int) sorting using a 4-round count-sort (radix-sort)
(b) 32-bit (unsigned int) sorting using a 2-round count-sort (radix-sort)
(c) 32-bit (unsigned int) sorting using a 4-round count-sort (radix-sort)
a different implementation
(d) integer sorting using a generic sorting BSP (Bulk Synchronous Parallel)
randomized sorting algorithm (Gerbessiotis-Valiant)
(e) integer sorting using a generic sorting BSP (Bulk Synchronous Parallel)
deterministic sorting algorithm (Gerbessiotis-Siniolakis)
(f) integer sorting using a generic sorting BSP (Bulk Synchronous Parallel)
randomized sorting algorithm (Gerbessiotis) utilizing the structure
of the deterministic sorting algorithm (Gerbessiotis-Siniolakis)
(g) integer sorting using a generic odd-even transposition sort algorithm
(aka unoptimized bubble-sort).
Drivers for testing them are available in srtpari.
File mbspisrt.c can be used for both BSP libraries and compilations.
For MPI (openMPI-tested) a Makefile compilation uses mmpiisrt.c.
gmain.c, etc.
- 20pisrtV01d.tar
It creates a directory 20pisrt and then populates it.
Start by reading 20pisrt.txt.
(pisrt stands for parallel integer sorting.)
- 20pisrtV01.tar
It doesnot create a directory but populates the current directory with
files and subdirectories! Avoid it.
Last Update: Aug 12, 2020