CIS 435 and CIS 435H

Copyright by A. Gerbessiotis (1999-2005). All rights reserved.

B1. Homeworks , Programming Assignments and Exams

  1. Homework 1 in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (****Uploaded 01/25/2005****).
  2. Homework 2 in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (****Uploaded 02/01/2005****).
  3. Homework 3 in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (****Uploaded 02/08/2005****). Definitions for the operations defined in the last problem can be found on page 198 of CLRS.
  4. Homework 4 in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (****Uploaded 02/22/2005****).
  5. Homework 5 in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (****Uploaded 03/21/2005****).
  6. Homework 6 in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (****Uploaded 04/05/2005****).

Before you do anyone of the programming assignments, read Handout 6 below (Section B2), and download the code of Section B4 (one of items 1 or 2,3,4 for C++ or C programming),

  1. Programming Assignment 1 in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (****Uploaded 01/11/2005****).
  2. Programming Assignment 2 in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (****Uploaded 01/11/2005****).
  3. Programming Assignment 3 in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (****Uploaded 01/11/2005****).
  4. Programming Assignment 4 in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (****Uploaded 01/11/2005****).
  5. Programming Assignment 5 in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (****Uploaded 01/11/2005****).

B2. Handouts

  1. Handout 1 (Course Information) Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (uploaded 1/11)
  2. Handout 2 (Course Calendar/Detailed Syllabus) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (uploaded 1/11).
  3. Handout 3 (Course Policies) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (uploaded 1/11).
  4. B2b. Other Course Handouts

  5. Handout 4 (Programming Guidelines) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (uploaded 1/11). This is different from HW0; do it before you start doing HW0.
  6. Handout 5 (Brief discrete math review) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (uploaded 1/11)
  7. Handout 6 (Brief notes on asymptotic notation and recurrences) in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (uploaded 1/11)
  8. Formulae Collection in Adobe Postscript and Adobe Acrobat PDF. (uploaded 10/11)

B3. Other Reference Material

You may find the following material useful, as far as the coverage of asymptotic growth of functions and recurrences are concerned.
  1. Data Structures and Algorithms in Java by M. T. Goodrich and R. Tamassia, Wiley.
  2. Computer Algorithms: Introduction to Design and Analysis by Sara Baase and Allen Van Gelder, Addison Wesley.
  3. Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java by B. Press, Wiley.

B4. Source code

Source code cited in the programming exercises. The C++ version first:
  1. handouts/Source/C++/testing.tar or handouts/Source/C++/sortgC++.tar are one of the same and contain three individual files. On a UNIX system (eg. AFS or Linux) you untar say the testing.tar file by typing tar xvf testing.tar . On a PC one could use a file extraction/compression program such as WinZip to extract its contents.
  2. handouts/Source/C++/Makefile.
  3. handouts/Source/C++/
  4. handouts/Source/C++/
The C version is similar in structure.
  1. handouts/Source/C/testing.tar or handouts/Source/C/sortgC.tar are one of the same and contain three individual files. On a UNIX system (eg. AFS or Linux) you untar say the testing.tar file by typing tar xvf testing.tar . On a PC one could use a file extraction/compression program such as WinZip to extract its contents.
  2. handouts/Source/C/Makefile.
  3. handouts/Source/C/bubble.c.
  4. handouts/Source/C/sortg.c.
Note that our AFS-based C++ compiler understands C++ files that have .cc suffixes. If you use Visual C++ you may have to use .cpp suffixes in filenames.

B5. Postscript and PDF viewers

You can download viewers for Postscript and PDF files from through this link.