Instuctions for setting up PuTTY as a SSH1 client TELNET REPLACEMENT: putty.exe Say putty is in J:\ From a DOS prompt issue J:\> putty.exe NOTE that putty and pscp are COMMAND-LINE PROGRAMS. 1. You are shown a window of Putty Configuration. 2. Move to Basic Options for your PuTTY session in the Session Category and 2.a. In the Host Name field type you machine name eg 2.b. Click on SSH among the three options (Raw, Telnet, SSH) Port number will change to 22 3. Click open and supply password and username. FTP REPLACEMENT: pscp.exe J:\> pscp.exe mylocalfile mylogin : is login name on remore machine mymachine myremotefile is remote file name (/home/mylogin NOT REQUIRED) mylocalfile is how to name the local copy of file. TROUBLESHOOTING. 1. Can't login with putty.exe Make sure you are using SSH among (Raw,Telnet,SSH) on port 22. Telnet DOES NOT work.