CIS 750 (Lecture Notes)

The copyrighted material downloadable from this page is to be used only by the students enrolled in CIS 750 under Prof. Gerbessiotis. Distribution of this material outside this group is NOT allowed for any reason.

C1. Midterm Performance and PS comments (INACTIVE)


DISCLAIMER: The included material DOES NOT substitute the textbook for this class. It should be used in conjunction with the textbook and the material presented in class. If a statement in these "notes" seems to be incorrect, report it to the instructor so that it be fixed immediately. These "notes" are distributed to the students of CIS750 offered in Fall at the New Jersey Institute of Technology; distribution outside this group of students is prohibited. The material below will be uploaded in due time; an upload message will appear as soon as the corresponding document is uploaded.

C2.a Presentations

C3. Course-related papers and links

  1. Google-related papers Click here. For local copies of some of these papers check list below
  2. Google by Brin and Page Mirrored locally in pdf.
  3. Searching the Web by Arasu et al
  4. Recent Google DocIDs docID.txt, picked at random from Google.
  5. Hubs and Authorities paper by Kleinberg (1998) NEW-link(Mar 14).
  6. Parallel Computing Related Papers
    1. Gustafson paper in pdf.
    2. Computational requirements for weather related tasks. 2.pdf.
    3. The PRAM paper by Fortune and Wyllie in pdf.
    4. The Parallel Prefix Computations paper by Ladner and Fischer in pdf.
    5. Brent's paper in pdf.
    6. L.G.Valiant's BSP paper (C.ACM August 1990) in pdf. Also a BSP patent.
    7. The LogP model by Culler, Karp, Patterson et al in pdf.
    8. BSPlib documentation by J.D.Hill et al in Postcript.
    9. MPI related papers with sample code etc a/upc/mpi2.html, papers/mpi/MPI1av.pdf, papers/mpi/MPI2.pdf, papers/mpi/MPI2a.pdf (limitations of Put/Get ops), papers/mpi/MPI_Day1.pdf. Also, papers/mpi/RMACompaq.pdf, papers/mpi/RMAHP.pdf, papers/mpi/RMAMPIBSP.pdf, papers/mpi/mpi2.txt,
    10. MPI Tutorial at LLNL http://www.ll .
    11. MPI-Forum .
    12. MPI-2 C++ Bindings Click here. .
    13. MPI-2 Manual/Documentation Click here. .
    14. Web-page for book "Using MPI-2: etc" Click here. .
    15. C Programming Tutorial at Cambridge University (UK) .
    16. LAM-MPI (available in Red Hat linux distributions) .
    17. MPICH2 (another MPI implementation) Click here. .
    18. BSP Wordlwide Click here .
    19. BSPlib The most recent version is Version 1.4 of BSPlib, also available here in .tar.gz format. The documentation of BSPlib in Postcript. Brief instructions to install uniinstall.txt. on a single processor machine (eg. PC with linux, Sun workstation with Solaris)

C4. Other Information

The following material might be useful.

  1. HTML Guides
  2. WebCrawlers
  3. Search Engines
  4. Studies

C5. Hints for Programming Assignments: Source Code and links

  1. Traverse a directory structure Simplistic and incomplete code click here and more complete code click here.
  2. Checksums and hashes Adler-32 checksum. CRCs.
  3. Porter's stemming algorithm with links and source code
  4. PATRICIA trie original paper click here. click for local (pdf) copy.
  5. Trie vs Hashing comparison PDF version.
  6. How to create a directory (C function call) Click here.