Subject 3 has a number of typos. The ones that have been caught by the instructor are listed below. Please revise your printouts. Sep 30, 2004 1: Page 18, Algorithm Color 1, line 3 (k-th lsb of c(i) should read (k-th lsb of c(i)) i.e. missing right parenthesis 2: Page 26, line before the listing of LIST3 "summarized LIST2A" There is no LIST2A. It means "summarized LIST3" 3: Page 26, step 1 of algorithm LIST3 "until problem;" delete the ; to read "until problem" 4: Page 27, line 8. "steps of List3 and thus form List2" It reads better if we say "steps of List2 that will complete the description of List3". 5: Page 27, last line. "of size of at least" It is better if it says "of size at least" 6: Page 29, third line of Proof and also last line of Ruling_Set. "Task1" There is no such Task1 Replace by "Ruling_Set"