Information and News (Fall 2002)

  1. Semester is over Enjoy the holidays and the break. Best wishes to those who graduate.
  2. Exam Exam grades could be available as early as late Tuesday afternoon, but I promise nothing. Check my office hours for details about office hours on Wed and Thu for those of you who would like to inspect their exams. Note if you call me or send me an e-mail asking for your grade I WILL NOT respond; check it on the Web or come in person to my office.
  3. HW5 Solutions have been uploaded on the Course Web-page.
  4. This Week I am planning to post solutions for HW5 later today (Mon Dec 9) after 6pm; you can pick up HW5 tomorrow or later during office hours. As of now the University have not announced any class rescheduling which means the Thu class is gone and there will be no class this coming Thu Dec 12. My office hours this Week. I'll be in my office most of the time Mon-Fri 10am-6pm. I will definitely NOT be in my office (although I will be at NJIT) the following times that are listed on my Web-page under the READ NOTICE sign/link that is hard to miss.
  5. Homework 5 If the University is open tomorrow Fri Dec 6, 2002, then you can drop it by anytime between 10am through 6pm; if i am not in my office slide it by under my door. If the University is closed tomorrow then and only then can you submit the homework on Monday Dec 9, same time, same way. On Monday night I will post solutions for HW5. If the University do not decide whether the class is going to be made up next Thursday, I will announce a meeting next Thursday for a question/answer session related to the midterm. Every time each one of you drops by the final or HW5 will also fill secretly a course evaluation form. Details will be announced later.
  6. University to Close today Thursday Dec 5 It was just announced (Dec5 , 12:32) that the University will close after 2pm, so all classes beginning after 1:40pm including evening classes are cancelled. Homework 5 will not be due today. More information with details will be posted shortly.
  7. Final Exam The final exam was uploaded as scheduled at noon time.
  8. Snow on Thursday As of now (10:39am on Thu Dec 5) there are no plans for class cancellations. The exam will be uploaded as scheduled
  9. Final Exam I'll make the exam available on the web at noon time on Thu Dec 5.
  10. Typos Subject 10. There were reported some minor typos in Subject 10. They relate to the upper bound for i in string searching algorithms. In most cases (Naive Matching line 1, Rabin-Karp line 8) the upper bound in a for loop looks like i < n-m instead of i <= n-m. Boyer-Moore and KMP look OK (so far).
  11. Final Exam. The final exam will be handed out in class on Thursday next week (Dec 5); an electronic copy will be made available later that day or the following day on the course Web-page. There will also be a course evaluation next Thursday. The final exam is take home and due no later than 6pm Monday December 16 at instructor's office (GITC 4213). As an alternative, I could accept a Postscript or PDF file, provided that they are compiled from a text source and i can view it, print it and send you an acknowledgement of safe receipt and normal printing before the deadline. In such a case you will be graded based on what I could print rather than what you thought I had received/printed. If you send an e-mail attachment you should use the course account NOT my alexg personal account since then I can guarantee a total-mess and NON safe receipt of your e-mail.
  12. Tue Nov 26 class Don't forget that there will be a class on Tuesday Nov 26; the University follows a Thursday schedule on Tuesday!
  13. Mon Nov 11 Web-server and e-mail problems because of AFS server breakdown (it affected a subset but apparently not all NJIT users). It did affect my Web-site.
  14. Midterm Class Performance Available in protected area (Nov 2).
  15. Textbook Coverage
    1. Chapter 16.3 (pp. 385-392) Huffman codes.
    2. Chapter 28
    3. Chapter 30
  16. HW3 Extension By popular demand, HW3 deadline is EXTENDED to Thur Nov 1 (one week extension). BTW, read the following three messages as well.
  17. Lect Oct 18 Yesterday the discussion on the normalized form of integers and other numbers followed Subject 5, page 21. An exposition (in full) of inversion for integers can also be found on page 22 and on of Subject 5.
  18. Typo Subject 4 On page 28 of Subj 4, Lemma Error says 1/g- yi <= g ... . Intead of g times the rest I should have written g**(2**i-1), as we did in class yesterday. The remainder of the discussion however is not affected. (Oct 18).
  19. Homework 1 is Web available It was uploaded at noon on Tue Sep 12.
  20. Potential e-mail problems III E-mail seems to have been restored (Wed 10:00pm, Sep 11).
  21. Potential e-mail problems II They were a result of a particular machine being removed from current DNS records; the situation hopefully has been resolved but will gradually correct itself.
  22. Potential e-mail problems E-mail sent today to the course e-mail address may be experiencing delays. Please send an e-mail to the instructor's account directly ( Time posted: 3:40pm on Tue Sep 10.
  23. Classroom The classroom is in the basement of Kupfrian (Old University Hall).
  24. Spring 2002 News: click here.