Information and News (Fall 2003)

  1. Exam Developments So far things have been quiet. There is a snowstorm right now (noon Sun). Given the developments later today and tomorrow, I'll update this site with new information. (Dec 14)
  2. Take Home Exam is out. You may find it in section C of the handout section (homeworks are section A). (Dec 4)
  3. Clocking on AFS For the programming part click here.. (Dec 3, 22:20)
  4. HW5 Programming Please don't send me with your code the two text files candc10.txt and clusa10.txt. I have them! You will also save my mailer from crashing or other unhealthy behavior!. (Dec 1)
  5. Teaching Note Rabin-Karp was added in the protectd area. (Nov 26)
  6. Programming Rabin-Karp As i mentioned in class, be careful with mod P calculations and comparisons. 6 and -4 are different as integers; mod 10 however they are "equal" i.e. they are equivalent. So if the pattern fingerprint is 6 and you get a text fingerprint of -4 do not dismiss it. -4 plus 10 is indeed 6. For Rabin-Karp your algorithm implementation may not have the "tough theoretical" performance characteristics we introduced in class, i.e. you can choose you prime p modestly. (Nov 25)
  7. Teaching Notes Besides the Randomize Qsort teaching note, one more was added in the protected area related to random fingerprints. (Nov 25)
  8. FinalExam Info The final exam will be handed out in the last class, next week. However it will also be posted on the course Web-page around noon time, that same day. You can read/inspect the exam and ask questions in the second half of the class on Thursday running from 7:45pm and on. The exam is DUE BY Mon Dec 15, 6pm in print at my office (GITC 4213). WE START HYPOTHESIZING NOW: If the last class is cancelled due to snowstorm (it happened last year), the exam will still be readable in electronic form. If you can't print an electronic version you could still pick a hardcopy from me. However make sure you check my office hours link for availability in such a case and also this link for additional news. The same thing applies to a snowstorm senario for Mon Dec 15. The exam is DUE BY MONDAY, not on Monday; you can turn it in earlier. If there was a snowstorm that Monday, I could accept electronic submissions provided that: (a) are in PDF or Postscript or some not very recent .doc version, (b) they are not scanned images that take 10 minutes to print per page, and I it is possible to print the electronic document without problems. END OF HYPOTHETICAL SENARIOS. (Nov 25)
  9. Theorem RandomQsort (typo) In the notes I claim the expected number of comparisons is $2nH_n$. It should have been at most that much, and the proof in the notes does so. However one could prove that the number of comparisons is $2nH_n + Theta(n)$. Go to the protected area and read Teaching Note 1 after the solutions for Homework 4. (Nov 25)
  10. GMP Programming and Red Hat Linux 9 GMP is preinstalled, so i didnot need to install myself!
  11. GMP Programming It has been brought to my attention that one cause of error in printing occurs when one mixes regular printf statements with gmp printf statements. If you avoid doing this, then the negative sum of positive integers problem can be avoided.
  12. Problem 6 HW3 The statement for Problem 6 is incorrect. An update has been posted in the handouts section. A separate statement for that problem is also available there.
  13. Oct 9 Lecture The parallel algorithm material can be found in Subject 6 and Subject 12 of the on-line available notes.
  14. Subject 6 Some typos are to be corrected and the new revised edition will become available in the protected area later today (Thu Oct 9) clearly marked with a note on what typos were fixed.
  15. Homework 3 is out.
  16. Lecture MaterialOct 9/Oct2: Some material on polynomials and parallel computing is not in the textbook (CLRS) although some may be in the older version (CLR). However all the material is available in the on-line notes Subjects 5,6, and 12.
  17. Office Hours today Tues 30 Sep Please check instructor's web-page for changes that affect the early afternoon time only.
  18. Homework 2 (Bubblesort) The textbook pseudocode for BUBBLESORT was added as a link in the Homework 2 section for those who have CLR.
  19. Homework 2 is out today (Sep 25,2003)
  20. Fall 2002 News: click here.
  21. Spring 2002 News: click here.