Copyright by A. Gerbessiotis (2002). All rights reserved.


  1. Recurrences/Asymptotic Notation/ Sums This link contains some helpful material on these topics.


Homework Hints Click Here.

  1. Homework 1. In Postscript and PDF . Form A required for Homework 1 can be accessed through this link.
  2. Homework 2. In Postscript and PDF .
  3. Homework 3. In Postscript and PDF . NOTE THE DUE DATE.
  4. Homework 4. In Postscript and PDF .
  5. Homework 5. In Postscript and PDF .

For solutions go to the password protected area.


Exam Hints Click Here. NEW LINK

  1. Exam 1 (Midterm) In Postscript and PDF . (Uploaded!)
  2. Exam 2 (Final Exam) In Postscript and PDF . (Uploaded) The 8 problems are grouped into a group A of 6 problems and a group B of two problems. You solve any 5 of the 6 Group A problems for 200 points total. You solve ALL the Group B problems for 100 points total. Read the instructions on the first page carefully; read the instructions in bold font on pages two and three of the exam. All three pages are clearly marked.

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