Information and News

  1. Final Course Grades They will be forwarded to the Registrar's office sometime on Thursday (most likely) but definitely no later than Friday. You can connect to the Registration system to be informed on the grades late on Thursday or Friday. If there are any questions I'll have office hours on Mond 11-noon (Check my Web page). Best wishes and Enjoy the summer
  2. Solutions for HW5 have been made available.
  3. Solutions HW5 Will be posted this coming Wednesday (5/1) on the course web-page.
  4. Subject 8 The code on page 13 (LongestPrefix) had a typo. Lines 14-15 are in the same block and have been enclosed in braces (line 15a) has been added. These corrections were made on April 24 around noon, and were posted on the Course Web-page around this time. Revise your downloaded notes to reflect this change.
  5. Final Exam The final exam is a take home exam. I will hand it out earlier than planned. The exam will be out on Tue May 7, 2002, 6:00pm local time on the Web and will be due no later than Tue May 14, 2002, 6:30pm local time, in my office (GITC 4213). The exam will be posted on the course web-page in the handouts section (same place where the homeworks and the other exams were posted). The exam is due NO LATER THAN 6:30pm on Tue May 14, 2002 in MY OFFICE (GITC 4213). That Tuesday i will be in my office from 4pm through about 6:45pm. You are given a 7-day timeframe to complete the exam on the understanding that two-three day will be missed due to other final exams. If you have another exam around the due day/time turn in the exam earlier. No late exams will be accepted. If you can't make it during the
  6. E-mail Submission of Final If you have another exam around the due day/time turn in the exam earlier. No late exams will be accepted. If you can't make it during the posted office hours, I'll accept e-mail submissions as long as they are in one of two formats: Postscript and MS Word, and I can verify printing them without any problems. As soon as you send an e-mail with your final, I'll send you an acknowledgement of receipt. As soon as i print your submission without problems, then and only then will I accept your final, and let you know in a separate e-mail that you final has been accepted. The burden is on you to make sure that this process completes before the due date
  7. Office Hour Schedule Summary (exam period)
    1. Mon May 6 10-11am, 4-5:30pm (no change)
    2. Tue May 7 no office hours (Fri schedule)
    3. Mon May 13 3:30-5:30pm only (changed)
    4. Tue May 14 4-6pm
  8. Subject 5 Typo Page 17, algorithm SOLVE_AXB, line 4 of the pseudocode. The boundaries for i should be 1 and d+1 not the indicated 0 and d. One could write the loop for(i=0;i< d+1;i++){ or equivalently for(i=1;i<=d;i++){.
  9. Midterm Perfomance Estimates Information is available in the protected area. The exams will be returned on Tue (Mar 26) in class.
  10. Inversion and Newton Raphson More information on the March 13 lecture, can be found in the Appendix of the new Subject 5 that will be uploaded soon.
  11. Mar 8
  12. Midterm has been uploaded. Mar 8
  13. HW 3 solutions are available through the section D (Solutions) link. Mar 7
  14. The Midterm will be made available at noon time on Friday Mar 8. It's due by the beginning of class the following Tuesday. The midterm will become available in Postscript and PDF through the Homeworks and Handouts link (Section C). Hints on the midterm or question clarification will become available through Section D (Solutions and Class Notes). Mar 7 final update
  15. 2 Typos in Subject 4 we corrected and an updated Subject 4 has been uploaded. The update is related to material not yet covered in class.
  16. Homework 2 Solutions will become available on Thursday Feb 28.
  17. 2 Typos on page 4(Exponentiation) in Subject 3 Go to the solutions section for more details
  18., These are the course e-mail addresses. Not for example which does not work. Use these e-mail addresses if you expect a prompt response.
  19. Homework 2 Problem 1 Typo that makes S(n) recurrence incorrect. Go to the hints (password protected area) link for more details.
  20. E-mail HW1 An e-mail was sent out on or around 12:30pm on Fri Feb 15. This serves as a confirmation for the grade of Problem 0 in HW1.
  21. AFS problems part II Access to the course Web-page seems to have been restored. All e-mail sent to the course e-mail accounts has been processed.
  22. AFS problems No e-mail has been read since Sun Feb 10, and the course web-page may have been inaccessible due to afs problems. Service is being restored as of now (Mon Feb 11, 10:27) and e-mail messages are being processed.
  23. Homework 1 Comments are available through the handouts and solutions section.