Past Announcements (Fall 2010)
- 10/21 MiniProject MP2 has been uploaded and is available through section B.
- 10/21 Subject 6 has been uploaded in section C.
- 10/18 Exam 1 Solutions have been uploaded. Exam 1 statistics are available
(Section C4). Midterm class performance is available (Section C1). Check if there are any
problems with the points and report them to the instructor.
- 10/14 Exam 1 has been uploaded. Solutions will be posted next Monday.
- 10/11 Exam 1 (midterm) is scheduled for today (Mon Oct 11, 2010). Regular place and
time. See Handout 1 for other logistical details.
- 10/11 Subject 5 (plotting) has been uploaded.
- 10/6 MP1 Mini Project 1 has been posted in section B1.
- 10/5 Midterm The midterm examination(Exam 1) is scheduled for Monday Oct 11.
Check handout 1 for details and logistics (e.g. use of textbook). Exam 1 will roughly cover Subjects
1,2,3,4 that includes the representation of numbers (outside of the textbook) plus material from
the textbook including Chapter 1, Chapter 2 (sections 2.1-2.5, 2.8-2.10, 2.12-2.15), and
Chapter 3 (3.1-3.3). The exam will not cover sections
2.6 (format,fprintf functions), 2.7 (data files), 2.11 (plotting).
- 10/4 Subject 3 (last page, precedence of operators) have been augmented to include two operator
not discussed in class yet and also correct a previous mistake. (This update of Subject 3, affects only page 17.)
- 10/4 Subject 4 has been uploaded.
- 10/1 Course web-page viewing is back to normal (10/1,4:15pm).
- 10/1 The NJIT AFS-related problems are being resolved. Even though I am able to post information
to the course web-page (as of 2:51pm, 10/1), viewing this information is still impossible the traditional
way ( Follow the directions of Handout 0 (use Email problems still persist.
- 10/1 PS3 with solutions has been uploaded.
- 9/27 PS2 with solutions has been uploaded.
- 9/23 Subject 3 has been uploaded.
- 9/21 Quiz 1 and Quiz 1 solutions have been uploaded. Quiz 1 statistics are also available (section
- 9/20 Subject 2 has been uploaded.
- 9/13 Practice problem set PS1 has been uploaded in section C.
- 9/2 Subject 1 has been uploaded.
- 8/30 Handouts 0, 1, and 2 are available for download through section B2 of the course web-page.
Handout 0 is the class FAQ (minus the password that is only available in the hard copy handed out
in class), Handout 1 is the syllabus, and Handout 2 is programming guidelines to be followed for the
two mini-projects. In addition Subject 0 is available for download through section C6.
- Textbook MATLAB Programming for Engineers by
Stephen J. Chapman, 4th edition, CL-Engineering. ISBN-10: 049524449X ,
ISBN-13: 978-0495244493.
- First day of classes is Monday Aug 30, 2:30pm.
- 8/23 Page under consutruction.