12/7 Stats for Qz4, Sample Solutions for EX2 (Fall 2011, 5 problems)
are available.
12/6 Sub 11 and 12
have been posted; note that most of Sub 9 and all of 10 will not be covered in class (they were
material outside of the textbook anyway).
12/4 Quiz 4 and its solutions
have been posted.
12/3 PS7
has been posted
11/21 Qz3 and MP2
Quiz 3, its solutions and Statistics are now available in Section C. In addition,
sample solutions for MP2 are also available in Section C as well.
The quizzes will be returned next Tue Nov 27; grades for MP2 will be emailed this
11/16 Sub 8,9,10
have been posted in Section C.
11/15 PS6 is out
It has been posted in Section C.
11/08 MP3 is out
You can download it through the Handouts link of section B. The code of Sub4
might also prove useful.
11/08 PS5,Sub6, Sub7 are out
You can download them through the link of section C.
11/6 Class MATLAB diary Reminder
If you missed the Mon Nov 5 class, you can still review of what happened in class through the
link of section C3 of the course web-page (the one pointing to MATLAB source code and Brief
Lecture Summary link). Clicking then on Lectures the most uptodate diary is the one named
003W9_Mon.txt that contains not only a class diary of MATLAB examples but also additional
11/6 Exam 1
Exam 1 and its solutions (including an M-file) has been posted (section C2).
Statistics are available (section C4). Midterm class performance that is
based on Qz1, Qz2, and Exam1 is available through section C1.
Grades will be made available in class today. The exams will be returned
as soon as they are received from the grader.
10/22 MP2
has been posted in section B.
10/22 Qz 2 statistics
are available in section C4.
Oct 19 MP1, etc
Sample solutions for MP1 have been posted (section C3). In addition class notes (MATLAB diary)
are available through the section C3 link as well.
10/17 Qz 2
and its solutions have been posted.
10/9 Sub 4 has been updated
One extra page has been added at the end (page 25, section D14) and one item was
added on page 24 (D12.4).
9/28 Quiz1 and its solutions and Subject 5
have been posted.
9/27 MP1
has been posted and is available through section B.
9/25 PS 2, Sub4
have been posted.
9/24 MATLAB License
AFS licenses seem to have been updated OK. However if you installed MATLAB on a LAPTOP/personal
machine before today, you MIGHT need to update your license number. For example if you downloaded
the 32-bit student version for Windows through
follow the information there after Requesting a new Product Key.
9/24 Subject 3
has been uploaded.
9/24 Class summaries
through Thu 9/20 have been posted through section C3.
9/19 Class summaries
through Wed 9/19 have been posted through section C3.
9/17 Subject 2
has been posted.
9/10 Logging on to empty/strange directory
If after logging on a LAB machine, nothing seems to work, start a terminal
(Applications; Terminal i.e. second option) and in the terminal type
ls. If you see folders that do not look to be yours, eg named var, usr etc,
this might indicate a password expiration problem. Logout,
reset your password (either through a friend, or a PC Mall machine) and things
might work out smoothly next time.
9/10 PS 1 with solutions
has been posted in Section C2.
9/6 Subject 0
was updated; text was added that affected only the last page.
9/4 Section C3
A brief summary of what was discussed today is available through the link of section C3.
9/4 Subjects 0 and 1
have been uploaded in Section C6.
First Day of Classes
First day of classes is Tue Sep 4 at 1pm.
B. Course Syllabus, Homeworks, Programming Assignments and other Handouts
Other handouts that will be common to both sectionsHandouts for CS 101-001 and CS 101-003.
C. Solutions/Exams and Practice Problem Sets with Solutions
Solutions to Homeworks, Exams, Past Exams, Practice Problem Sets with solutions,
and Lecture Note Summaries are made available through this link. that requires a login name and a