CS 101 : Handouts

Copyright by A. Gerbessiotis (2009-2013). All rights reserved.

B1. Assignments

  • Bonus Points Do you want to collect 20 bonus points? Fill in and submit THIS FORM. no later than 18:00 of the second Friday of the semester.
    1. Mini Project 1: MP1 in PDF. (Caution: First download the link and then open the pdf from within Adobe. Sometimes when you open the pdf document in a Web-browser the matrices of v19, v24 might now show well.) (**** 9/24 ****)
    2. Mini Project 2: MP2 in PDF. . Auxiliary file is mp2f1.jpg. cropped result of this image. (**** 10/22 ****)
    3. Mini Project 3: MP3 in PDF. (**** 11/05 ****)

    B2. Handouts

    B2a. Syllabus and Course FAQ

    1. Handout 1 (Syllabus Information) Note that the syllabus contains calendars and class hours for both sections offered by the instructor. Read the information for the section that you will be attending. Adobe Acrobat PDF. (**** Sep 4, 2013 (updated) ****)
    2. Handout 2 (Programming Guidelines) in Adobe Acrobat PDF. (**** XXX XX, XXXX ****)

    B3. Other reference material

    B4. Sample Source Code

    Sample source code in MATLAB related to the Subject notes has been posted in the protected area of the course web-page.

    B5. Postscript and PDF viewers

    You can download viewers for Postscript and PDF files through this link.

    Last modified Nov 5, 2013 at 09:43