CS 101 Section 008 (Spring 2010)

Course Information
Course E-mail: alg101@cs.njit.edu [alg101@oak.njit.edu MAY NOT WORK!] Instructor: A. Gerbessiotis
Office Hours: Click here.
Course Hours: Mon 10:00-11:25am,Thu 1:00-2:25pm Room: GITC 2315C .
Course Assistant: Mohammad Khan E-mail:ashraf1698@gmail.com Assistant's Room: GITC 4325
Assistant's Off. Hours: Monday 4-5pm Tel:(973) 596-TBA

A. Announcements

B. Course Syllabus, Homeworks, Programming Assignments and other Handouts

Please click here. to obtain detailed course information, handouts, homeworks, and download code (in C or C++) for the programming assignments. If you are only interested in obtaining a brief syllabus of the course, you can retrieve it here: Syllabus (in PDF). and in HTML

C. Solutions/Exams and Practice Problem Sets with Solutions