- The file tarCS101.tar is a tar file. - If you computer knows how to deal with tar file and extract information from it use it. - It will create a folder (directory) called CS101 and inside it you will find subfolders with names starting with Sub corresponding to the subject of Section C of the course web page. - How to install tarCS101.tar on a LAB computer. ALL THE COMMANDS BELOW WORK FOR A UNIX TERMINAL. - Go to the directory containing the tar file i.e. http://cs.njit.edu/~alexg/courses/cs101/solutions/matlab/Subject_Code/ - Right-click on it and using Save as or a similar option save it to a known location say Desktop. - Go to Applications, second option and open a Terminal For the commands below the % is the Unix prompt. You DO NOT TYPE IT. IT just shows up. % cd Desktop % mv tarCS101.tar ~ % cd ~ % tar xvf tarCS101.tar % ls will print several folders including CS101 A better way to find all the noise is to type % ls CS101 will print something like Sub1 Sub10 Sub11 Sub2 Sub3 Sub4 Sub5 Sub6 Sub7 Sub8 Sub9 - If you do not know where you are and want to go to those files % pwd % cd ~ and then % cd CS101 or in one command % cd ~/CS101 When you are done, Close the Terminal by say typing exit or quit, or more simply clicking on the X of the top right corner. Thu Sep 27