• FINAL EXAM INFORMATION The CS 332 final exam is EXAM 4. Logistics are in Handout 1 (eg 350pts, 2hours, cumulative). The CS 332 final is scheduled by the Registrar. See link below for the currently available exam schedule. The exam room is NOT (as of this writing on 12/12@09:40) the designated classroom. As of today (12/12) it is a CKB 217 room (and as of today it is scheduled as a Thursday 8:30 in the morning exam). If the exam date changes for any reason the registrar will update the link appropriately. If i know of such a change in advance, I MAY alert you on this (but i usually find it out from you on my way to the exam room). http://www.njit.edu/registrar/exams/finalexams.php, Seating arrangements are as follows rx332f19.txt,
    MAKE SURE THAT YOU SWITCH OFF ALL MOBILE DEVICES (CELL/MOBILE PHONES,COMPUTERS, DIGITAL PORTABLE DEVICES) before entering the EXAM ROOM. The material that will be covered includes Subjects 0 through and (inclusive of) Subject 12. Note that parts of Subject 13 were covered in Subject 10. This means that Chapters 1-12 are in the final, but not Chapter 15. Also note that the Subjects have additional material not covered in the textbook at all or only covered in the textbook in less detail (eg forks).