CS33 Principles of Operating Systems (A. V. Gerbessiotis)

CS332 Web-page (Section 005, Fall 2019)

Course Information
Course Email: alexg+cs332@njit.edu (subject line per Handout0) Instructor: A. Gerbessiotis
Office Hours: Current Semester Office Hours.
Course Hours: Tue/Thu 2:30-3:50pm Classroom: KUPF 106.
Course Assistant: Dhrumil Shah Assistant's E-mail: das98+cs332@njit.edu
Assistant's Room:GITC 4403 (TA room) Assistant's Off. Hours: Tue 1:20-2:20pm
Assistant's Tel:(973) 596-NotAvailable

SECTION A. Announcements

SECTION B. Course Syllabus, Handouts, and other Home-based work

SECTION C. Solutions/Exams and Practice Problem Sets with Solutions

Last modified Dec 22, 2019 at 00:01

Disclaimer The material of this web-page is purely optional. It is not required to study it. It is provided as is. Classroom attendance is strongly recommended, and so is studying the designated textbook.