Course Information
FINAL EXAM INFORMATION The CS 332 final exam is EXAM 3 (350pt in 120minutes). The CS 332 final date (and time) is set by the Registrar. Check the registrar's web-page for information about the final. This semester it will take place in canvas with proctoring by ProctorU Record+ just like EXAM 1 and EXAM 2. It is a cumulative exam, longer and with more points. Instructions are similar to those of the two previous exams and are available in Section C of the course web-page. READ THEM! (Note that mobaxterm adds from time to time a special character that shows up as an A with a hat/circumflex symbol on top of it!) Moreover be reminder about the more detailed Document 2 re every exam and the final: If you get caught with headphones or other headgear that has not been preapproved per Document 2, Exam 3 will get automatically 0 points.