CS332 Public Information (Spring 2023)

Copyright by A. Gerbessiotis (2019-2023). All rights reserved.

B1. Homeworks and Exams

B2. Course Documents

B3. Other Reference Material

You may find the following material useful.

  1. Linux for Beginners (pdf) , by J. Puls and M. Wegner, University of Muenchen, Germany.
  2. Linux Tutorial (web) University of Surrey, UK.
  3. Introduction to Linux (pdf), by A. Abaris, Boston University.
  4. YWCC @NJIT Computing Requirements. CS Department computing requirements are those of the College.
  5. Connecting to *Nix at NJIT, by A. Gerbessiotis, NJIT, 2021.

Last modified Jan 17, 2023, 14:22

Disclaimer The material of this web-page is purely optional. It is not required to study it. It is provided as is. Classroom attendance is strongly recommended, and so is studying the designated textbook.